Friday, 1 January 2016

A new beginning, a new beginning every day, every day again

“Who is wise? One who learns from every man… Who is strong? One who overpowers his inclinations… Who is rich? One who is satisfied with his lot… Who is honorable? One who honors his fellows.” – Ben Zoma, Ethics of the Fathers, 4:1

My God, if I read this saying from the old Jewish fathers, such a feeling of hope is overwhelming me.
Just as if every day again You let us see the hidden scenes of life.
Just as if we can start all over again every day.
Just as if a great Truth is concealed over there.
A Truth that is just there.
And a Truth especially for us.
A Truth from which we can draw.
A Truth that can shake up our ordinary daily life again and again.
A Truth that allows us to start all over again.
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My son, are these words not all mine?
Are these questions this morning in this new year not all mine?
Am I not the One Who is dictating you all?
Am I not the One Who leads you to this saying?
Am I not the One Who confirms you in this all?

Man, wonderful creation of God.
Man, fruit of earthly limitation.
Man, promised fruit of eternity.
Simple evolutionary creature with Eternity in itself.
And this Self is God.
This Self is the Spark of God, the My God, the Particle of the Eternal God.

Your promise.
Your hope.
Your guarantee for eternal life.
Your chances for surviving the earthly death.

God, Who brings you to new truths.
God, Who brings you to new perspectives.
God, Who brings you to new opportunities.
God, Who brings you to new hope.

You all are getting every day the chance to start all over again.
And every day you get handed all that is necessary for that purpose.
Every day again all opportunities.
Even if it seems not.

And if you will absorb this ancient Jewish wisdom, meant for whole mankind, you will experience immediately new insights, new hope, a new elan, the promise, every day renewed,  of growth, perspective and eternity.
May Ben Zoma be blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 311