Sunday, 27 July 2014

Always be on your guard


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I will be pleased to go into it.

When you move into traffic, you’ll always pay attention. How could it be otherwise, when you’ll cross over, you may be hit by a car. Or when you drive in your car,  you can get a crash within a second. A small child you are watching carefully.

In your spiritual, inner, and earthly life, that’s how it is.
We see you live, and see you do not pay attention at crucial moments. And afterwards you are left holding the baby. And then one will even sometimes blame God.

You have a weakness for alcohol, and think: one drink will not hurt.
You are tired and response irritatedly to an innocent passer-by who bumped into you.
You are hungry and grab the bag of chips.
You are sexually aroused and do not look at the reactions of your lust object.

At such moments, the silly ego and the devil are waiting for your candour and will pull you into the damp basement of the unconscious.
Instead it is all you have to say: God, be close to me, and you will see crystal clear the right next step.

The glass will be left behind or will be accompanied by yourselves with: just this one.
The fatigue will be isolated and you will remain friendly to the passer-by.
Hunger will be recognized and you will take something healthy, simply because you are too fat.
You are sexually aroused and will see crystal clear the fragile feelings of your object of lust.

And all goes well. God remains with you.
The silly ego and the devil, those clever ape of God, will beat a retreat.
Do not be naive.
Always exercise cautiousness on extreme moments.
Be aware of God.
Ask the spiritual world to support and help.
Recognize the clever tricks of the devil.
The first step you can leave behind easily.
The second step on the bad path will ask automatically for a third step.
Be alert.
Instead of entering the damp dark basement of evil you will remain in the sunny backyard of God.

My blessings to  you all

* Alan Ames

Through the Eyes of Jesus, Volume 3, page 50

Sunday, 20 July 2014

God sees hearts as we see faces

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I will, My son.
God sees your heart, where you only see faces.
God sees all that is in your heart.
What you accept openly.
But also your hidden desires and passions.
They also have a place in your heart.
And God is respecting them all.
But you for yourselves aren’t respecting these hidden passions and desires.

Things which you do not frankly admit.
Things like possession, power or sex.
Things which are fully respected by God.
For God knows: where your heart is, is your path.
And even though this path follows dark corners and accompanied with major mistakes, it's still your path.

For God wants you to follow your own path, walk your own path, make your own mistakes.
For God knows your heart will bring you, even through major detours, to life, to the truth, to God.
Sooner or later, here on earth or in the spirit.

Because the free will is sacred with God.
And your free will, and your heart together are yours only, are your path, are your independence, are your life experience, are your destiny, are your little truth.
And eventually your little truth will bring you to the Great Truth, to God.
There is no other way.

Therefore, is God respecting everything in your heart, even if you don’t respect it for yourselves.
God loves your heart and its content.
You all feel beloved for this.

My blessings to you all

Monday, 14 July 2014

Deceased parents are mediators of their children for God

I have often seen  people losing their parents subsequently are doing quite well afterwards, despite the grief.
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I will comment on this.
When a father or mother passes from the temporal to the eternal life, they almost always will choose to stay connected with their children. They continue to play a role in protecting their children on earth. They have literally become a mediator of their children for God.

Basically, this is how it works.
Sometimes they for themselves need help when the parents are spiritually and seriously derailed.
Parents are thus mediator for God until their children for themselves have passed into the spiritual world. After this parents are free to go for new tasks.

Does God need this mediation?
Do children need this mediation?
Is their fate changing then, just because their parents are mediating for God?
Are they doing better just because their parents have deceased?
Is this supposed to be fair?

This is a way of contemplating on it.
Parents on earth may support the scoutingclub.
Parents on earth may support a school, in the library or at the pedastrian crossing.

Why not can deceased parents support God in the spiritual world?
They strengthen by their prayer the connection between the spiritual world and their children on earth.
They help God and Its servants with a positive influence on the personality of their children.
They are in difficult periods an extra energy and an additional link between the assistance from the spiritual world and the suffering child.
They support literally God and the soul and the guardian angel of their children with all kinds of tools.

And you have observed quite rightly many people on earth are experiencing more prosperity, more spiritual progress and find more power to live life  after the death of a parent.
Thanks to their deceased parent(s), who have become a mediator for God on behalf of their children on earth.

My blessings to you all

Saturday, 5 July 2014

The legacy of Great Models

Hear how birds
Are whispering about nostalgia
For his step and voice *

I saw this text on a tombstone in a graveyard in the village Kootwijk.
The text touched me deeply.
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I do like to elaborate on this text.
The author of this text was referring to Christ.
Still, I'd rather go into the intense nostalgia of mother earth and her creatures for every God realized man.
I refer also to all great spirits, souls, prophets, saints, gurus on earth before and after Christ who walked about on this earth.

Why not just Christ?
Was He not the great Son of God?
Was He not the most holy prophet?
Was He not God Himself in His realization of the Will of the Father?
Did He not heal and perform miracles in the name of the Father?
Was He not the only One?

In previous blogs I have already said you all need inspiration and examples of hope. And no separation between men and quibbles and the-one-religion-is-better-than-the-other-mentality.
Men are all children of God and therefore all brothers and sisters.
That's why I am widening this beautiful text, useful for all men of all denominations.

Hear how birds
Are whispering about nostalgia
For his step and voice

The earth is yearning for redemption.
The animal world is longing for wholeness, realized by mankind.
The plant world is yearning for respect for her work by the crown of creation.

And the great saints and gurus have walked around the earth.
And inspired the earth with their steps and voice.
And lifted it up.
And lovingly whispered to it.
And by their lives spoken of God.
And followed the will of the Father-Mother.

And blessed their surroundings.
And hallowed the ground under their feet.
And blessed the air with their voices.
And have been an example for their fellow men.
And have brought hope on earth.

And I let all people know they were not the last.
Many are called, and many will follow.
Because the way of man, of every human being, of humanity is to become Son or Daughter of God.
The path of humanity is to be the crown of creation and to behave as such.
The way of man is to lift up and inspire the animal and plant world.

And so it will be.
There is no other way, sooner or later.

My blessings to you all

* Author: E.Gast