Saturday, 31 October 2015

Every deviation is special

I read an interview with psychiatrist Jan Swinkels, who is retiring. This was an important life lesson from his father to him.
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God used evolution as a method for life to develop itself. And if one thing is extremely obvious then it is this: diversity is everything, is main target, is even sacred. Diversity is everything. On a remote mountain, on a remote island,  is a habitat developing of a rare frog species, a rare flower species and a rare insect species only existing over there and totally dependent of another.
And you mankind cherishes it, finds it wonderful, and is awestruck.

So why is this peculiarity less popular among people?
Why are minorities discriminated?
Why are deviating transgenders, African albinos, deformed, atheists, dissenting fellowmen and other races discriminated, suppressed and sometimes eliminated?

Every deviation is special

God loves variety.
God loves all that is deviating from the rest.
Because everything deviating is special.
Everything deviating is a symbol for the power and the splendour and the glory of God.
Everything deviating is a symbol for the richness of evolution.

For, everything deviating has potential and can sometimes become the norm in different times.
Hasn’t everything being normal once started as deviation?
Perhaps that’s the reason why mankind is destroying anything deviating? Because it threatens the status quo?
Everything deviating is a total challenge for mankind and can bring a lot.

All that is deviating is cherished by God and by the spiritual world.
The father of Jan Swinkels is blessed.

My blessings to you all

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