Saturday, 31 October 2015

Every deviation is special

I read an interview with psychiatrist Jan Swinkels, who is retiring. This was an important life lesson from his father to him.
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God used evolution as a method for life to develop itself. And if one thing is extremely obvious then it is this: diversity is everything, is main target, is even sacred. Diversity is everything. On a remote mountain, on a remote island,  is a habitat developing of a rare frog species, a rare flower species and a rare insect species only existing over there and totally dependent of another.
And you mankind cherishes it, finds it wonderful, and is awestruck.

So why is this peculiarity less popular among people?
Why are minorities discriminated?
Why are deviating transgenders, African albinos, deformed, atheists, dissenting fellowmen and other races discriminated, suppressed and sometimes eliminated?

Every deviation is special

God loves variety.
God loves all that is deviating from the rest.
Because everything deviating is special.
Everything deviating is a symbol for the power and the splendour and the glory of God.
Everything deviating is a symbol for the richness of evolution.

For, everything deviating has potential and can sometimes become the norm in different times.
Hasn’t everything being normal once started as deviation?
Perhaps that’s the reason why mankind is destroying anything deviating? Because it threatens the status quo?
Everything deviating is a total challenge for mankind and can bring a lot.

All that is deviating is cherished by God and by the spiritual world.
The father of Jan Swinkels is blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr, 300

Sunday, 25 October 2015

The inner world is beyond the outer world (Rilke, 4)

The future enters into us, in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens (Rainer Maria Rilke)

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In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God.
Everything starts with a thought, an idea, an ideal, an intention.
And then it grows and is to be nourished by the spiritual world.
And only then matter is following.

And man, man indeed, is beholding matter, and thinks: this is it.
And it is indeed what it is. It is there. And it is powerful, matter, and it is indeed slightly going it’s own way.
Because once put in motion, it has its own laws and rules, God can not arrange really 1 + 1 to be 3. God likes to uphold Its own laws.
God's laws are there.
And matter follows the laws of God.

Still, it all starts with an idea, a plan, an ideal, an intention, and it all starts in the spiritual world.
The spiritual world knows what to do on earth, what steps, what development there is ahead for nature, for mankind, for everything.
And even though free will reigns supremely, and may follow his own path, it is happening all according to the laws of God.
So God knows how it ends up all, to the left, or to the right, but according to God's plan for the earth.

The future enters into us, in order to transform itself in us, long before it happens

And the future is thought by the spiritual world, and invented and planted as a seed in the heart of life, in the heart of man.
And that seed will grow and unfold to life, to man, through and in spite of his free will.
Thus future arrives again and again in you, with the purpose to transform you, long before it becomes visible in your lives.

God sees it happen.
God has patience.
The mills of God grind slowly.
And whatever man does, eventually the seed will grow, and will become powerful, and matter will conform to it and then it becomes visible in life, in nature, in man.

Therefore, what happens in the heart is always a better guidance than what happens in the mind.
For the heart earlier knows what is meant to be than the mind.
So listen with your mind to your heart and let life unfold itself to you.
Rilke is blessed.
May you all be blessed

Nr. 299

Sunday, 18 October 2015

The ego has to be knuckled under (Rilke, 3)

The purpose of life is to be defeated by greater and greater things (Rainer Maria Rilke)

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Life is great and grand and in every case too big for the ego.
Man with his ego likes to make his world small, clear and tangible.
And that's good. It's pure survival and comprehensible in an uncertain life full of danger.

But then the ego is starting to believe that's it.
And the personality knows and feels there is more to it.
The ego likes to stick to its small and orderly prison.
And the personality knows life around him is greater and mightier and richer than himself.
The ego grabs and wants to control and wants anything to go by.
The personality releases and realizes his limitations.
The ego gropes and grabs and looks for security.
The personality accepts and lets happen and sacrifices.

Therefore Rilke is right, that man must be defeated.
But not man but his ego-prison, just to release him.
He must thoroughly and completely be defeated by life.
But not by a wicked and malicious enemy.

Only just defeated by the full and grand and loving life saying:
Come and experience.
Open your eyes and see.
Leave your small and limited prison behind and step into the great outer world.
Do not be alone anymore and experience the whole.
Rilke is blessed
May you all be blessed

Nr. 298

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Surrendering to life is truly the right way (Rilke, 2)

Let life happen to you. Believe me: life is in the right, always (Rainer Maria Rilke)

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A large part of the problems, the confusion, the struggle, the problems, the suffering and the sorrow of man is inherent to the evolution of life on Earth. What a hazard, what a diseases, what a risk the human being on earth is experiencing.
But Rilke is referring to the other part of the sadness, the grief, the confusion, the difficulties, he is referring namely to the fight of man against life.
And that is an additional and redundant and unnecessary problem.

When one is adapting, releasing, accepting life in his vehemence, life can also be land earlier, flourish better, produce more, help again someone to follow the right path rather than when one is resisting seriously and fighting dramatically.
Exactly as a doctor will get a splinter out of a wound when one sits quietly. Exactly so.

Let life happen to you

Saying yes to everything, even to the great suffering, the bad luck, to misfortune, to diseases.
Stop fighting against what is, where one has to bear it all, to bear what just is happening.
Acceptance of the negative side of life, because this is what it is.
This attitude gives a lot of space, a lot of relaxation, much quietness.
And thus one can begin sooner to experience the other side of the coin of suffering, the learning experience, the understanding, the empathy, the depth of the emotional life, the gentleness comings forth from suffering.

Believe me: life is in the right, always

My son, this sentence is worthwhile a separate blog. I will try to restrict Myself to the heart of the matter.
Life, of course, is not always right, there is intrinsic to evolution so much randomness, bad luck, misfortune, genetic defect, that life really not always is at the right side, fate is sometimes cruel and ruthless and unbearably difficult.
In that sense, life is not always right.
Even though the spiritual world is working hardly to support man in this situation.

But the poet Rilke is referring to something else.
Life is stronger than man.
Life is imposing itself to man.
Life is greater than man.
Life is determining man.
Life is fulfilling itself in man.
Life is supreme and man is a leaf in the wind.

So ... you better can be flexible, what else?
So ... you better can say yes, what else?
So ... you better can adapt yourself, what else?
And believe Rilke, life in this sense is in his right, always.
Rilke may be blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 297

Saturday, 3 October 2015

God is feminine (Rilke, 1)

The deepest experience of the creator is feminine, for it is experience of receiving and bearing (Rainer Maria Rilke)

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Rilke is only partially right.
God is the Father-Mother.
God the Father creates and produces and changes and realizes and radiates.
God the Mother  receives and gives birth and loves and supports and cherishes and softens and mitigates pain and sorrow, and heals wounds.
God the Father and God the Mother are not competing for precedence.

Yet Rilke has a point.
Because in today's world, with the men in power, except for some Western countries, the feminine is needed more than ever.
Therefore, the most essential task of God in this era is the task of God the Mother, of the feminine.
Rilke is a poet and an artist, so was having a good intuition.
Rilke may be blessed

My blessings to you all

Nr. 296