My God, I'm always a bit allergic to insufficient fresh air, I have to choke quite quickly and You know my fear to suffocate. Now it seems to me that a baby -at some point becoming so big that he has to get out- is really having cramped and difficult times. You have already told something about the end of life, dying. But the beginning of life, the whole process of being born, is actually quite dramatically. So my question to you is: is the birth process not actually as difficult as the process of dying?
Being born is
generally speaking as difficult as dying.
Like often in life
beginning isn’t that easy at all.Beginning with change.
Beginning with overcoming an addiction.
Beginning with being yourself as stout, as gay, as an independent thinker.
Beginning with fighting against the regular social ideas as emancipated woman, as an atheist in a strict religious society, as a critic in a dictatorial country.
Beginning can be very difficult.
But beginning with
life is really just as painful, as
confrontational, just as confusing, just as making insecure as dying is.
Take the foetus,
safely vegetating in the womb.There are, but we are assuming the ideal situation, no tensions. The mother's consciousness is 100% focused on the little one. In fact the last few weeks she has actually become the abdomen, the uterus with maximum love and attention and care for the little one.
But the little one has
become big, the foetus has to go on. Signals are arising in the maternal body
this huge special organ has to be divested. That this is not meant to continue,
that this “innocent parasite” has requested enough from the body. Let's not get
romantic about this. The body wants, no needs to repel this excessive
proliferation in the body, it has to go away.
And this is for the
foetus a very painful physical and emotional experience, it has to bugger
off, while it before was loved and
cherished and cared for so much. A process of rejection has begun, it has to be
mentioned in this manner. This is for the foetus drama number one.
Drama number two is to
be squeezed through the channel of birth. People with claustrophobia will not
be happy here. The foetus must squeezed out of the womb through the canal of birth, which is stretched in a
for the mother dramatically painful way. This pain, this anguish, this
terrifying experience of the mother is the foetus experiencing in all its
vulnerability and former security as a terrorist attack, so horrible, so
oppressive, so painful, so strangling: these experiences -if it is lucky to be
squeezed through the canal of birth for just a few hours- are intense for a
small and vulnerable and helpless little being.
Drama number three is
to have been born. First, the enormous anguish of the cutting of the umbilical
cord and the need for breathing with not working lungs still full of amniotic
fluid, but at the same time having lost the protective atmosphere and intimacy
of the mother's body. The baby will breathe for sure, the baby will get used to the autonomous
independent life, certainly, but only when it feels something from the familiar
smell and atmosphere of the parental body, the baby will fall asleep exhausted.
Overall, my son, it is
true, being born is often as difficult as dying.
All babies and their
mothers are blessed during childbirth.My blessings to you all
Nr. 342