Sunday, 8 March 2020

Enjoying beauty is a form of truth, is living in truth (Do You want to talk to me, I asked God? 2)

I had once an extensive conversation with God and this was one of the topics.

You enjoy the beauty of the world, of nature, of beautiful things, of antiques, of colours, of music. And luckily many people do, but not all.
Let us take a more detailed look at beauty, My Son, for We are going to discuss a great truth that many believers, especially those who do not have an eye for the beauty of life, will not like.

My statement is that someone who intensely enjoys beauty lives in truth just as much as someone who believes intensely.
This is challenging. So people who believe nothing but enjoy the beauty in life are no less worthy than people who believe in God and the spiritual world but who have no eye for the beauty on earth.

Are believing in God and having eye for beauty than equal quantities, equally important, aren’t they inferior to each other? That's right. In the spiritual world, God has just as much a place for someone who intensely enjoyed beauty such as an artist, a musician or an interior designer even though they were notorious atheists as It has for a pastor, an iman or a priest, even though they were by no means aesthetes.

For enjoying and having an eye for beauty is enjoying a very important characteristic of God, namely the creation of beauty. So enjoying beauty is enjoying a truth from God. Enjoying beauty is therefore living in truth, something believers do claim.
Meanwhile, those who do not believe anything and have no eye for beauty are equally blessed and equally welcome in the spiritual world. Because maybe they also live in truth, because they are capable of loving, for example?

My blessings to you all

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