Monday, 17 October 2022

Compassion for the other

My good God, You probably wants to comment on this? 

Yes, I do.

This is about pure love, my son, when one person realizes this or remembers it when he meets the other. Everyone, almost without exception, struggles with problems, difficulties, worries, addictions or grief for a loved one. Everyone. Welcome to this imperfect but beautiful planet. Your humans are developing, and it is a long and painful and worrisome road from former ape to consciously living spiritual man.

And beautiful life experiences contribute indeed to this but actually even more great difficulties. They are better able to grab a person by “his balls”, by shaking him up or increasing his understanding of the suffering of the other. Because if you have experienced a lot yourself, you are careful not to judge someone else. At least if the process went well. If someone becomes bitter or psychiatric due to difficulties, other things are also needed.

Most of the time difficulties bring a person closer to consciousness, spiritual growth and thus closer to God, whether that person realizes it or not. So....... 

Good human being, realize that every human being you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about and your compassion, your understanding, your love even for your fellow man grow enormously only when you remember this. So be nice, always. Because that is desperately needed in these derailing times.  

My blessings to you all

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