Saturday, 8 November 2014

Zen: I have beautiful flowers

   I have beautiful flowers

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This tweet can be more than it seems to.
It is a common tweet.
But it is a key to a hidden spiritual Zen truth.
For  sit quietly for the bunch of flowers you received or purchased.
You look at the flowers and look more extensively to the bunch.
And then the following can happen if you open up for it.

The flowers show their beauty to you and their beautiful colours, their abundance.
And then you see the exceptional form, and the splendour of the making, of the creation.
And then wondering will overcome you, wondering about life, about the special, about the beauty of life, the beauty of the form.
And then you are going to experience one big special force is the basis of these flowers, namely the power of God, Life, that this power is from God, Life, ís God, Life.
And then you will experience that you can not háve these flowers. They are independent from you. That they are from themselves, autonomous, powerful flowering.

That they are in their own beauty.

And then you experience they are connected with you, you are actually together, you are in a unity connected, that they are noticing you as well.
And then you feel that they actually are having you, they have more right to have you than you are having them. Because they are more present than you, less complicated and in more surrender.
And then you learn that you are together, that you are in unity.
And then you feel that you are linked in unity with God, with Life.
And then you experience the unity of God, Life.
And then finally you experience that you and the flowers are not from yourselves, but from God, Life. That God, Life  has you all.

And only then you feel what it means to say spiritually : I have beautiful flowers.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 246