Monday, 20 August 2018

All those negative emotions too!

My God, the last days I have been muddling along through a combination of bad weather, my work and busy stuff and lots of people around me with problems. I mean to say that I am wallowing in all my negative emotions, that I'm struggling with them and actually just want to get rid of them. I want a simple and innocent and problem-free life. Period. And so I went looking for a list that I had somewhere, a list of all negative emotions that a person can experience in the course of his life.

I'll mention them just for sure:
"Fear, resistance, doubt, panic, anger, irritation, worrying, greed, unrest, loneliness, aggression, aimlessness, despondency, pride, superiority, inferiority, insecurity, disappointment, passivity, laziness, indifference, boredom, depression, fickleness, lying, indolence, voracity, greed, fatigue, jealousy, etc. ".

Reason is actually a conversation in the shower that I had with You in which you expressed very clearly, that I still had one big life problem to solve, all others were secondary and not important. That is, lovingly dealing with my negative emotions. Only when I welcomed and cherished and accepted and understood them all, I would make the next spiritual step. Only when I felt that they were entitled to existence, that they had something to say to me. Because they were information carriers for life. I struggled with them unnecessarily and thereby suppressed them. And so they were forced to grow and they only would lead to, for example, enlargement, or they went “in the underground” with psychosomatics such as earache, muscle pain, colds and so on.
Well I will try again, and then of course I said to You: "oh my God, how hard I am, you are right of course.
Would You like to comment on this?

My son, we are just four years later, earlier We made together a nice connection with how you deal with the weather in the Netherlands. Whether you have heat, or storm, hard rain or cold, everything is good, everything has its value, everything is useful or is just there and you will not suppress your fun in life for it at all.

You then took a decision to try that with your negative emotions and in the meantime you have really practiced. You have become more loving, you have become calmer, you have become more quiet in your inner self, you have become more open, you accept everything more than before.
Go on with it gradually. And do not think that because you are having a heavy time, that everything is for nothing, that you have not learned anything. That is not true and these thoughts are only false beliefs of your ego. Just go on, take another deep breath, remember everything that you have achieved, read those blogs again.

And continue happily with handling lovingly your negative emotions.
And I would like to respond to the latter: in Our eyes negative emotions are not negative. We see the great value, what they have to offer, how important they are, how they can change, what an information carriers they are. We often feed them when you pray for relief from them, because they regularly bring you where you need to go, through “the mountain of rice-pudding” into the light.
Welcome them, accept them, cherish them, go talk to them, they often dissolve faster than when you struggle with them.

My blessings to you all

No 431

Sunday, 5 August 2018

The heart is our last salvation

Sometimes, you have to stop thinking so much and just go where your heart takes you (Lost in Life, 9)

My God, would You like to comment on this saying? 

My son, do refer to the other blogs about the heart, although I love to repeat important things.
Because it cannot be said enough over and over again. God is seated in the heart. In the heart the Lord of love does his thing. The heart helps man to take the next step in his life choices. The heart chakra is the meeting place of the lower three chakras (matter, desire and emotion) and upper three (will, intuition and wisdom). Who not listens to his heart, will step onto the many dramatic and painful detours of life.

I mention one new aspect now.
The heart's going to save the world. The present-day human society runs to the abyss of destruction of its base, to pollution of its own nest, to overpopulation without a future and to large-scale rape of mother nature. Everything is already set into action to correction, and mankind will  call down over herself a lot of suffering. In this whole course of events only the heart may adjust, soften and deflect the developments to the positive side. 

The heart for fellow men.
The heart for nature.
The heart for the surroudings.
The heart for mother earth.
The heart for the body.
The heart for simplicity.
The heart for each other.
The heart for themselves.
The heart for the spiritual world.
The heart for God. 

My blessings to you all

No 430