Sunday, 5 April 2020

The ego makes everything small and divides, God sees everything big and in one whole (Would You like to talk to me, I asked God, 3)

My God, in our conversation, me on the bike, the ego was discussed that way and actually it is discussed in a number of blogs. However, I found your comment quite striking. The ego makes everything small and You see everything big. The ego divides and You heal.

Well I actually expect something new and that will probably be the case?

Yes my son, your expectations are always exceeded by Me, not only because I always have something surprising or beautiful in store, but also because your child's hand is filled so quickly, because you keep it open and empty, over and over again.

The surprising thing is this.
God wants the ego to make everything small. God wants the ego to divide everything. Because only then it will develop itself. Only in this way it will develop into a perfect instrument. Only in this way does it grow to the next phase, namely the chance of surrender. The chance of becoming an instrument instead of wanting to be the goal. This is the best way to do it.

Does a mother wants the child to rob the entire cookie jar? Just one step to the cookie jar as if there is nothing else in the world other than that one cookie jar. And once the lid is off, isn't it wonderful that the child just takes one cookie? The child thinks that it will not be discovered otherwise. One cookie only. And while the child focuses on the cookie jar and its cookie action, the mother sees the whole living room, which is bigger than the cookie jar, after all. And so it does work properly.

The ego makes everything small. And God oversees the big picture and provides every step of the ego to see more, to discover more, to experience more until the whole world has become the cookie jar.

The ego divides. And God heals. And God helps the ego to slowly let go, to see more, to realize more. For example, that squeezed hand with that one biscuit, even though the biscuit is eaten afterwards, symbolizes the total identification of the ego with the small, with the limited. And ah, God knows more than the ego that all of this is temporary, and promises to grow into more, and bigger and clearer.
And thus God sees that everything is all right.

My blessings to you all