My God, 10 years ago I first heard Your voice in a small chapel in Leiden. I experienced it was You, I knew it was special, and I didn't understand why I was allowed to go through this. By now I know that everyone can experience this, that it is possible. By now I understand that it will actually be the natural religion of the future, without the intervention of church rituals and pastors, just to be and communicate with the indwelling God.
What joy, what a promise, what a grace. I thank You for Your blessings, Your graces, Your corrections, but above all Your endless patience and love. For this I can say to the rest of the world, You should have chosen someone else, with more talents, more simplicity, more maturity. Anyway, obviously You choose to show your power and splendour especially with people who are nothing. You're great.
So many texts, so many visits from so many countries, I still find it special if thanks to the internet free and for nothing someone can read your words and indulge in them out there on a flat three high in the back in some suburb anywhere in the world. And, even if it's three visitors a day. That's nice. But sometimes there are 100 a day.
I thank You, I thank You, I thank You. That’s all
there to say. And now You please?
My good son, I love silence more, as you know, so let's take this opportunity to entice fellow man to silence. For in silence God is found. Only when the noise and superficiality and the hassle of the world are put aside one can hear His God. How else could it be?
I thank you for your openness, your willingness, your vulnerability.
I thank you for your willingness to be quiet and really listen.
I did the rest. Keep it up, My son.
Behold your servant, My God.
Be blessed, good son.
My blessings to you all