Sunday, 15 May 2016

You are brothers and sisters from eachother

These days, the Earth and mankind are additionally blessed by the Mother-God.
It is a blessing of extraordinary energy.
It is a blessing with the energy of love.
The Mother-God is saying to you:

"I am your mother and you are my children. And therefore you are all brothers and sisters, you all. "

And do know this is a mere fact in the spiritual world?
You are all brothers and sisters and many of your brothers and sisters are suffering.
They are on the run, they are tortured and prisoned, they are hungry.
And too many of you in your wealth and freedom react on this self-complacent.
Self-complacent you say "is it?" and go on with your life just merrily.

It is the self-complacency of the rich.
And it is all about the suffering of your brothers and sisters.
Be gentle you all, be compassionate, be loving, asks your Mother, while one half of her children is too indifferent to the suffering of the other half of her children.
Oh, how unbearable for a mother!
Do have pity. And reach a hand towards your brothers and sisters. Please act more!

My blessings to you all

Nr. 332