Saturday, 23 August 2014

There is eternity in store for mankind

Can I ask you something?
When I realize I'm just an earthly being, who will die and cease to exist, and then imagine I will survive thanks to You and will continue to live forever then I get emotional again and again.
Would you like to comment on this surviving thing?

I’d love to.
And I thank you for your repeating emotion. We are always pleased when a human being appreciates his situation and values Our immense role in your life.

You are creatures of evolution. You are temporal beings. So you are bound to earthly laws of birth, life and death, sooner or later.
And God has made you an assistance to overcome death with the help of the spiritual personality. This spiritual personality is growing along with you from the moment of conception, and will take over the lead after our physical death.

And THEN ....
And then there is a future in store for you,  a future of opportunity and wishes, of happiness and growth.
A future in which you can rectify all went wrong on earth, in love and wisdom.
And a future in which you will eventually merge into a new being, together with your Spark of God. And then ... you will become gods, gods creating for themselves.

Because the cosmos is a breeding place for life, for growth, for development, for opportunities, it is an expanding cosmos of love.
And over there a place is waiting for you which God has intended for you.
And earthly evolution is striving for this.
A growth of earthy, primitive apes to eternal creative gods.

So your emotion is appropriate.
Your emotion is a recognition.
Your emotion is based on the truth.
Be blessed.

My blessings to you all