Saturday, 5 April 2014

We are living in an era of social love ( Luc Ferry)

The French philosopher Luc Ferry* is speaking of the revolution of love, which has been going on a couple of centuries, especially in the western world. He describes the change of the marriage of convenience into a marriage of love. He describes how the first humanism: room for thinking is making room for the second humanism: room for social services, the neighbors, voluntary work. He is speaking of how the attention for our own family is making room for the focus on fellowmen. He even says Europe has become the cradle of this love. He seems to be a new prophet of hope. Does he have a point ? I am asking this as well because my country is in the eyes of some countries, a land of decadence. I don’t think we deserve this?
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I would like to comment on this.
In this world of crisis and pollution, pessimism and apostasy, of stock exchanges raping human standards, Luc Ferry is saying: mankind can have hope, man has developed love in an higher level, especially in Western countries.

What these Western countries have been doing in the rest of the world,  how they have become rich in poor countries, how dominantly they have imposed their will, out of pride and arrogance is a subject for another blog.

But for now I say: Western society has built a network of facilities for vulnerable, unemployed and poor fellowmen. One has protected disenfranchised by laws, one heals the sick and houses the elderly against cold and hunger.

These societies have understood the message of Christ very well. They put into practice what Christ impressed on man:

" You have visited the sick, you visited Me. You helped the poor, you have helped Me, because what you do the least of Mines, you do to Me"

In fundamentalist Christian circles, for example, one thinks the Netherlands is a country of Sodom and Gomorrah. With her free prostitution, her gay marriage, her mild sentences, her policy on drugs, on euthanasia and abortion. It seems to be a horrible country.
But We in the spiritual world have a different perspective. This country has blown up some taboos, and has created by trial and error a loving society, with the least number in the world of unwanted pregnancies of young girls, not by abortion but by good information on contraceptives, where men no longer dominate women, where a  gruesome dying may choose a gentle death. The country with the most volunteers in the world taking care of strangers with a charity, in the rest of the world only practiced within the family.

Luc Ferry has a legitimate message. Independent and free thinking through education and political freedom, social services and good laws , and a severe attitude on corruption have made the Netherlands into a land of milk and honey, and from Our perspective a cradle of love and respect for fellowmen and for the free will.

" You have visited the sick, you visited Me. You helped the poor, you have helped Me, because what you do the least of Mines, you dot to Me. "

Luc Ferry is calling Europe a cradle of new love and speaks of a revolution of love. The Scandinavian countries and the Netherlands are in this matter guiding countries in the world. Countries of hope and love. Indeed  a promise for mankind.

Luc Ferry may be blessed, his writings may be blessed, his readers may be blessed.

My blessings to you all

* About love . A philosophy for the twenty-first century