Saturday, 5 July 2014

The legacy of Great Models

Hear how birds
Are whispering about nostalgia
For his step and voice *

I saw this text on a tombstone in a graveyard in the village Kootwijk.
The text touched me deeply.
Would you like to comment on it? 

I do like to elaborate on this text.
The author of this text was referring to Christ.
Still, I'd rather go into the intense nostalgia of mother earth and her creatures for every God realized man.
I refer also to all great spirits, souls, prophets, saints, gurus on earth before and after Christ who walked about on this earth.

Why not just Christ?
Was He not the great Son of God?
Was He not the most holy prophet?
Was He not God Himself in His realization of the Will of the Father?
Did He not heal and perform miracles in the name of the Father?
Was He not the only One?

In previous blogs I have already said you all need inspiration and examples of hope. And no separation between men and quibbles and the-one-religion-is-better-than-the-other-mentality.
Men are all children of God and therefore all brothers and sisters.
That's why I am widening this beautiful text, useful for all men of all denominations.

Hear how birds
Are whispering about nostalgia
For his step and voice

The earth is yearning for redemption.
The animal world is longing for wholeness, realized by mankind.
The plant world is yearning for respect for her work by the crown of creation.

And the great saints and gurus have walked around the earth.
And inspired the earth with their steps and voice.
And lifted it up.
And lovingly whispered to it.
And by their lives spoken of God.
And followed the will of the Father-Mother.

And blessed their surroundings.
And hallowed the ground under their feet.
And blessed the air with their voices.
And have been an example for their fellow men.
And have brought hope on earth.

And I let all people know they were not the last.
Many are called, and many will follow.
Because the way of man, of every human being, of humanity is to become Son or Daughter of God.
The path of humanity is to be the crown of creation and to behave as such.
The way of man is to lift up and inspire the animal and plant world.

And so it will be.
There is no other way, sooner or later.

My blessings to you all

* Author: E.Gast