I read the following text of a journalist who visited a hospice, "In the last The New Yorker is a long story about a nurse who accompanies men dying at home. I read that there are nurses who believe that working with dying men brings you the most close to God's presence on earth. You do not have to be religious to feel that sacredness lingering around bodies coming to a halt and - after completion - see the salvation on their faces. " *
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We should not think romantically about dying. The evolution of man is not yet so advanced that people consciously leave their body without any suffering at the end of their live. This is meant to be.
There is a lot of horrible suffering what the dying and their beloved ones really learn to know. But ... ..this being said I'd love to go into the dying process and the presence of God.
Ideally, the dying has let go of his attachment with the matter, has retired from his loved ones. And is no longer concerned with the great passion of the ego, namely the outside world and what is in it for himself.
The dying has become silent, has lost hope, has lost his interest in performance and what others think of him. The dying has no more pretension and has lost his pride -the most important ingredient for the presence of God. Dying is a debunking process of vulnerability, you let strangers wash the buttocks and you are not able to do anything, you achieve nothing anymore, there is nothing to be proud of, the only thing left is the inner self.
Humility, meekness, modesty and vulnerability have emerged.
And then God is really happy to come.
Then God gets a chance.
Then the soul and its grandeur assert influence on the earthly personality.
Then sacredness and holiness show themselves.
Then salvation becomes manifest.
Then God will take Its place.
Then bystanders become quiet and humble.
Then the odor of sanctity comes into play.
Then comes the dying in the sphere of God.
All dying persons on earth are blessed.
My blessings to you all
Nr. 340