Sunday, 8 September 2019

If you forget yourself you become the universe (Hakuin Ekaku)

May I ask You. A good friend of mine sat down and sighed to her God: "I don't want to anymore, I don't belong on earth, please come and get me, I have had enough of it." Then she heard a clear voice say, "Stop wanting, start giving."
Would You like to comment on this?

I love to do so.

“Oh man, how much do you demand from life, how endlessly you are searching for what will make you happy once, and meanwhile life flies away. You hardly appreciate in what a magical world you are living, how you are carried in love and how everything is offered to you. Dissatisfied, short-sighted, superficial and self-centred being. Luckily the spiritual world has endless patience and has an endless love for man.”

Your good and dear friend felt quite put on her place and stopped squeaking and beeping, it was a wake-up call for her.
We would certainly love it when men see beyond their own noses and appreciate more what they have and not are fixated on what they don't have. In that sense, every Spark of God would like to say this to Its human being on earth.

Yet there is much more to be said for it.
It was a sharp and crystal-clear sentence that your female friend received. But there is a nuance, her Spark of God sees that she does her best very hard, she works hard and prays and tries to bother no one with her negative emotions, sees that she endlessly controls herself, and suffers from the destruction of nature and really cries at every tree in her environment that is cut down, necessaryly or unnecessaryly. We like to see her live and We love her. Then why such a sharp and confrontational sentence? Does she live so wrongly? Is she that self-centered? Is she so occupied with her own life?

None of that. Yet she gets to hear this sentence, at that very moment, but a sentence that every person deserves regularly and that all seven billion Sparks of God would like to say to Their man on earth, maybe with some exceptions.

For it is formulated in this way because it is clear language for man, briefly and to the point, clearly formulated and it is an urgent and compelling request. But in spiritual terms this is said:

“Dear beautiful man, you who does your best, and who wants to be happy so much, do know that you are now doing something that does not make you happy, what you pushes down, what makes you small and what makes you childish and gives victim-like feelings and thoughts which are not productive and make you even feel more unhappy. Get out of this negative and destructive attitude, leave the future for what it is, admonish yourself, dear man, do not over-feed your ego with this bullshit and seek thoroughly and rigorously distraction, get out of this emotion and get out of your ego self and look around you. Look at the beauty of life, look at the even greater suffering of a fellow human being and share from your wealth, share your talents, focus on the other and you will soon forget yourself and you will soon feel better, your blood will start flowing again and you will regain energy to pick up the thread of life.
Live again and enjoy together with the other.
And then you are again an adult part of the universe ”.

So I think it is nicely worded by the Spark of God of your female friend: "Stop wanting, start giving".
I could not have said it better to you, My son.
Your female friend is blessed.

My blessings to you all

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