Monday, 4 November 2024

Global crisis

 My God, may I ask You?

I have been working as a volunteer in the vegetable garden of a monastery in my village for two years. And oh what a miracle it all is. The beauty of the fog over the fields in the morning. The growth of the vine tomatoes in the greenhouse. The flowers of the tulip bulbs in spring. The blossom of the fruit trees. The dew on the grass in the morning sun. The pike in the water that darts away at human noise. The deep red Virginia creeper on the roof of an old barn. I could go on for a whole page with examples. But my question is this. Will all this be lost because of the increasing environmental crisis, because of the pollution, in the coming years when I think of the gigantic changes as predicted by You in other blogs? I'm so worried. I am so burdened by this realization because the man-made destruction makes me so sad.     

 Yes, My son. A great deal is lost. By your own doing, and by your blindness to the consequences of your actions, and by your horrible optimism that all will be well, and your boundless selfishness, you will witness a total upheaval in the next fifty years. Oh there are many people already working on eco-friendly living, but mankind as a whole is not doing enough about it, especially those in the rich countries. The changes for the better will prove to be too small. As lemmings, you are consciously running towards the abyss. And the destruction will be almost total. No end-time story, no Christ coming back to separate the goats and the sheep. No substantial changes for the better. No, total destruction accompanied by collapsing economies, extinction of many plant and animal species, epidemics and decimation of mankind of unprecedented proportions. All this has been foreseen, and so it will be. Aren´t you all witnessing it all already?

 Now We always have comforting blogs with a lot of perspective and optimism, don't we, and now these words? The consolation lies in the fact that all this is temporary for you, then life goes on, in the spiritual world with great joy because you finally have perspective again. And life on earth also has perspective, because life is stronger than man. Mother Nature will create a new clean world with unprecedented force with an eruption of new plant and animal species, but in the long run for sure. Life goes on, the future of mankind on a clean earth is foreseen. And now you yourselves have a right to eternal life. In short, all suffering is very temporary, there is hope on the horizon, now, always, how could it be otherwise. Hope is life, life is hope.

 My blessings to you all

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