My God, may I ask You.
Now that I have been living so simply and purely
lately, without all the hassle of addictions and attachments, I experience such
an enormous inner peace and feel You, even when I do not pray, so close to me.
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My good son, all this you describe has nothing to do with sin and guilt and penance, I say it clearly once again on this wonderful Christian Holiday. It only has to do with your heart and with the simple words polluted or fulfilled.
Your heart is polluted when it is full of material things, attachments, fears and worries about yourself and your life. I can't get to that then. I do My best but I have to hold back and limit My energy, My blessing, My grace, My inspiration, My presence. Your heart is already so full and so polluted. And I can only clean and empty it with your help and will. So I'll wait.
Your heart is fulfilled when it is full of spiritual things and ideals
and worries about others. I can then join. For everything that I find fits Me,
is My love, is what I like to see. And I can then share My energy, My blessing,
My grace, My inspiration, My presence with you, I can then fill your heart even
more. I don't have to clean anything anymore and your will is directed,
unintentionally and fully automatically on My Will. Then there is the Kingdom of God on earth in
your heart.
A person with a polluted heart certainly awaits eternity but not at that moment.
A person with a fulfilled heart then experiences eternity, and just at that
moment he or she is Son or Daughter of God, and is thus following the example
of the Son of man.
My blessings to you all
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