Sunday, 29 May 2016

The worst evil is hardness of heart (Erasmus)

My God, 500 years ago Erasmus wrote a critical translation of the new part of the Bible. Actually, he was one of the first to criticize the fossilized religion and became thus a forerunner for Enlightenment. Would You like to comment on this beautiful quote from him?

Is it not you want to say actually, my son, that you didn’t expect this from a critical scholar, a scientist, a thinker? And isn’t this your actual question?
For the rest, the quote is also out of Our hearts.

Erasmus was ahead of one’s time and used his heart.
That proves this quote.
And just because he used his heart he was open to the these times very progressive attitude towards  religion, authority and social laws.
Because he listened to his heart, to his intuition, to his inner self.
For his time, he was very open-minded and one crying in the wilderness.
That he is claimed by modern humanists who most of the time do not believe in God, is seen by the spiritual world with humor.

Of course, the humanists are blessed.
Erasmus is very blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 334

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Back to nature

This picture evokes a lot to me. And to You?

Nature is always calling you.
Only mankind does not hear it anymore.
Nature calls man and says, be still.
Come to me. Relax with me. Find yourself in me.

But man is torn out of himself by the noise of the world.
Therefore man will very soon again be catched by the silence of nature and will come then to himself.
But for this something elementary is needed.
Nature itself will take care of that.
And it will be experienced by mankind as violence.
A short time the noise of mankind will be drown out by the noise of nature. A short time.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 333

Sunday, 15 May 2016

You are brothers and sisters from eachother

These days, the Earth and mankind are additionally blessed by the Mother-God.
It is a blessing of extraordinary energy.
It is a blessing with the energy of love.
The Mother-God is saying to you:

"I am your mother and you are my children. And therefore you are all brothers and sisters, you all. "

And do know this is a mere fact in the spiritual world?
You are all brothers and sisters and many of your brothers and sisters are suffering.
They are on the run, they are tortured and prisoned, they are hungry.
And too many of you in your wealth and freedom react on this self-complacent.
Self-complacent you say "is it?" and go on with your life just merrily.

It is the self-complacency of the rich.
And it is all about the suffering of your brothers and sisters.
Be gentle you all, be compassionate, be loving, asks your Mother, while one half of her children is too indifferent to the suffering of the other half of her children.
Oh, how unbearable for a mother!
Do have pity. And reach a hand towards your brothers and sisters. Please act more!

My blessings to you all

Nr. 332

Saturday, 14 May 2016

Pentecost feeds the lightness among men

Pentecost is the feast of the Mother God.

Especially these days, mankind is more than the rest of the year helped by a spiritual light of the Mother God.
It is the light of love, of empathy, of compassion.
It is the energy of gentleness and connection, compassion and understanding.

This light is the earth surrounding specially these days. And that is more than otherwise possible because more than other days mankind opens up to it. One is more than other days focused on the spiritual world, one is praying more, one is hoping more and one is softer inside.
And Mother God likes to make use of this to pour her gifts on mankind.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 331

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Are we ever showing up to God with something nices?

How tired God must be of guilt and loneliness, for that's all we ever bring to Him. (Mignon McLaughlin, The Neurotic's Notebook, 1960

My God, would You like to comment on this quote?

Why don’t you do the kick-off, my son?

Oh yes, I am ashamed in my heart of hearts.
When I think of with what I've turned in my life to you, then it surely was most of the time, when I was in trouble, when I was confused, when I had problems, to be honest. If I express it in percentages than I presume 90% of my turning to you consisted of complaining and asking and pestering. Though I do think this percentage has lowered since I am able to talk to You.
Sorry God, I do hope you have seen in the meantime all the hours I was happy, I was absorbing life, enjoying it, being optimistic, nicely at work on something, otherwise it is a tall order for You.

Thank you, I appreciate this.
Rest assured, I've seen everything. I know all your beautiful and fine and good moments, did I not forward it all?
It would be very nice for the spiritual world as man complained less and thanked some more. If man more often said to his God, "I am pleased with You, thank You, I see what You do for me, You are my comfort, my happiness, my big hold. I do not know what You do for me, but it's probably more than I realize. Thank You, thank You, thank You! "
And the issue is not that God cannot live without your thanks, but it is nicer with gratitude, for everyone, and more honest. The spirit of gratitude is very undervalued on less developed planets.
Thank you for bringing up this subject, my son.
By the way, God is never tired.

My blessings to you all
Nr. 330