Sunday, 21 July 2019

A prayer on earth becomes a flower in heaven

My God, I have come across this somewhere but do not remember where, would You like to comment on this?

I will do so.
Just as a plant grows from a seed and flourishes as a highlight (actually the highlight is the fruit that should come from it), so a man grows from a foetus and it is a highlight in human life when he prays. And actually the highlight will be the fruit of his prayer.

But it is pure reality. As a plant grows and blooms and usually dies after flowering. Thus grows man and flourishes in his prayer and then dies a little. The ego ceases to exist when a person prays: the surrender, the trust, the peace that prayer entails kills the ego. And what remains are the fruits, on earth after the flowering of a plant, her fruit, with man after his prayer: peace, trust, surrender, but especially inner peace, and if you could see with spiritual eyes, you saw thus.

A man prays and a flower grows in the place of his heart, and the more intense the prayer and the more selfless, the more beautiful the flower. And when this man arrives in the spiritual world, his spiritual home, the place where he may reside, turns out to be a wealth of flowers, prayed together on earth. For nothing is lost, and everything has consequences, evil deeds and good deeds.
And thus a temporary prayer on earth transforms into an eternal flower in the spiritual world.

My blessings to you all

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