Sunday, 21 July 2019

A prayer on earth becomes a flower in heaven

My God, I have come across this somewhere but do not remember where, would You like to comment on this?

I will do so.
Just as a plant grows from a seed and flourishes as a highlight (actually the highlight is the fruit that should come from it), so a man grows from a foetus and it is a highlight in human life when he prays. And actually the highlight will be the fruit of his prayer.

But it is pure reality. As a plant grows and blooms and usually dies after flowering. Thus grows man and flourishes in his prayer and then dies a little. The ego ceases to exist when a person prays: the surrender, the trust, the peace that prayer entails kills the ego. And what remains are the fruits, on earth after the flowering of a plant, her fruit, with man after his prayer: peace, trust, surrender, but especially inner peace, and if you could see with spiritual eyes, you saw thus.

A man prays and a flower grows in the place of his heart, and the more intense the prayer and the more selfless, the more beautiful the flower. And when this man arrives in the spiritual world, his spiritual home, the place where he may reside, turns out to be a wealth of flowers, prayed together on earth. For nothing is lost, and everything has consequences, evil deeds and good deeds.
And thus a temporary prayer on earth transforms into an eternal flower in the spiritual world.

My blessings to you all

No 459

Sunday, 7 July 2019

Atheism, child of alcohol abuse

I have been drinking more alcohol in the last six months than I am used to and more than I can handle. It’s working not very well in my life, I get tired of it and I immediately notice at the first sip that my contact with God is being blocked. Still I did it, sometimes even a few glasses of wine every day and on the weekend I cached up a whole bottle. Although I know that it is not good for me, I did it anyway, the ease, the temporary comfort, the relaxing of just sitting down with a glass of wine, everything was between my ears, but I did it anyway. The result was that I was less concentrated, I prayed less, I was less able to find peace in myself, I was a little depressed inside and I also saw that my skin and eyes made me look older.

What an impossible behaviour, I was surprised that I did it and despite the fact that someone else did not notice anything and might say "what are you talking about, two glasses a day are okay?" I have my own limit and experience. I did it against my better judgment, I felt worse under it and a few weeks ago I was suddenly fed up with it. I didn't drink at all anymore, felt better every day, didn't miss it so much because there were so many good things in this new attitude, and I noticed that there was a connection between my prayer life and having stopped alcohol.

On the internet I have checked that this is not news.
The Qur'an states that alcohol is the work of the devil and must be avoided. In the Hadith, a book with statements by Mohammed, is mentioned: alcohol is the mother of all evil and is the most shameful of all evil.
The Bible also states that excessive alcohol consumption leads to aggression, poverty, worries, insecurity and insensitivity. That's why the Baptists and Methodists have always rejected it.
Meditation is central to Buddhists. It is important that the body is in a position that is as quiet as possible. A number of nutrients, including alcohol, have an undesirable effect on this body according to this line of thought. Alcohol consumption is therefore not recommended due to the intoxicating effect.
The Rastafari also strongly advise against alcohol.

In general, all religious / philosophical dogmas state that excessive alcohol consumption (alcohol abuse) conflicts with religious and social norms and values.

Is it harder, My God, to get close to You if I choose for alcohol?
Would You like to comment on this?

My son, it was time for you to break through the sliding scale, to be helped with insight and to make new connections.
We have let the demon of the alcohol go its own way, because we wanted you to experience everything that you described above all out of your own free will.
And I'll sharpen it up, here's My answer.

"Atheism in the Western world is a direct consequence of the large-scale alcohol abuse over the centuries"

This has not often been so clearly publicly proclaimed, and I do that now. Gradually, the beautiful Enlightenment and the development of science nourished everyone who had atheistic thoughts. But no one has realized that with every sip of alcohol, with every new intoxication, with every day that people drink heavily and seek comfort and oblivion in alcohol, the demon of the alcohol has gotten more influence. And this powerful demon stands for character deformation, negativity, resentment, hatred, and atheism. Hatred of God, hatred of churches, hatred of faith, hatred of prayer. This demon nourishes all hatred of God and Its servants on earth who can possibly keep man from alcohol.

Thus, spirits, the spirit-rich moisture of alcohol, have become the poor alternative to spirituality in any form.

When man takes a glass of alcohol, he closes the door to God.
If a person is already struggling with faith and wondering what it is all about, the demon of alcohol can give the final blow to the last remnants of faith.
If a person drinks a lot, he becomes cynical, misanthropic and a hater of mankind. And he hates his old friends and family members most, who stand for the bond of love, for trust and perhaps for the former belief that he had. Take a good look around you, a good alcoholic ends up lonely, has destroyed his ties with loved ones and does no longer believe anything. The last thing he still has to do is destroy his body.

And Western society, with its virulent atheism, its empty churches, its over-attachment to its own mind, and openly opting for matter and sex, has become with its excessive alcohol consumption an atheistic society that openly acts against any form of piety. The Muslim women with a headscarf thus become a symbol of precisely what one does not want to see, someone who openly expresses her faith.

The degeneration of these societies can only be stopped by disasters, My son, the power of the demon of alcohol has become too great to be corrected by anything other than in a rude and radical way.

My blessings to you all

No 458