Monday, 9 January 2017

A simple prayer (Huston Smith)

The scholar of religions Huston Smith is deceased (97 years old), his books on religion are sold millions and he started to write about religion and religious experiences after he himself had had a religious experience using halllucinating mushrooms. His work always testified great respect for all religions, anyway.
He said he learned his favourite prayer from a nine year old boy:

"Dear God, I do my best"

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It's a wonderful prayer, because it shows that the nine year old boy was in direct contact with his Spark of God. The love of God and the understanding of man, that you really can not do more than your best, are expressed herein.  This boy knew this, Huston Smith knew this, and so he could write with tolerance and respect about all religions, and he did thus an plea for interreligious tolerance *.
After all, aren’t they doing all their best?

However, a simple prayer can be more powerful and can contribute more to what is possible between God and man.
For doesn’t  God already know that this praying man is doing his best? In this prayer is nothing of the knowledge of man about what God is doing and there's nothing about the future, for the person who is praying is going to try and undertake something, that’s the case in 99% of the situations in which man is starting to pray.
So I propose to stay at least with a simple prayer:

"I do my best and I know You will do the rest"


"Help me to continue doing my best?"

The nine year old boy and Huston Smith are blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 367

* Dutch newspaper Trouw, 2017, 9 January