Tuesday, 19 May 2020

We also have support clubs (Would You like to talk to me, I asked God, 4)

In that one conversation with You, my God, this was also discussed, I wondered if You could be lonely?

Ah, my boy, I thought that was so cute of you asking Me something like that. In this way you are so close to Me, I cherish such a precious and loving and intimate moment with you.

How can God be lonely? God has shared Its power and splendour with the billions of Sparks of God in the cosmos, who are always inextricably and unconditionally and fully and intensely connected in Love and Consciousness and Light. Then one cannot be lonely. And even in the long and patient guidance by a Spark of God of Its human being on an evolutionary planet, the Spark of God is constantly connected to the Others and to God Itself.

I now let rest this beautiful and otherworldly Band and how it works, that is incomprehensible for a lonely living, apparently separated, evolutionary being on a physical planet. But I'm doing My best with you and the blogs to explain a few things. However, there are still two things to mention.

You have peer support on Earth. It means looking in confidence at the things you are doing and talking about them freely and lovingly, in equality and respect.

What do you think, My son, could We Sparks of God not use such a thing? And that's how it was once arranged. I participate in many associations but concerning My work with you I regularly meet a group of other Sparks of God who are doing a more or less similar task. Because My work with you consists of: the patience that I show, the anticipation of how you are stuck, or your almost hopelessly getting caught in attachments, My empathizing with the sorrow and pain and fear that belong to human existence and human shortage. These are elements of an exciting and demanding and sometimes disheartening quality. Yes at times despondent and perhaps lonely. And then it is wonderful to share this. And getting inspired, yes really!

And I do hope no one is offended by the following. But We laugh a lot. Our situation, what We experience with men, the hilarious situations and anecdotes make us laugh a lot together. Oh always respectfully, but "who does not laugh who sees man" someone sighed on earth once. And We Sparks of God agree. Because the spirit of humor is not only a highly valued companion of life on earth.

One of my funny stories is how rudely and disrespectfully you cut me off in the shower when we were talking to each other. As if you said to a boy on the street "go away and take up your play again, huh!". Of course you apologized afterwards, but it was hilarious how you as a small and powerless creature put your creator away in a thoughtless moment. You literally said "well I'm going on" but how you did this, we are still laughing about it, If I mention it in full detail. Do not feel uncomfortable by My story, My son, it is not necessary.

My blessings to you all

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