Saturday, 25 February 2017

Mental life (Simplicity, 3)

In early times the mental thinking of man was clearer, with fewer impulses from outside, but also with more baseless rigidity. There were more traditional thoughts and ideas and they were unchangeable. Nowadays there are, thanks to the development of education, more logic and freedom in stake. One can think for oneself and draw own conclusions, fitting more into one’s own live. And because of the enormous avalanche of knowledge through books, magazines and social media, much more has become uncertain. And the mental thinking has become larger than it was in earlier days.

There is now great agitation, too much information and as well endless new information. This requires a basic attitude of man relative to his own thinking in order to remain clear, keep the overview and to remain oneself.
The simplicity of thought requires but one compelling and clear hint.
Putting in perspective.

At what one thinks, likes, conceives, statements is developing, has chosen as religion or has acquired  as philosophy of life the next is desired. And there is only one mental choice needed to keep everything calm and clear and bright and open. That is the ability to put things in perspective.
What is this and how does one do it?

Putting in perspective of one’s own thinking and all its products, proves to be just saying simply to oneself: "This is what I am thinking, but they are only my thoughts and the other seven billion people think differently. It is my truth and there are seven billion truths. " This makes one will never become a fanatic, a fundamentalist and rigorous. And how does one put everything in perspective as easy as possible? By invoking the spirit of humour or simply said, by laughing  and smiling at oneself. Then one realizes that what one has thought is most charming, but in the meantime not very relevant for the rest of the cosmos. And in the meantime it is very important in one’s own live in this cosmos.
Putting in perspective demonstrates wisdom, space and openness.
And these are  in a world of seven billion people desperately needed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 374

Saturday, 18 February 2017

The emotional life (Simplicity, 2)

Having emotions and above all strong emotions and negative emotions is one of the challenges of man.
Man has a fierce emotion and then the following may occur.
He revels in them and draws the wrong conclusions about his future or quarrels with his fellow men.
He oppresses them and builds up frustration, unconscious behaviour or even possibly diseases.
He adheres to them and then they become sentiments, so to speak half-truths.
He despises them and then they transform into fundamentalism or one-sided rationalism.
While usually it’s all about experiencing one emotion, sometimes not longer than half a day.

And the resolution of God and wise men and good psychologists to compete this all is from a simple beauty, which still is not used daily by many people.
Just accept them, just say yes to them, just leave them alone, just endure them, just embrace them lovingly, even if "they feel horribly".
Because a feature of emotions should be that they flow, in and out again, without too much interference and contamination by the ego. Just passing by.
Because that is a feature of nearly all emotions, they are temporary, so temporary that they are often gone before the man having them could dare to suggest they would.

And the man who will live in this great simplicity with respect to emotions, and the man who will at least accept them or at best will lovingly say yes to his emotions, will have the next experience.
These emotions will turn to be a source of information, will linger as short as possible, will enrich the inner and outer man, will contribute to the colourfulness of the human emotional body and will be a source of happiness.

Because it is not nice after a hard day of black depression to say the next day yes to the good life, the cheerful mood, the new day, the beautiful nature, the friendly fellowman?
Johnny cries and Johnny laughs. So what? Welcome to earth, that is simply a fact.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 373

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Physical life (Simplicity, 1)

My God, sometimes I wonder we are getting too much information in life and we do not know anymore what is the meaning of life. That we no longer know what is important or where we have to focus on in particular. It's just ridiculous what's coming at us. We are stressed by pressure on the job and by the information society and by the Internet and by advertising that we lost any overview. Would You like to comment on this?

I will take this up, my son. For God is having that review of course and is seeing the leading thread of human life.

We’ll start with the physical life.
The body is a wondrous instrument, your instrument on earth thanks to evolution and God. It should be maintained well. That’s all. You are maintaining your home, your car, your computer and your garden of course extraordinarily? The more you should do with this cosmic performance, this instrument, compared to this a robot is a cheapskate.
And maintaining this is not always the case. You eat too much, exercise too little, or sports too much, injuries are literally examples of neglect. You work your stress and strain off on your body, you are bombing your poor brains with too much watching TV, well, in short.

The simplicity of life asks physically no more than attention, sobriety, temperance and maintenance. No more. And if you do not arrange this, is this a possibility as well. But the lord of the world, the powerful spirit who is maintaining all physically okay for you , will call you to account, here on earth or in the spiritual world. That is a matter of respect and justice and law.
So if We put it simply: please be a good steward of your own body. It's better for everyone and for everything.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 372

Saturday, 4 February 2017

The mark of the beast, 666 (Revelations John, 2)

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,  and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or[a] the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666

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John's revelations are also some fears of an old man, and it is a coincidence that the book ended up in the Bible and other books did not.
But this 666 is a heavy symbolism, which I like to go into.
We do not gather too many mystical interpretations over here and I'm not doing a scientific research. We’ll keep it simple.

One can say that at this time in which mankind has never been so rich, there has never been so many people concerned with money. And that has always been a feature of many rich people , and now of so many men. The money is so to speak burned on their forehead. How do I get it, how do I spend it, what is everything costing? are the questions of the average world citizen. And so this was really a nice observation of John, and it did come true. And We in the spiritual world do not like this, it's narrowing, it's superficial, it is immature and it still belongs to the old /present time and that will change. For a spiritually mature person is concerned with other things than money, such as his fellow man, his inner life, nature, God.
But ... there are many men concerned with these higher things, indeed a lot, and more and more.

The world concerned 666 is also the world of advertising, of buying buying buying, the commercial world that wants to make money, of wasting of matter such as plastics and disposable items. It is therefore primarily the atmosphere of irresponsibility, of  manipulation of the needs of the masses.
And all that will stop, unfortunately forced. But enough has said about this in other blogs.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 371