Sunday, 26 March 2017

Searching for the very God within

"The world is filled with hungry souls who famish in the very presence of the bread of life; men die searching for the very God who lives within them."*

I would like to ask You, isn’t this really just a dramatic text? So terrible, that men the core of their existence, Your Self, are looking for far away in the cosmos or even are denying You? Don’t You find this terribly?
Would You like to comment on this?

I will.
Rest assured, my son, do not worry. God does not find this terribly, even though the situation is actually absurd.

There walks man on earth and thinks that God is far away in the cosmos and that God cares  insufficiently about him. Or this man experiences that God seems to be far away and thinks he is really very alone in this big bad world.
There walks man on earth and thinks everything is just emerged from a Big Bang, thinks everything will end at the physical death and thinks God does not exist. In the meantime God keeps him alive with his will and strength and power and energy.

Yet God does not think this is terrible, and I'll tell you why.
For everything is a time.

The man who seeks God far away in the universe and does not know that God is in him and that God waits for him to talk to, as close as a friend, this man is just on the path of human evolution, time will come naturally to experience God within. Indeed, this time is now arriving.
And the man who is denying God fits in a time when human society and the human being himself must be detached from the strangling and suffocating bonds of many forms of religion. This is only temporary, this time will pass.

For the future mankind the inner God will be a living reality.
And both types of man in this present will still have plenty of time after death to experience the inner god. And will experience what the good Jesus preached two thousand years ago, that man can engage with a very close God as a child with his father or mother. And now with the Spark of God in his own heart.

My blessings to you all
*Teachings of Jesus, the Urantiabook  p. 1766

Nr. 378