Sunday, 31 January 2016

The here and now, but away from the issues of the day

I cycled to my work and suddenly I realized that I absolutely did not think anything. It was so quiet inside and so calm. I had to force myself to think anything like "that's a tree" and then it turned out to be quiet inside again. When I had arrived the city and I still wasn’t thinking anything, I saw the city and the streets and then got a strange double sensation. On the one hand I was very much in the here and now and on the other hand, I experienced a kind of timeless something. It seemed as if I remembered that the city existed for centuries and that this city was breathing the experiences of all people throughout the centuries. As if the streets made themselves fully known to me. In the here and now and at the same time I stepped out the issues of the day into a new fullness including the past. I certainly experienced a tremendous sense of historical wholeness.

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My son, I love to.

Do know I have brought you this experience, because it was time for this step! Your thinking can be incorporated gradually into the Bosom of God, into the silence, into the, you call, Rose Court.
Every experience in the here and now is automatically implying a sense of wholeness. And this wholeness is containing the past and the future. In other words, you made contact with the being of this city. You made contact with the wholeness in which the city is located, and thus automatically with her past and her future. Because on another energy level these times are existing simultaneously.

In short, your perception was expanded, welcome to the world of the spirit. And know that when you're in this state of no thinking, the duality is resolved and your ego has been forsaken further on. Your thinking is then more available to Me. You are more open then to the fullness of life instead of to the illusion of the ego.

Be Blessed
My blessings to you all

Nr. 316

Sunday, 24 January 2016

Frenkie get’s sick and is on the mend after all

I started the weekend a few weeks ago with feeling a bit shaky, and yes, Monday night I was hit by hefty sore throat,  a strong nose cold and some fever so I was developing a strong flu. Because I am an expert in this area: runny nose, sore throat, boost, a flu for a few days, you name it. Not very interesting, one could say, but now it comes.
From the past I know that I am then starting to feel so suffocated  that I actually can not lie, as if I am risking of suffocating. That night it was so strong that I did not go to bed, but wanted to try to get through the night sitting up in an armchair downstairs. I got more and more suffocated and said at some point to My God:

“I can not become sick tomorrow, I have a few important things, I will really con people when I'm not in there.
And I beseech Thee, My God, free me from this combination of severe sore throat and complete nose cold, because this combination is really panicking me. Please give me a bad headache or sore throat pain alone or nose cold alone or just terrible stomachache or let me be very afraid or very depressed or very tired? I really will tolerate everything in silence. I beg of you, but not this night and not this combination of too severe sore throat and nose cold, this is too much for me. It is simply too heavy for me, too much for me. I want to do everything for You extra, even emotional suffering, but if you please, not this!”

Rest assured, My son, I know your fear of suffocation. You will not get sick and tonight you will be relieved from your suffocation, rest assured.

It even got worse and worse, but after fifteen minutes the following happened: I felt my pain in the throat getting less and less, and then my nose cold really diminished itself  so  that I fell asleep sitting in my armchair. The next morning I could just go to work and there was nobody duped.
I stayed for the whole next week shaky and with a cold, and a lot of sniffing, but did not become ill.
And I have been very happy and grateful the whole week long for this double answer to my prayer. I did not get sick and did not experience severe suffocation. Oh I was so grateful and happy.

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" Why am I not healed and Frenkie does? ", people may ask?
The answer is simple .
This prayer could be answered simply, and literally and almost immediately.
And the reason is just for Frenkie and Me, for no one else , but this can be said.

Some diseases and some problems can be solved after someone’s prayer. But then there is always a great faith, many forsakings, great sacrifices, much prayer and the grace that an exception is made by God for good reasons. For God knows how many other problems Frenkie is bearing in silence. But this prayer was mentioned to be answered.

And all men’s prayers are always heard, one always receives relief in suffering, one always receives strength and courage, even if the problem is not resolved.
Because prayer works, always, but not according to the wishes of men, but according to the laws and understandings of God.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 315

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Mental and emotional awareness of trees and plants ( 3 , biodiversity)

I once stood before a very beautiful beech, pretty sure two hundred years old. I looked admiringly at the beech and said aloud: " Oh what are you a beautiful tree ! " .

I was overcome by a sense of awe and respect and felt suddenly that this was a very powerful being full of wisdom and consciousness. I got a distinct and clearly strong feeling back what I did not expect. I felt at once a oneness with the beech. The beech made me feel she extremely appreciated that I admired her beauty and that this was one of her tasks: to support mankind. I was very impressed. The feeling the beech had given me stayed with me for days : the unity with that wonderful and living consciousness !

And now I found on the Internet this story of Mike Hernandez *

The grove had a beautiful mix of young and old shade trees, and I especially enjoyed walking by them every morning. I’m not very fond of heat (meaning anything over 63 degrees) and the trees provided a cool shade that made me feel good and helped me wake up enough mentally to prepare myself for the day’s work ahead. Little did I know that one of these trees would change my life forever in a very major way. ……..
I noticed that there was a construction crew with a few backhoes working behind a fenced area located in front of the trees………

As I walked down the sidewalk toward the grove of trees, I happened to glance to my left. To my horror, I saw one of the backhoes knocking and whacking the trees with its long arm, apparently in an attempt to knock them down and clear them from the area. I was stunned. I was speechless. I was horrified……..I immediately felt compelled to run to the grove of trees and stand in front of the larger, older tree. I looked straight up into the tree and said, “Oh my god! Why are they doing this? Why are they trying to tear you down? What’s going on here?!” I was just about in tears.

In a voice that was crystal clear and quite audible in my head, the tree said, “Fear not, my son. There’s nothing to worry about. This is the way of the Universe. This is part of our lives. Do not mourn – be happy instead.” “But they’re tearing you down! Why are they doing that? Oh, no!” I said. At that point I wanted to burst out crying. But the elder tree wouldn’t let me! “Do not cry, my son. This is merely part of our lives as death is certainly a part of yours. Rejoice that we are moving on. Be happy for your life. Be happy that the Creator has blessed you. Do not cry, just laugh. Just laugh.” From that point forward, I couldn’t cry regardless of how much I felt like doing so. All I could do was laugh.

Then something occurred to me. I was talking to the tree! I was talking to the tree!

“How is it that I’m talking to you? Why does your voice sound like mine? Am I going crazy? What’s going on here?” Then the tree said, “This is but one of the many hidden gifts you have that is now ready to reveal itself to you. ……….You will speak to many more trees and have a council of trees that will help you in various aspects of your life from this point on. You will hear them in your own voice so that you can understand what they’re saying to you. You will surely know when a tree is speaking to you.” As he said that, I could feel a very specific tingling sensation and motion in my mind and in the middle of my chest. To this day, I know when I’m truly speaking to a tree because I get this same exact feeling. ……….

To say that I couldn’t believe what had just happened to me is a gross understatement. I felt changed. I felt like a different person. Like a truly blessed person. Elder Native Americans say that you can talk to Nature, to animals and to “the winged” ones if you will only open your mind to do so. They are so right. This brings me to mind a quote I read from Walking Buffalo of the Nakoda first nation (circa early 1960’s):

“Do you know that trees talk? Well, they do. They talk to each other, and they’ll talk to you, if you will listen. Trouble is, white people don’t listen. They never listened to the Indians, and so I don’t suppose they’ll listen to the other voices in nature. But I have learned a lot from trees, sometimes about the weather, sometimes about animals, sometimes about the Great Spirit.”

So now it’s up to You, My God.

My son, thank you for the kick-off.

Everything on earth has consciousness, how could it be otherwise. But that does not mean that a tree has the feelings of an animal or a human being, or that a nettle experiences as much as a beech. Some nuance is needed.

You and Mike have been in contact with the spiritual counterpart of the tree. The spiritual counterpart is having more mental abilities, of course, than the physical tree. Your spiritual body is having generally spoken more power than your earthly personality. And your soul has more capabilities than your spiritual personality, and your Spark of God and God of course even more. And that’s the end of course.

This will be the message in this blog: man sees the physical appearance of plants and trees, but that's only a small piece of reality. Every plant and tree has a spiritual "colleague" as well, who cherishes and cares and loves the earthly appearance. And this spiritual colleagues are in turn supported and nurtured by the devas or group soul of the concerning plant and animal species.
And it is obvious that a nettle, with all respect for this beautiful plant species, has no brains like an animal, and has no emotional life and developed chakras like man has, but this has to be said:

Everything man does with plants and trees, appreciating, growing, breeding, eating, chopping, trampling or polluting is experienced, and this experience is taking place not only physically but also emotionally and mentally. This is done in close connection between the plant, its spiritual counterpart and the devas of the plant or tree.
And this wonderful, spiritual and God-created connection, by evolution refined, must not be underestimated or neglected by man.
  • A tree "experiences" it when man is enjoying him
  • A head of lettuce "knows" when it is bred to be eaten.
  • A plant "likes"  to be picked when it’s needed for healing.
  • A flower lives among other things to be cherished by man for its beauty.
  • A flower "is ready" to live a shorter life when she is picked for a vase, because her beauty then will be more appreciated.
  • A lawn “loves to get informed” there will be mowing or a bush there will be pruning, see blog
  • Plants "appreciate" it, when they are growing in a vegetable garden with a wide variety of flower and plant species.
  • A potato "feels" more limited in growth and prosperity and wholesomeness in a monoculture of potatoes than in a field with other species.
  • Plants in a natural garden "are happier" than those living on the edge of a garden full of tiles.
And the quotation marks are deliberately placed to indicate something. Here is just left open where the mental and emotional experience  is happening, at the physical level (plant or tree itself), at the spiritual level (it’s spiritual colleague) or at the world level (the deva). And left open is as well how the interaction is. This is not the topic now. But emotional and mental experiences from plants and trees are the case.

In short, once, like it’s the case in the gardens of Findhorn ** mankind will  deal with the plants and trees around him with a conscious and respectful attitude. But nowadays there is still much disrespect, laziness, carelessness and cruelty. And the consequences of this attitude are poured out among men.
Decreased resistance, depression, diseases, psychiatric disorders even among young children, mental restlessness and anxiety are just some of the consequences.

The plant world is the second powerful realm on earth, has more historic rights above the realm of men, and is not to be trifled with.

Mike Hernandez is blessed.

May you all be blessed

*The Gift of Talking to Trees, Posted on 01/30/2013.


Nr. 314

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Mental and emotional awareness of animals (2, biodiversity)


I watch my master walk away. I know he is going to kill me. I have seen him shoot other animals. The energy around his body is heavy, filled with sadness. I live only in the moment, so I do not fret. There is only now, and right now I live.
When he comes back, he is carrying a gun. He is very upset. I wag my tail furiously. I am not afraid, even though I know my death is here, I need to work cattle, not live on a chain. I want to run free, chasing on the heels of huge herds of cattle. A dull thud smashes my head to the ground, an explosion of light, and I am up and running. Free as the wind……..*

Is this an useful quote?

Rest assured, well chosen!
Michael Roads is a gifted medium and is very capable of phrasing the thoughts and feelings of animals.
Still it’s all very idealistic and there is a perception of anthropomorphic projection or a perception on a different level than the earth level, and over there much more is possible of course. So the thought and emotional life of man is too much imposed in this example.

But animals do have brains and a certain mental consciousness, with a certain "thinking."
And animals do have a sense of emotional life and experience a lot more in life and also in dealing with man than one suspects.
People dealing intensively with animals can tell you more about this all. And there are plenty of stories.

Such as:
  • A guide dog for the blind sacrificing himself for his blind boss
  • A whale slain by man, and knowing that man does wrong here
  • A pig in his too small loft, nevertheless blaming the farmer nothing
  • A bird in a cage noticing the different feelings of his boss
  • A dog who willingly takes the stresses of his boss
  • A horse feeling someone is afraid for him.
One recognizes man has a life of thought and feeling.
One recognizes man, thanks to evolution, is coming from the animal world.
Why should animal life not experience some thought and emotional life? Possibly different, less, less developed, less strong.

But every animal has a spiritual counterpart, and every species has a group soul who cherishes and nurtures this species. And these group souls or devas are mighty spiritual beings.
Animals are more open to their spiritual counterpart and to their deva than man with his delusions in the thought and feeling area is standing open for his soul.

That is why animals are knowing a storm or a tsunami will show up.
Therefore, birds find their way back flawlessly.
Therefore even insects are observing a greater whole and listening to it.

So who is mankind to despise the thought and emotional life of animals, to neglect or deny it?
There will surely come a time when mankind will live in a more respectful relationship with the animal world, and will treat seriously the thought and emotional life of animals.
The first signs of it can be observed.

My blessings to you all

From Journey Into Nature, p. 83, Michael Roads

Nr. 313

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Mental and emotional awareness of animals and plants (1, biodiversity)

I read this newspaper article.

“In the article about cuddling cows (Trouw, December 30, 2015) I recalled my brother. He was a farmer and had a special bond with his cattle. Especially with a cow, which he had held from the age of calfs. If he had not just hugged the cow before milking, the cow put her left leg forward so that my brother could not connect the milk machine. After the hug she let herself being milked willingly"(a letter writer, January 2, 2016).

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Animals and plants do have an emotional life.
Animals and plants do have an mental life.
Maybe not as developed as the human life, but still.
Actually, there are animal species having a richer feeling and thought life than some individual humans have.
But let’s not focus on primitiveness.
Let's focus on abundance and variety.

The emotional biodiversity on earth has increased dramatically since the arrival of mankind, still plants and animals do have an emotional life for themselves.
The mental biodiversity on earth has increased dramatically since the arrival of mankind, still plants and animals do have a thought life for themselves.

Let's go into this.
Many people think they can treat animals and plants as inferior beings, subordinate and subservient to mankind.
And that's a big misconception.
The animal and plant life are generally underestimated by mankind.
And severely abused.
And severely beaten.
And severely exploited.
And severely destroyed.

And exploitation and abuse and destruction are always coming back to the perpetrator.
The deeds of mankind towards animals and plants are from the perspective of the spiritual world a crime.
And crime has always repercussions, sooner or later.
Mankind can wait for the repercussions, and it will be soon.

Meanwhile, the peasant in the newspaper article is very blessed. He was an enlightened man in this respect, and an example for the future mankind.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 312

Friday, 1 January 2016

A new beginning, a new beginning every day, every day again

“Who is wise? One who learns from every man… Who is strong? One who overpowers his inclinations… Who is rich? One who is satisfied with his lot… Who is honorable? One who honors his fellows.” – Ben Zoma, Ethics of the Fathers, 4:1

My God, if I read this saying from the old Jewish fathers, such a feeling of hope is overwhelming me.
Just as if every day again You let us see the hidden scenes of life.
Just as if we can start all over again every day.
Just as if a great Truth is concealed over there.
A Truth that is just there.
And a Truth especially for us.
A Truth from which we can draw.
A Truth that can shake up our ordinary daily life again and again.
A Truth that allows us to start all over again.
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My son, are these words not all mine?
Are these questions this morning in this new year not all mine?
Am I not the One Who is dictating you all?
Am I not the One Who leads you to this saying?
Am I not the One Who confirms you in this all?

Man, wonderful creation of God.
Man, fruit of earthly limitation.
Man, promised fruit of eternity.
Simple evolutionary creature with Eternity in itself.
And this Self is God.
This Self is the Spark of God, the My God, the Particle of the Eternal God.

Your promise.
Your hope.
Your guarantee for eternal life.
Your chances for surviving the earthly death.

God, Who brings you to new truths.
God, Who brings you to new perspectives.
God, Who brings you to new opportunities.
God, Who brings you to new hope.

You all are getting every day the chance to start all over again.
And every day you get handed all that is necessary for that purpose.
Every day again all opportunities.
Even if it seems not.

And if you will absorb this ancient Jewish wisdom, meant for whole mankind, you will experience immediately new insights, new hope, a new elan, the promise, every day renewed,  of growth, perspective and eternity.
May Ben Zoma be blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 311