Monday, 17 October 2022

Compassion for the other

My good God, You probably wants to comment on this? 

Yes, I do.

This is about pure love, my son, when one person realizes this or remembers it when he meets the other. Everyone, almost without exception, struggles with problems, difficulties, worries, addictions or grief for a loved one. Everyone. Welcome to this imperfect but beautiful planet. Your humans are developing, and it is a long and painful and worrisome road from former ape to consciously living spiritual man.

And beautiful life experiences contribute indeed to this but actually even more great difficulties. They are better able to grab a person by “his balls”, by shaking him up or increasing his understanding of the suffering of the other. Because if you have experienced a lot yourself, you are careful not to judge someone else. At least if the process went well. If someone becomes bitter or psychiatric due to difficulties, other things are also needed.

Most of the time difficulties bring a person closer to consciousness, spiritual growth and thus closer to God, whether that person realizes it or not. So....... 

Good human being, realize that every human being you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about and your compassion, your understanding, your love even for your fellow man grow enormously only when you remember this. So be nice, always. Because that is desperately needed in these derailing times.  

My blessings to you all

No 541

Tuesday, 4 October 2022

Overcoming addictions on earth is less painful than in after life

Thus, in his weakness and worldly habit, each one will find a certain cross, which will prepare him much more pain in the spiritual world, if he has not overcome it in this world completely or largely victoriously, with much less difficulty*


My God, may I ask You.

I have already experienced a few times now, that someone has not overcome an earthly addiction and sometimes even dies because of that earthly addiction. And now I came across this quote from Jakob Lorber. Actually, I think it's intense, would You like to comment on this?

Of course I do so.

Why is this intense, isn't it rather logically and justly, understandably and usefully arranged in this way?  

Let’s recall someone who is addicted to alcohol and therefore dies ten years earlier in great solitude. Because the negative consequences of alcohol are among other things a destruction of the body and a deformity of character, so that someone becomes aggressive, intolerant, evil and unloving to the loved ones in his environment, and therefore logically becomes very alone in life. Who wants such a person?

This person is of course lovingly taken care of in the spiritual world and receives beneficial attention and a restoration of his spiritual body, which is deformed and weakened by the earthly consequences of alcohol abuse. And it doesn't take spiritual guidance to make this person realize very quickly that he has wasted his life. And because the person craving alcohol obviously does not get a drop of alcohol served, We like the best approach here, someone quickly comes to clarity and insights.

We leave aside here someone who has become so evil on earth that he becomes a demon in the spiritual world and remains bound to the earth and tries to incite others to alcohol abuse in order to experience something of the alcohol rush. These are insane exceptions. 

I'm talking about a nicely raised person with a good heart, who has nevertheless been derailed.

And there is that person, looking back on his earthly life. Do you know how horrible regret is, My Son? Intense excruciating all-consuming regret when one gets the insight that one could have done otherwise, that one has made wrong choices, that one has been weak to oneself. When in fact one should have dealt with oneself ruthlessly. Intense regret, and even though everything in the spiritual world is put right and one is given thousands of opportunities to make up for everything one has done wrong, one would have wanted otherwise and this realization will continue for centuries. Not because God wants it, not because it has to be, but because one for oneself cannot forget the memory of this wasted life, even though one has  forgiven oneself.

Thus, in his weakness and worldly habit, each one will find a certain cross, which will prepare him much more pain in the spiritual world, if he has not overcome it in this world completely or largely victoriously,  with much less difficulty

And now we come to the most important thing.   On earth, a person can really tackle an addiction or largely overcome it with less effort. But that is what one must want.  And that is the core of the regret in the spiritual world, one then comes to realize that one did not really want to. That one always has chosen the pleasures of addiction. Because addiction really means nothing more than being a slave. And it is a horrifying realization “here above” when one comes to realize that one wanted to remain a slave. And a person who overcomes his addiction on earth stops being a slave. I cannot describe to you the joy of everyone who arrives in the spiritual world and then makes contact with the intense relief that one has overcome the addiction on earth and not too late in the spiritual world.

So, My son, the words of Jakob Lorber are not intense, but bear witness to a glorious truth. Intense is someone who dies as an addict. 

And the above story applies to all addictions and pernicious habits, even though each addiction or pernicious habit has a different price.  

All addicts are nevertheless blessed. 

My blessings to you all

*Jakob Lorber, Heavenly gifts (Hi, New revelations, II p. 221.6)   

No 540