Monday, 16 October 2017

If it comes, let it; if it goes, let it;

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Actually, it means that man not only says yes to everything just because it's happening to him. But there is something else, if it is happening to him, he does not judge it, or label it or rank it  in either good or bad or right or not, or welcome or not. Man leaves it alone, completely leaves it alone. It happens, so what? If man does that, he not only says yes to life, but he does something else. He completely and totally goes with the flow. As if it is happening to someone else, but in a compassionate and loving way, we are not talking about dissociation. And then really wisdom is in stake. Actually zen. Then life, the spiritual world and God for sure can continue with the plan. Man then makes the most of the opportunity life will reveal of what has to be revealed to the max, life will flow what has to flow, and in such a way man will experience the maximum of what life has to offer.

My blessings  to you all

Nr. 406