Can I ask You something?
I notice it often with myself, but also with others we are dealing with emotions oddly.
They are inflated, they are oppressed, they are convicted, or considered to be too important. We feel badly and draw conclusions at the moment. And afterwards it turns out to be incorrectly. After they have passed away, there will be good days again.
In short, we struggle with them.
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I would love to.
“People are suffering from the
colourfulness of their emotions”
I can not make it easier.
Emotions are not accepted.There is made a distinction between positive emotions, which are always okay and negative emotions, which should disappear quickly.
And the bigger the neurosis, the more psychiatric one is, the stronger the struggle.
But the struggle is for every human being great.
Unless ... this man has developed a different attitude to emotions.
And one no longer is bottling them up.
An attitude of freedom, space, understanding, love.
If man is letting flow everything,
they can flow, and they can give good information about the inner and
outer world. If you have then positive emotions, you enjoy it while it lasts.
If you have negative emotions, you let them, while it lasts.
And in the meantime one is not drawing any conclusions.
In this way you are living life fully.
Then you are free.
The way you are dealing with the weather in the Netherlands: the weather
is always good.
If the sun shines, you'll enjoy the warmth. If is it too hot, you accept this resigned.
Is it blowing hugely, you like to feel the muscles in your calves when you cycle.
If it is raining, you're happy for nature to stay green.
If it ... in short, the weather is always good.
The weather is not determining your life, not your mood, not your attitude, not your happiness.
So for now the changing weather of the emotional world.
Then you are free.
My blessings to you all