"True goodness is like water in that it blesses everything and harms nothing. And like water, true goodness seeks the lowest places, even those levels which others avoid." Taoism, Urantiabook §131 Page 1452
I knew a very righteous and holy priest who had his farewell Mass before he retired. Yes, he was over 80 years old, so he'd continued his good work until he couldn't anymore. In this Mass I experienced that from the spiritual world a great grace and blessing was given about his earthly work and I "saw" and felt all this happening. I'm now not going into what I've experienced here. But heaven opened up there on that altar in a way that filled me with awe and emotion.
When I told him later on in a letter my experience and expressed my admiration and respect for this sacred event, he wrote "I am pleased for you that you have been through this, but as far as I am concerned I can only say "I owe everything to my parents and the Virgin Mary". At the time I didn't understand his modesty, but now I'm starting to experience for myself that goodness and handling out of goodness are really nothing but parts of the abundance that you've been given, and that that's natural and really can't be otherwise. There doesn't seem to be a more natural way. And now I came across this Taoist quote and in it it is described even more zen and even more beautiful and more self-evident than I had suspected.
Would You like to comment on this, My God?
This is the will of God. True love is effortless, and acts without self-interest, and shares its own abundance. And flows from good man as water to lower and unreachable places, to people who need it most. True love therefore comes from a humble man who has come to realize that one can only get empty hands if the full hands and the full heart are handed out, handed out and handed out, effortlessly. How else can the hands and heart be filled with more?
This quote shows that God truly loves all religions. The beauty and
truth of this Taoist quote may touch and inspire any other believer and
My blessings to you all
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