Sunday, 31 May 2020

The love of the Mother God, Comforter and Mother for all who are suffering

My good God, a friend of mine, told me that she was summering back in life as we call it. Feeling a victim, sighing that life is too hard, wallowing in one’s own misery and suffering and just being gloomy. She then said to her God, "You should rather kick my ass!"
Then she heard a loving voice say to her:

“We would rather encourage you with a soft push in your back”

She then understood that she had once again looked lovingly at herself. She felt a tremendous amount of loving energy around her as she heard those words. And she knew that You are treating us with infinite love and great patience and understanding.
Would You like to comment on this?

My Son, it is Pentecost. This is a beautiful Pentecostal message from the Mother God.

Rest assured my children.
I love you.
You are cherished.
You are seen.
You are My children.
You are received in love.
You are supported in love.
You are guided in love.
You are created in love.
You are sustained in love during your lifetime.
You are received in love after your physical death.
Are you not My beloved children?

I am the Mother God.
I am the Spirit of love.
I am Pentecost.
I am your Refuge.
I am your Support.
I am your Comforter.
I am your Guardian.
I am the Holy Spirit roaming the earth with Her blessings.
I am the Mild Pigeon.
I am your Peace.
I am the Sacred Heart.
I am your Gate to eternity.
I'm waiting for your questions.
I send you My Energy.
I am the Lady.
I am the Goddess.
I am the Guardian of prophetesses.
I am the Mary of all religions.
I am the Eternal Mother.
I am your Uterus.
I am your Heart.

Thus the Mother God, the Spirit of Pentecost, as well.
Your friend is blessed for her openness.

My blessings to you all

No 481

Friday, 22 May 2020

God is becoming in man (Do You want to talk to me, I askedGod, 5)

In our conversation You told me You are also developing. I still find it strange because You are omniscient and capable of everything and perfect and omnipotent? Well, and more of those terms. In the Koran and the Torah I believe there are more than a hundred nicknames of You. So how is it You are learning and becoming? Would You like to comment on this?

My good son, let this be just one of My favourite topics. I like to comment it. God is all-powerful and all-knowing. Let that be clear. Yet, what do you think when a cosmos is created, a planet or an animal species? Or a human being is created developing from a former ape into a spiritualized being? Then God is creating. And the creative idea is perfect. The ideal is formulated. The end goal is fixed. Only the way to it takes place through the great instrument of creation, and an aid is evolution.

There is nothing more wonderful, for man, for animal and plant and microbe to have a certain sense of independence, a certain sense of responsibility, to try something out, to make something and to practice and to exert oneself, to find out something. And God wants that too. Because through the interaction, through the cooperation between Creator and Creature a bond, a deep contact, solidarity are coming into being. Call it Love. And God is Love. Love is the law. Love is the nuclear energy of the cosmos. Love is the core of life.

So also the Creator is learning and developing and becoming. Doesn't that bring us any closer?

My blessings to you all

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Tuesday, 19 May 2020

We also have support clubs (Would You like to talk to me, I asked God, 4)

In that one conversation with You, my God, this was also discussed, I wondered if You could be lonely?

Ah, my boy, I thought that was so cute of you asking Me something like that. In this way you are so close to Me, I cherish such a precious and loving and intimate moment with you.

How can God be lonely? God has shared Its power and splendour with the billions of Sparks of God in the cosmos, who are always inextricably and unconditionally and fully and intensely connected in Love and Consciousness and Light. Then one cannot be lonely. And even in the long and patient guidance by a Spark of God of Its human being on an evolutionary planet, the Spark of God is constantly connected to the Others and to God Itself.

I now let rest this beautiful and otherworldly Band and how it works, that is incomprehensible for a lonely living, apparently separated, evolutionary being on a physical planet. But I'm doing My best with you and the blogs to explain a few things. However, there are still two things to mention.

You have peer support on Earth. It means looking in confidence at the things you are doing and talking about them freely and lovingly, in equality and respect.

What do you think, My son, could We Sparks of God not use such a thing? And that's how it was once arranged. I participate in many associations but concerning My work with you I regularly meet a group of other Sparks of God who are doing a more or less similar task. Because My work with you consists of: the patience that I show, the anticipation of how you are stuck, or your almost hopelessly getting caught in attachments, My empathizing with the sorrow and pain and fear that belong to human existence and human shortage. These are elements of an exciting and demanding and sometimes disheartening quality. Yes at times despondent and perhaps lonely. And then it is wonderful to share this. And getting inspired, yes really!

And I do hope no one is offended by the following. But We laugh a lot. Our situation, what We experience with men, the hilarious situations and anecdotes make us laugh a lot together. Oh always respectfully, but "who does not laugh who sees man" someone sighed on earth once. And We Sparks of God agree. Because the spirit of humor is not only a highly valued companion of life on earth.

One of my funny stories is how rudely and disrespectfully you cut me off in the shower when we were talking to each other. As if you said to a boy on the street "go away and take up your play again, huh!". Of course you apologized afterwards, but it was hilarious how you as a small and powerless creature put your creator away in a thoughtless moment. You literally said "well I'm going on" but how you did this, we are still laughing about it, If I mention it in full detail. Do not feel uncomfortable by My story, My son, it is not necessary.

My blessings to you all

No 479

Sunday, 3 May 2020

Is almost everyone capable of becoming a criminal?

My God, may I ask You. I read an article about the essay "The banality of evil" by Hannah Ahrendt. In it, she describes that the greatest criminals in history were actually ordinary people, and by means of a bureaucratic system and by reasonless thinking, gradually became criminals. She came up with this after the trial of Adolf Eichmann. Would You like to comment on this?

Life is not that simple. Hannah Ahrendt is also quite maligned for her philosophical ideas, but not entirely justified.
Not nearly everyone is capable of becoming a criminal in the situation that Adolf Eichmann was in. And he knew that himself, see the sadness in his eyes from later photos *. Along the way, he knew very well what he had done. And that he was not a victim of his situation but that he had systematically suppressed his conscience.

It is true that often circumstances make a person a criminal.
It is true that often the spirit of the age makes someone a criminal.
It is true that consistently not thinking and overthinking make someone a criminal.
It is true that consistently suppressing the signals of the conscience and the heart make one a criminal.
So much more or less the tendency of Hannah Ahrendt's story.

But something else is more crucial and more important and more the cause of someone slipping into a criminal or an angel.
And that is the place of the ego or God in the inner self.
Who sits on the throne of the inner self in man? Or who occasionally sits on the throne of the inner self in man?. Or who is occasionally invited to take a seat on the throne of the inner self?

Is that the ego or is that God?

If only a single moment would sigh man in all his crime and derailment "my God, my God why have You forsaken me?" and the change will take place, the derailment will stop and the crime will brought to a halt.
And Adolf Eichmann did not, not once in his criminal derailment, and when he got the tendency to conscience he suppressed it and once he got signals he did not listen to the signals grimly. And then you get what we know of Adolf Eichmann's criminal life, of evil incarnate.
In the spiritual world, Adolf Eichmann is still correcting what he has done in his earthly life.

But now I come to My point where Hannah Ahrendt is mistaken.

Adolf Eichmann also once refused to really listen to God in his inner self.
Adolf Eichmann also once refused to allow God to enter his inner throne.
Adolf Eichmann also refused to act once on the signals of his conscience and heart.
And that is not banal.

What Adolf Eichmann did was to listen systematically and consistently to the monkey of God rather than to God. He consistently listened to the devil instead of to God. He consistently listened to evil rather than to the good. And it does not matter that the devil or evil had taken the form of Adolf Hitler.
And after his trial and during his prison years and after his death, Adolf Eichmann has been busy with nothing but this one, with this one question, burdened with terrible all-consuming feelings of regret "why did I listen to the devil and not to God?"

And finally, most people are incapable of permanent and consistently criminal derailment simply because they always once upon a time listen to their conscience or let God one single moment on the throne of the inner self, consciously or unconsciously.

My blessings to you all
* Check a photo taken in his cell in 1961 (15 years after the war)

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