Saturday, 28 January 2017

Stand by your God

A few weeks ago I realized some striking stuff. I had been tempted by life, had become quite carelessly concerning my eating and drinking, had got too busy with my work and private life things and had just almost forgotten You. Once when I had a clear day and again started to pay more attention to my contact with You, I wanted to say to You, "Well, God, I do not notice much of You lately." Suddenly I realized out of the blue something like "Stand by Your man." But a split second later I realized that it was reversed, you didn’t let me muddle, but I had forgotten You.

So basically I was the one obliged to say to myself: "Stand by your God." How easy it is to blame someone else for anything, to blame You, and to sigh ”why did You leave me in the lurch”? I was playing a victim, while You always and forever are living up to Your promise. For you, of course, it is forever, "Stand by Your man", how could You ever want and do otherwise?
We are disloyal to You, not vice versa.
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My son, this is the case.
You are leaving God in the lurch, never vice versa.
You are blaming God for everything, never the other way around.
You are blaming God if things go wrong, not vice versa.

And now we are exaggerating together a little bit, because do I not observe all those times you turn to Me, thank Me, giving Me the honour due to Me?
But always when the ego is in power, it is happening as was described in the beginning of this blog.
If the personality is in control, I have the honour due to Me.
"Stand by your man."

It's nice idea of you to twist the meaning of the song by Tammy Wynette.
God meets indeed forever and ever to "Stand by Your man."
You meet almost never "Stand by your God." Only saints and mystics.

The common man and woman does this sometimes. But this is the path of man to learn this. What can happen to you when you will stay day and night in the bosom of God?
The storms of life will take place on you, but slip away from you as rain beats against a window pane. Behind that window you see it, but it does not bother you.

And when you will forget this beautiful but for primitive man almost impossible task, God will wait until you return back from your little fascinations and childish actions, and wait till you turn to God again.
And then there is your God, who "stands by Its man."
You are blessed for your observation.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 370

Sunday, 22 January 2017

The biblical beast with the ten heads, just multinationals (Revelations John, 1)

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy (Revelations 13:1)

Actually, I have for some time suspicions that the revelations of John are misinterpreted so far and that the beast is considered too literally and too politically: it should be the European Union (say Americans), it should be a new dictator rising (say the Europeans), but I think they're just the most important multinational companies that evade taxes of any country, overshadowing political leaders and with an incredible amount of money manipulating mankind on earth. Would You would like to comment on this?

My son, who do you think has given you this interpretation? All those centuries John's predictions are of course taken too literally, and the end time will be no more than a heavy time of transition, but the wild beast with ten horns and seven heads is this. Multinationals are raging over the earth like wild beasts, destroying the environment and manipulating the unsuspecting buyer and consumer.

And ten and seven are archetypal spiritual numbers.
The ten stands for a complete number, quite sufficiƫnt.
The horns are ways to make injuries.
Seven stands for influencing all levels of (human) energy.
The heads represent conscious mental strength, really work of thinking that is used to do what has to be done.
And blasphemous names stand for the disgraceful behaviour of multinationals.
And the beast will rage, but will be destroyed, that time is not yet near. First will be the raging till the end.

Do not worry, my son. Everything is happening according to the plan.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 369

Monday, 16 January 2017

You're my everything

My God, sometimes I suddenly realize so thoroughly that without You I am not capable of anything, I know nothing, I understand nothing. My perspective then is clear. You are my everything, my future, my support, my peace, my life, my strength, my safety, my energy. Then I see so clearly and feel so completely, into the depths of my being, that I am nothing without You, a roaming monkey in the dark, an ignorant mistake maker, a creature that holds everything back, hindering, stopping and neglecting everything. And then everything seems to go wrong. I see simply then that I am a speck of dust in the cosmos. That without you, everything goes wrong.

And I see then as well that with You I have a power, I see that everything goes well, that everything is flowing, that the world is open to me, that with Thee I am capable of everything, that love is happening to me, that I am a creature of will and power and love, that the world was created for us, that I look through Your eyes and see that all is well. That with You all is going well.

And I also think that for those men who believe nothing, this of course applies equally, they as well receive everything from God and are nothing without God, only they do not recognize it.
And actually, my point is this, that my ego, this whole stupid structure to which I, thank God, spent less and less time, is nothing but a structure to hold You back in my life. And without cherishing this ego,  everything will flow.

My son, definitely.
I’ll give two additions.
You can find among unbelievers who have released their egos and have totally surrendered to the big picture, but they call it the art, or nature or the welfare of the world.
And my second addition is that the ego is not a stupid structure, but an ingenious instrument donated by Me to man to follow the evolutionary path from animal to spirit. At best it is handled stupidly by  man. And that’s an understatement.
You are blessed for your words.

My blessing to you all

Nr. 368

Monday, 9 January 2017

A simple prayer (Huston Smith)

The scholar of religions Huston Smith is deceased (97 years old), his books on religion are sold millions and he started to write about religion and religious experiences after he himself had had a religious experience using halllucinating mushrooms. His work always testified great respect for all religions, anyway.
He said he learned his favourite prayer from a nine year old boy:

"Dear God, I do my best"

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It's a wonderful prayer, because it shows that the nine year old boy was in direct contact with his Spark of God. The love of God and the understanding of man, that you really can not do more than your best, are expressed herein.  This boy knew this, Huston Smith knew this, and so he could write with tolerance and respect about all religions, and he did thus an plea for interreligious tolerance *.
After all, aren’t they doing all their best?

However, a simple prayer can be more powerful and can contribute more to what is possible between God and man.
For doesn’t  God already know that this praying man is doing his best? In this prayer is nothing of the knowledge of man about what God is doing and there's nothing about the future, for the person who is praying is going to try and undertake something, that’s the case in 99% of the situations in which man is starting to pray.
So I propose to stay at least with a simple prayer:

"I do my best and I know You will do the rest"


"Help me to continue doing my best?"

The nine year old boy and Huston Smith are blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 367

* Dutch newspaper Trouw, 2017, 9 January