Having emotions and above all strong emotions and negative emotions is one of the challenges of man.
Man has a fierce emotion and then the following may occur.
He revels in them and draws the wrong conclusions about his future or quarrels with his fellow men.
He oppresses them and builds up frustration, unconscious behaviour or even possibly diseases.
He adheres to them and then they become sentiments, so to speak half-truths.
He despises them and then they transform into fundamentalism or one-sided rationalism.
While usually it’s all about experiencing one emotion, sometimes not longer than half a day.
And the resolution of God and wise men and good
psychologists to compete this all is from a simple beauty, which still is not
used daily by many people.
Just accept them, just say yes to them, just
leave them alone, just endure them, just embrace them lovingly, even if
"they feel horribly".Because a feature of emotions should be that they flow, in and out again, without too much interference and contamination by the ego. Just passing by.
Because that is a feature of nearly all emotions, they are temporary, so temporary that they are often gone before the man having them could dare to suggest they would.
And the man who will live in this great
simplicity with respect to emotions, and the man who will at least accept them
or at best will lovingly say yes to his emotions, will have the next
These emotions will turn to be a source of
information, will linger as short as possible, will enrich the inner and outer
man, will contribute to the colourfulness of the human emotional body and will
be a source of happiness.
Because it is not nice after a hard day of
black depression to say the next day yes to the good life, the cheerful mood,
the new day, the beautiful nature, the friendly fellowman?
Johnny cries and Johnny laughs. So what?
Welcome to earth, that is simply a fact.My blessings to you all
Nr. 373