Wednesday, 13 April 2022

God always reaches us in the end

God meets us where we are. Even if we have the smallest crack that opens the door to our hearts, God will find his entrance*

Would You like to say something about this? 

If that little crack isn't there, God knows it will come someday. Often already in this life, sometimes only in the spiritual world. Even in hell or for sure in hell, God is ready at the slightest crack. 

But what does that crack mean and how should you practically envision it?

Well, so: that crack is a question mark in consciousness, where man first lived in an exclamation mark.

An exclamation mark: man lives in conceit, trusts only in his own will, his own ideas, his own thinking. He knows exactly how the world works and one should not tell him anything about life and certainly not about God, who will probably not exist with that man either. 

A question mark: man is very confused, is at the end of his rope, sits with a huge struggle and despair and asks a question. Or prays by faith.

Examples are:

God, are You helping me?

I don't know what to do anymore, are You showing me the way?

The desperate lonely exclamation: help?


Of course, this is a charged and contrived dichotomy, but the principle is clear. God and the spiritual world respect free will to the hole. And even if a man walks in a thousand locks at once, if he does not experiences an ? in his consciousness, God cannot do anything. But fortunately, every road, even a seeming dead end, even if it is a dramatic and destructive detour, always leads to God. 

And then one more thing: if man lives in conceit, walks dead ends, and is totally lost in earthly terms, then it is not the case that the important law of God that man's free will is always respected is the only law. Then it would look quite hopeless to man. There are also other laws that can supplement or overrule this law or certainly do not subtly point out to man the great limitations of his free will. Like the law of love, or the law of justice, or the law of cause and effect. 

That is why man always comes good in the end, sooner or later, goodly or badly, consciously or unconsciously, involuntarily or voluntarily. 

Dawn Eden and Marcus Grodi are blessed.

My blessings to you all

*Interview You Tube Marcus Grodi and Dawn Eden 2012-11-12

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