Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Faith is a matter of attitude

What do you think of God," the teacher asked. After a pause, the young pupil replied, "He's not a think, he's a feel (Paul Frost)

 Would You like to comment on this?

 Yes, I do. But I think that's what you want too?

 Oh I sure do. Actually, it seems clever of that student, but I still find it debatable. I believe that being busy with God, thinking about God, knowing of God and feeling God in your heart, is certainly not a matter of feeling alone. Often enough I don't feel anything when I'm busy with You or when I'm praying. But I do experience that You hear me and that You exist, no doubt about it.

But in my eyes you are not One of my emotional life. The bottom line, I think, is that I have accepted You with my mind, I am concerned with You with my mind, and I accept and acknowledge with my mind that You exist. And then before, during or afterwards all kinds of feelings, sensations, ecstasy or beautiful energy are added. Thank goodness.

But I see very clearly around me that the people who do not believe are, without exception, people who trust very much in what they think themselves. And they don't like to give up that trust, often thinking that they know better than others. In short, in my opinion, faith is not something of thinking or feeling, but of "the surrender of the mind", trust, giving the control  away, modesty that you don't know things, something like that.

You have said it, My son. That egg has been laid. Good for you.

To be busy with God is certainly something of the mind, or the surrender of the mind, as you say. However, being busy with God is also something of feeling, because faith without feeling quickly becomes a bloodless thing. The feeling gives colour to the faith. Without feeling, faith becomes a law- and regulation thing. And that's a shame. In short, the student in the quote also has a point.

But being busy with God is above all an attitude to life, an attitude issue, a combination of thinking, feeling, but also willpower, also intuition, also impulses of the heart. In short, as is so often the case with man, you are all a little bit right. Isn't that beautiful?

 My blessings to you all 

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