Sunday, 26 March 2017

Searching for the very God within

"The world is filled with hungry souls who famish in the very presence of the bread of life; men die searching for the very God who lives within them."*

I would like to ask You, isn’t this really just a dramatic text? So terrible, that men the core of their existence, Your Self, are looking for far away in the cosmos or even are denying You? Don’t You find this terribly?
Would You like to comment on this?

I will.
Rest assured, my son, do not worry. God does not find this terribly, even though the situation is actually absurd.

There walks man on earth and thinks that God is far away in the cosmos and that God cares  insufficiently about him. Or this man experiences that God seems to be far away and thinks he is really very alone in this big bad world.
There walks man on earth and thinks everything is just emerged from a Big Bang, thinks everything will end at the physical death and thinks God does not exist. In the meantime God keeps him alive with his will and strength and power and energy.

Yet God does not think this is terrible, and I'll tell you why.
For everything is a time.

The man who seeks God far away in the universe and does not know that God is in him and that God waits for him to talk to, as close as a friend, this man is just on the path of human evolution, time will come naturally to experience God within. Indeed, this time is now arriving.
And the man who is denying God fits in a time when human society and the human being himself must be detached from the strangling and suffocating bonds of many forms of religion. This is only temporary, this time will pass.

For the future mankind the inner God will be a living reality.
And both types of man in this present will still have plenty of time after death to experience the inner god. And will experience what the good Jesus preached two thousand years ago, that man can engage with a very close God as a child with his father or mother. And now with the Spark of God in his own heart.

My blessings to you all
*Teachings of Jesus, the Urantiabook  p. 1766

Nr. 378

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Tears of love become strands of pearls

Tears of love become strands of pearls  when the angel comes*

My God, I heard this sentence and I would like You to comment on it?

My son, I will love too.
This text is about death and love.
But I would like to comment on the literal interpretation of this sentence.

When someone dies, his angel will be there to pick him up and then the next will turn out to be. The tears poured out of love for his loved ones, his fellow man, for life are cherished and saved by his angel and returned to him in the form of a strand of pearls.
He will carry this strand at special meetings in the spiritual world. And it will be his honour and everyone will know that this man has loved, and has wept tears for his fellow man out of compassion and out of love.
It cannot be said more simply.
Tears shet out of love become spiritual pearls.
David Lang is blessed.

My blessings to you all
*David Lang Death Speaks, inspired on Schubert

Nr. 377

Monday, 13 March 2017

The inner life (Simplicity, 5)

Guard your inner self.
There is no greater good for the inner world of man when it is guarded as if it is your own home.
In early days a dominant moral or special quality controlled the inner life-long for example belonging to the elite or being Catholic or being a male. Nowadays the inner self is bombarded. The bombing consists of TV, advertising, social media, the noise on the street and a thousand opinions, judgments, visions and experiences. Because of this there is in the inner self more than necessary an indescribable anxiety, confusion, stress, hustle and imbalance. So the inner self must be guarded as one does for the own home. If it is cold, one closes the windows. If one leaves the house one locks the door. If there is a leak, one orders the plumber. This can also be done with the inner self.

Please do realize you are wide open, and that all the mess from the outside world can enter your inner self, even if you just watch TV or are checking the Internet. Don’t you even wipe your feet when you go inside?
Let the outside world wipe her feet, do not let in parts of the outside world, refuse the avalanche of information. And refuse especially an apparently appealing idea with many spiritual mud in its wake. Your inner peace gets into danger.
Select everything and guard your inner self.
And this can be done in a thousand ways, at least in your own way.
But it starts with this great and simple insight that it is your birth right as a spiritual being and as a child of God to guard your inner self.

My blessings to you all

Nr, 376

Sunday, 5 March 2017

The personal /outer life (Simplicity, 4)

What are we living in a world full of complexity, one sighs and therefore one says: "It is all difficult, we are not capable, we do not know where to start, we just wait and we'll see what happens."
Meanwhile you’ll probably see what will happen, because God, the spiritual world, mother earth, nature, and other big entities will do their thing anyway. You’ll notice it for yourselves.
But at what is the individual then capable of, what is up to him?
Here's the simple answer.
This is up to man by the motto of the Christ:

"Treat others the way you want to be treated" *

And the motto is said to the ego, the ego alone.
If one follows this guideline, it is good. But ... .. on all fronts, not just some. Now mankind is succumbing to the pollution of its own nest, his birthplace, I say: do not do to mother nature, what you would not want to experience for yourself. But also for example concerning the body, because alcohol and other immoderates are affecting the body. Horrific destruction of precious organs, even one's own body is hurt what the ego would not like to endure for itself.

Yet the ego does this because one of the characteristics of the ego is short-term acting, what's up to me, and the rest I’ll notice.
Fortunately  God's laws will look after permanent correction and ensure the long-term, and that is what the soul and the spiritual body of man do know, but the ego does not, namely that the consequences of all acting will return to man. Willingly or unwillingly.

My blessings to you all

*Tobit 4:15

Nr. 375