Saturday, 2 May 2015

The rich man and the camel

Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.” Matthew 19:24

My God, may I ask You this?
Aren’t there good-hearted rich people and aren’t there malicious poor people as well? Or did Christ make an important point?
Would You like to comment on this?

My son, the nuance is always good.
Yet Christ made an important point.
Imagine you are rich and you are having a house full of antiques, and other valuables, and you've left for a night away? How strong do you worry about a possible burglary, about the theft of your belongings? Did you already enlist a Security office, are you relieved when you come home and everything is in order?
How concerned is the consciousness of a rich man with maintaining everything?

And the rich man having released all worrying and being ready, deep down, to lose everything is not meant by the Christ.
The point is this.
The desires of the heart are creating the state of the spiritual body, and that body is all there is after the physical death.

Of course a good-hearted rich man is entering heaven easier than a malicious poor man.
Wealth can be a blessing, when the rich man has release everything, when the rich man is sharing, when the rich man is willing to lose his wealth, when the heart of a rich man is focused on other things.

But God sees the deluded rich man on his deathbed and his spiritual body is chained by the shackles of his material desires. Scrooge revisited.
Charles Dickens had a great imagination, but not for the incongruous, but for the hidden spiritual reality of life on earth.
So God asks the rich man: where is your heart focused on?
And the answer determines whether this rich man or the camel is more struggling.
And God asks every human being: where is your heart focused on?
Are the desires of your heart constructing the beauty or the ugliness of your spiritual body?

My blessings to you all

Nr. 273