Saturday, 30 August 2014

Emotions are some

Can I ask You something?
I notice it often with myself, but also with others we are dealing with emotions oddly.
They are inflated, they are oppressed, they are convicted, or considered to be too important. We feel badly and draw conclusions at the moment. And afterwards it turns out to be incorrectly. After they have passed away, there will be good days again.
In short, we struggle with them.
Would You like to comment on this issue? 

I would love to.

“People are suffering from the colourfulness of their emotions”

I can not make it easier.
Emotions are not accepted.
There is made a distinction between positive emotions, which are always okay and negative emotions, which should disappear quickly.
And the bigger the neurosis, the more psychiatric one is, the stronger the struggle.
But the struggle is for every human being great.
Unless ... this man has developed a different attitude to emotions.
And one no longer is bottling them up.

An attitude of freedom, space, understanding, love.
If man is letting flow everything,  they can flow, and they can give good information about the inner and outer world.
If you have then positive emotions, you enjoy it while it lasts.
If you have negative emotions, you let them, while it lasts.
And in the meantime one is not drawing any conclusions.
In this way you are living life fully.
Then you are free.

The way you are dealing with the weather in the Netherlands: the weather is always good.
If the sun shines, you'll enjoy the warmth.
If is it too hot, you accept this resigned.
Is it blowing hugely, you like to feel the muscles in your calves when you cycle.
If it is raining, you're happy for nature to stay green.
If it ... in short, the weather is always good.
The weather is not determining your life, not your mood, not your attitude, not your happiness.
So for now the changing weather of the emotional world.
Then you are free.

My blessings to you all

Saturday, 23 August 2014

There is eternity in store for mankind

Can I ask you something?
When I realize I'm just an earthly being, who will die and cease to exist, and then imagine I will survive thanks to You and will continue to live forever then I get emotional again and again.
Would you like to comment on this surviving thing?

I’d love to.
And I thank you for your repeating emotion. We are always pleased when a human being appreciates his situation and values Our immense role in your life.

You are creatures of evolution. You are temporal beings. So you are bound to earthly laws of birth, life and death, sooner or later.
And God has made you an assistance to overcome death with the help of the spiritual personality. This spiritual personality is growing along with you from the moment of conception, and will take over the lead after our physical death.

And THEN ....
And then there is a future in store for you,  a future of opportunity and wishes, of happiness and growth.
A future in which you can rectify all went wrong on earth, in love and wisdom.
And a future in which you will eventually merge into a new being, together with your Spark of God. And then ... you will become gods, gods creating for themselves.

Because the cosmos is a breeding place for life, for growth, for development, for opportunities, it is an expanding cosmos of love.
And over there a place is waiting for you which God has intended for you.
And earthly evolution is striving for this.
A growth of earthy, primitive apes to eternal creative gods.

So your emotion is appropriate.
Your emotion is a recognition.
Your emotion is based on the truth.
Be blessed.

My blessings to you all

Sunday, 17 August 2014

God loves man

Can I ask you something?
When I imagine how You as God go into our lives, it must be similar to how I go into an ant: so tiny, so limited, so insignificant. Where “do You find the love and the patience to do this?”

That's a good question, and it gives Me plenty of opportunity to rectify.

Is a mother not with love changing the diaper of her baby?
Is a father not cherishing his daughter when she has fallen from her little bike?
Is a doctor not with love taking care of the wounds of his patient?
Is the teacher not with great patience teachings his disciples?
Are you not with much love receiving these blogs from Me and translating them and searching for fine images to support them?

Is God not capable of more love than you all?
Will God not cherish man and take care of man and guide and help and inspire man with much more love and patience?
Is God not reconsidering and foreseeing and guiding the path of man with a lot more patience?
Is God not having a clear plan with man?
Is God not knowing exactly which path to follow, and what promise man is waiting?
God knows infinitely better than you all which future is in your horizon and where to work at.

Do not worry.
God does not know any lack of love.
God does not know any lack of patience.
God does not know any lack of insight.
God is really knowing what It is doing.

But be blessed for your concerns about the supposed workload and problems of God.
It is appreciated.

My blessings to you all


Sunday, 10 August 2014

Revelations of this time

Can I ask you something?

Many people (especially New Agers and spiritual seekers) do know the classic religious books are not final revelations.
The Bhagavad Gita, the Torah, the Bible, the Koran, the writings on the Buddha, these were not the end of God’s messages.
Especially people who have looked further on than their own religion, do know of  Blavatsky, Gurdjieff, Rudolf Steiner, Inayat Khan and dozens of other great revelations.
So and here is my problem and question.

When I read on the Internet or in the newspaper about people hearing voices, having revelations, seeing apparitions, then I always start to feel a little uncomfortable.
And the first thing I think is "it's too much, it seems so subjective, the stories are sometimes so contradictory, maybe they invent everything, recently a story in the newspaper about an old Dutch couple with warnings of Mary, blood tears of saints, stigmata etc. It seems to be all over the top than".

For in all these stories and revelations, and so-called truths are so many contradictions, which brings to one simple conclusion: not everything can be true.
And of course I for myself are feeling very uncomfortable, because I am hearing a voice and have put hundreds of blogs texts on the Internet, so I belong to these today's "tall" stories.

Would you like to comment on this issue?

I would like to.

The truth on earth, as expressed by the prophets, saints, seers, mediums, messengers, like you, is almost always subjective. This is inherent to the state of the Earth and humanity. Because the messages are also determined by how well the people who listen to revelations and messages are capable of putting their own thinking aside. And that's very difficult*.

So almost always the revelations are coloured.
So almost always the revelations are subjective.
So almost always the revelations are a mixture of truth and untruth.
So almost always the revelations are meant for a particular group, they fit within a particular religion, they can only be understood by a certain group of people.

We know this.
We accept this.
This is how We have it in view.
This is part of the grand plan.
This is contributing to God's plan for the earth and for mankind.
This is good.

God does not expect man to perform miracles.
God expects man to listen when God or Its servants speak to man.
And God expects these servants to express it all as well as possible.
That's enough.
And God expects above all those words put on paper to inspire mankind.
Nothing more.
And God expects all those words to be a guide to action, no code or law book.
And God expects mankind not to hurl each other with their truths, and their interpretations and their opinions and their beliefs and their faith.

Because not the words are counting, but the deeds.
Not the faith is counting, but what you do with it.
Not the revelations are counting, but the effect they have on the deeds of man.

So do not feel uncomfortable.
Because your words are indeed coloured and subjective and sometimes untrue.
Not because I do not know the truth.
But because the truth, which I bring you, shall be corrupted by your limitations.

And let every man for himself search for the truth.
And choose from all revelations.
And be content with his own discoveries.
And inspired by his own truths.
Because this is what it boils down to: when man comes after his death in God's driven, he will not be asked what he believed.
He will be asked what he did for the least of Mines, Christ said.

My blessings to you all
*See also

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Kindness is another word for love

Would you like to comment on this quote*?

Yes, I will like to comment on it.
It seems to be insignificant to be friendly getting on with other people.
But it isn’t.
A meeting with the other is an immediate burst of energy, by the temporary contact of two different energy fields. Yours and the other’s.
When kindness is the basis, it incites the best in the other person: compliance, courtesy, sympathy, quietness, confidence, contact, openness and humour.
The explosion of energy is in this way powerful, and comes back immediately to you in the form of energy, encouragement and strength. In that sense being kind is a very good form of wise selfishness: everything is immediately coming back to you, all the positivity you have produced.

And conversely, the same story with unkindness: rejection, walls of misunderstanding and negativity are the direct consequences, for others and for yourself.

Kindness is not the same as experienced courtesy, your fellow man is feeling the difference immediately.
Kindness is pleasure, is compassion, is love.
Kindness is a powerful energy that binds and brings together and gives the deep feeling you are all brothers and sisters.
Kindness is therefore not innocent but a benevolent expression of love.
It is the wish of God.
This aspect of love is cherished by the spiritual world.
It is important and can not be estimated enough.

Try it out, what is working better for yourself and for others.
And kindness is not a feeling, or a quality.
Kindness is a conscious way of life, where one can choose for.
Kindness is a choice of  life.

My blessings to you all 

* Alan Ames
Through the Eyes of Jesus, Volume 3, page 25