Friday, 31 December 2021

The smallest act has big consequences

May I ask You?

I read an article in my newspaper* about a resistance fighter (Derk te Rietstap) in the Second World War in Europe who reacted to the great injustice and oppression and the war with the words: "The world is not doing well, I want to do something about it".

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I like to do so.

At the smallest good deed, the cosmos breathes a sigh of relief. 

In other words, everything is extremely important and is always perceived and noted by the spiritual world. But also by mankind on earth. The acts of resistance in the Netherlands, for example, have comforted and strengthened the entire Dutch people during the war and have contributed to the enduring of all suffering.

This resistance man not only sighed these words, he also acted on them.

And in the end he died because of this**. 

Don't let anyone underestimate a small individual act, let alone a big one. Everything contributes to the consciousness of mankind as a whole. Everything immediately becomes part of the present and future of mankind. And the man who commits a good deed, he may later take it as a tribute in the spiritual world. Can you imagine what a praise there will be after death if someone thought the right thing and did the right thing for a lifetime? Great joy in the spiritual world for the My God, the guardian angel and the soul. And the beauty of the spiritual body of such a person after his death is indescribable.

Derk te Rietstap is blessed.  

My blessings to you all                                   

*Trouw Dagblad 31-12-2021

** He was executed on March 2 in 1945

No 521

Saturday, 25 December 2021

Is my heart polluted or fulfilled?

My God, may I ask You.

Now that I have been living so simply and purely lately, without all the hassle of addictions and attachments, I experience such an enormous inner peace and feel You, even when I do not pray, so close to me. Would You like to comment on this? 

My good son, all this you describe has nothing to do with sin and guilt and penance, I say it clearly once again on this wonderful Christian Holiday. It only has to do with your heart and with the simple words polluted or fulfilled.

Your heart is polluted when it is full of material things, attachments, fears and worries about yourself and your life. I can't get to that then. I do My best but I have to hold back and limit My energy, My blessing, My grace, My inspiration, My presence. Your heart is already so full and so polluted. And I can only clean and empty it with your help and will. So I'll wait.

Your heart is fulfilled when it is full of spiritual things and ideals and worries about others. I can then join. For everything that I find fits Me, is My love, is what I like to see. And I can then share My energy, My blessing, My grace, My inspiration, My presence with you, I can then fill your heart even more. I don't have to clean anything anymore and your will is directed, unintentionally and fully automatically on My Will.  Then there is the Kingdom of God on earth in your heart.

A person with a polluted heart certainly awaits eternity but not at that moment. 

A person with a fulfilled heart then experiences eternity, and just at that moment he or she is Son or Daughter of God, and is thus following the example of the Son of man.   

My blessings to you all

No 520

Monday, 13 December 2021

Perfectly happy (in God)

I wanted to ask You. I checked a YouTube video from Vera Helleman*. She speaks of "perfectly happy", as a word, as a state, as a guide, as a mantra. If you say it out loudly, and she does that a number of times in her video, then as a viewer you certainly make contact with a special energy. In this time of great difficulties and challenges and endless staring at everything that is wrong in the world and into man, it seems totally hysterical.

Excuse me, who is happy nowadays, it's almost old-fashioned, that word.  I found it very penetrating, I started working on it, but when I remember this, I added to it, "perfectly happy in God". 

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I like to do so, My son.

It seems, as you say, hysterical, or exaggerated, but it is very practical.  

First of all, consider what you're thinking all day long as a human being. That is such a gathered pile of unregulated and endless reactions to a busy outside world that such a clear, powerful and energetically pure sigh as "perfectly happy" is not such a crazy one, isn't it? Quite clear and quite positive. But it is much more than a kind of mental mantra according to positive thinking. This transcends it totally.

It is an energetic truth that you can stand in.

Secondly, there is a place in man, in the blogs I call it the axis of the spinning wheel, where God is located, where God is waiting for man, where man can enter into connection with eternity. And for unbelievers We then say where man can step out of the hectic pace of the day, out of the delusions of the moment, out of the unrest of the mass media, out of the compelling thrills of signals from everywhere on an energetic level, even from the Wi-Fi radiation. He comes where there is peace, where there is silence, where no one else can get to. A place that cannot be touched by the angry outside world and from an energetic point of view, nor by the angry inner world. 

Try it out. Doing it regularly generates a new energy in the inner self, and also a true one. God welcomes this. And just to be clear. For you it is perfectly logical that you say 'Perfectly happy in God' because that is your (and My truth) but for unbelievers of course "Perfectly happy" will be sufficient even if one then leaves in the middle where this state of happiness is coming from. From God, of course.

Vera Helleman is blessed. 

My blessings to you all

*A Dutch influencer in the field of health and dealing well with emotions

No 519