Saturday, 30 May 2015

The most personal bond between God and each human being

God has no religion (Mahatma Gandhi)

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Once the time will come churches, religions, ministers and priests, imams and pastors will have disappeared from the face of the earth, such as the ink pot, gas lanterns and wooden bicycles.
But in the meantime in this world in the here and now this can be said:
Nowadays religions and churches, mosques and temples are a necessary link for people to experience faith, to share faith, to be encouraged and to get a better relationship with God, Allah, Brahman, Yahweh etc.
That’s allright because it’s the reality. And the time has not yet come for a religion-free world, not yet. But Mahatma Gandhi, a great son of man, made a visionary statement that will be experienced by everyone once.

And more and are more men will follow their own personal path in their search for God, for the eternal life, for what is hidden behind the scenes of life, in their quest for the spiritual world on earth and in the spiritual spheres .

It does not seem so.
Because one sees fanatical orthodox Jewish believers, dogmatic Christians who expect an end time and the return of Jesus Christ, one sees Muslim terrorists and earthly caliphates.
Yet they all are oldfashioned, even though they will still shock the world with their fanaticism, their orthodoxy, their callous image of God.
They proliferate only just for a short time. Because mankind must heal his own cancers, willingly and later on unwillingly.

After the coming transition period, the New Man will stand up,  after a natural purification of the earth, after the temporary crisis in the field of economy, society, religion and the environmental pollution.
This man will have a different relationship with nature, with the inner self, with society, with God, a most individual band, where no one can interfere. But a band that shows respect and compassion for all.

God will be experienced exactly as Mahatma Gandhi has provided, namely in the inner self, in the heart of man, without the intervention of religions and ministers.

God has no religion

Mankind will be finally and massively have come to realize that God is not only residing in the distant universe, but also in one’s own heart.
And for the record, I sketch not heaven on earth, for the evolution of man, of the earth, of nature will require a much longer time before a heaven on earth will emerge. Man is not straightaway holy.
But very soon indeed the My God, the Spark of God, the Atman, the Adjuster will have acquired Its rightful place in the consciousness of almost every human being.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 277

Saturday, 23 May 2015

The way you are living, is your gift to God

Life is Gods gift to you, the way you are live is your gift to God (Danish proverb)

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This is the truth. It's a Pentecostal Insight.
It is all about the love of God, the Father-Mother, you are giving back to God, to the Father-Mother.
The love you are giving back to life, to your world, to yourself.
It is your inner self, which blooms like a water lily in the mud.
It is the gift to God from you personally.
It is your spiritual answer to what you have received.

It is living in righteousness.
It is honouring God.
It is living in gratitude.
It is living in truth.
It is the feast in honour of the Mother-God.
It is Pentecost.

My blessing to you all

Nr. 276

Sunday, 17 May 2015

The most important Thing lies within us

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us (Henry S. Haskins)

My God, would you like to comment on this?

My son, this message is meant psychologically, but I would like to postpone a broader perspective.
Your past is what God has built according to spiritual and evolutionary laws.
Your future is what God is going to build according to spiritual and evolutionary laws.
And inside you God is dwelling, the My God, the Spark of God.
Your foundation, your Cause, your Guideline, your Everything.
Directly and immediately available, if you wish.

Why should you muse further on about the past?
Why should you continue to wait for the future?
Do know the Inner Greatness is within you.
Do realize the Here and Now.
Do know the Father-Mother is so nearby.
God is in your heart.
Seek the Bosom of God.
And know you are always welcome over There.

Henry Haskins is blessed for sure.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 275

Sunday, 10 May 2015

When a person meditates regularly, a spiritual chapel is built

My God, may I ask You?
I notice there is a special atmosphere in every place where people are coming together with a spiritual intention, from churches to former shop premises for a small Muslim group. Am I right?

My son, that's right.
Someone starts regularly praying or meditating, so for example every week, and does this so consequently, and in the same place, even just in his easy chair.
Immediately, the spiritual world is building a chapel over there, an energetic construction, an opening to the spiritual world, a Gestalt, a spiritual structure, a connection between heaven and earth.
This is done by the spiritual world with joy, with the addition of spiritual energy, with gratitude. Even for one person One is performing this all.

And I want to add two aspects:
  • The more people get involved here, the more the spiritual “minister” in such a meeting is more pure, the more the people are working on this sincerely, the more one is doing this regularly or frequently, the better the spiritual chapel, built over there, is bigger and more powerful. This is a favour, a grace, a law from God.
  • And every human being who is (re)visiting this place, will feel this, will experience this,  will be supported in his focus on the spiritual. Each human being will be helped in this place, to pray or meditate more focusedly  and more powerfully. And someone who is energetically sensitive, will realize this consciously.

This is so, because one has arrived at a place where an opening is created to the spiritual world.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 274

Saturday, 2 May 2015

The rich man and the camel

Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.” Matthew 19:24

My God, may I ask You this?
Aren’t there good-hearted rich people and aren’t there malicious poor people as well? Or did Christ make an important point?
Would You like to comment on this?

My son, the nuance is always good.
Yet Christ made an important point.
Imagine you are rich and you are having a house full of antiques, and other valuables, and you've left for a night away? How strong do you worry about a possible burglary, about the theft of your belongings? Did you already enlist a Security office, are you relieved when you come home and everything is in order?
How concerned is the consciousness of a rich man with maintaining everything?

And the rich man having released all worrying and being ready, deep down, to lose everything is not meant by the Christ.
The point is this.
The desires of the heart are creating the state of the spiritual body, and that body is all there is after the physical death.

Of course a good-hearted rich man is entering heaven easier than a malicious poor man.
Wealth can be a blessing, when the rich man has release everything, when the rich man is sharing, when the rich man is willing to lose his wealth, when the heart of a rich man is focused on other things.

But God sees the deluded rich man on his deathbed and his spiritual body is chained by the shackles of his material desires. Scrooge revisited.
Charles Dickens had a great imagination, but not for the incongruous, but for the hidden spiritual reality of life on earth.
So God asks the rich man: where is your heart focused on?
And the answer determines whether this rich man or the camel is more struggling.
And God asks every human being: where is your heart focused on?
Are the desires of your heart constructing the beauty or the ugliness of your spiritual body?

My blessings to you all

Nr. 273