Tuesday, 23 February 2021

An Angel gets the TV running again.

My friend Merel told me this story:

'On Saturday afternoon I am a home care worker for a 71-year-old woman with vascular dementia. I'll take care of her lunch and dinner, make sure she drinks enough and keep her busy. But five hours sometimes last a long time with someone who can barely walk, can't concentrate on a book or game, and who is often anxious and is sometimes getting  angry because she can no longer find the words in her head. A beautiful nature film on TV offers a perspective. This afternoon we expected a documentary that seemed worth while.

The TV usually works smoothly. Just before the required time, I turned on the TV. Nothing. No picture, no sound, no signal, just nothing. Death. Tried again. Nothing. Batteries of the remote controlled, plugs checked, everything checked; Nothing..!!!

I started to get a little stuffy; am I promising my client a beautiful movie and then we get this. Plus the foresight of a long afternoon. Help... Uhhhh... Help?? OYES... there are Angels who can help in this! I've read a lot about it so why not ask for help now? So I said half-jokingly to my client but by now with sweaty armpits: "You know what w’ll do? We ask the Angel of technics for help, who knows.!" She smiled a littlebit incredulously "Oh are you....?"

I performed a little show play and turned my eyes to heaven: "Dear technical Angels, Archangel Michael, we want to watch TV so dearly, please help us, just make sure the TV will work again!" And then I heard "Give us three minutes." I kept that to myself at the moment and went to make a cup of tea in a kind of haze. Would it really???

With the tea finally on the table, I grab the remote and... YESSSSS the thing did it again!!! We did a high-five of fun. 

In retrospect, I thanked the Angels extensively. I'm sure heavenly intervention was going on here. It’s impressive that the Heavenly creatures want to work for something so earthy and prosaic. If only we want to ask for help, the Angels are ready to help and guide us."  

So much for my friend Merel. Would You like to comment on this?

That's what I love to do.

It is precisely this situation showing beautifully that people should always call on the angels because in the situations that are the craziest from your perspective they can perhaps mean a lot. I say perhaps, because sometimes in the material world, a mechanic just has to show up. 

What exactly happened to your friend Merel?

Merel has a very low profile relationship with technology, and only one thing has to go wrong whether she blocks, becomes impatient or furious and this all can, not necessarily, affect the technique. But right now her influence was great, precisely because they both needed it so much. There was so much to depend on. And so her influence unwittingly worked very intensely. The remote was blocked by a small piece of dust. But then Merel really put everything she had in storage of heavy energy such as irritation and anxiety into the technique which made the problem worse. The remote was dead and remained dead. Everything was on edge and seemed hopeless.

Only when Merel remembered the angels and honestly asked for help could the following happen: it took three minutes, which is why Merel was ticketed to the kitchen, to dissolve the negative energy, to blow away the piece of dust, after which everything did it again. But Merel had to go to the kitchen because her powers were too great and the angels would be powerless. So not the angel of engineering had arrived, but her own guardian angel could solve and cleanse everything with a simple act.

Also technique listens to the spirit, also matter is subject to spiritual powers. And it was only when Merel and her whole being asked for help, by this transcending her ego and deeming the earthly forces less important than the spiritual forces ( your faith will move mountains) that all blockages could be cleared. In your eyes a miracle, in the eyes of the spiritual world simply use of spiritual powers.

But let this be said: ask and you will be given. The world would be a better place if every person in every situation did what Merel and her client did. Because don't underestimate how much influence the client with dementia had on the process. She was genuinely and sincerely hesitant with her meager brain but with her emotional powers and her heart she was really in a joyful expectation when Merel invoked the angels. And that, of course, helped the guardian angels present enormously.  

Merel and her client are blessed.  

My blessings to you all

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