I would like to ask You. Sometimes I wonder if I do not feel sorry for the wrong people. Perhaps those who are very successful and self-righteous are more pitiable than someone who experiences considerable setbacks and has become rather timid because of the setbacks of life?
I like to respond to that.
I am not propagating here that suffering is very nice and that you have
to look forward to it. Not at all. In order to put the core of My message
clearly, we exaggerate a little bit.
Speak five minutes with someone who has had nothing but success in life and
see how this person is pleased with himself and very satisfied with his
character and talents. How uncomfortable such a conversation can be where you
as a fellow man are allowed to enjoy the radiance of this person.
And then take someone who is deformed or ugly or seriously disabled and
is struggling with life. Talk to that person and see how modest they have
become, and without much self-will and how they can listen very intensely to
your own story.
Did your own mother not say: "Avoid a person who has never
experienced anything with a big bow ."
And did Christ not say to Vassula Ryder: "if you knew what the suffering of the personality
meant for the state of your soul, you asked for more".
One of the attributes of the Holy Spirit, of the Mother-God, of the
Goddess is: meekness and see how successful fellow men have little of that and how
the troubled and suffering men have a lot of it. At the first group God can
only watch and wait patiently, at the second group God works directly through
this persons on their environment, on their life, on the others. God is very
near to the suffering, the afflicted, the sick, the powerless, the prisoners,
the desperate men.
In the case of the successful and confident men, patience must still be
exercised, they will return automatically to the Father-Mother House, but via a
My blessings to you all
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