Tuesday, 27 September 2011

What does God look like?

Can I ask You what you look like and who You are?

When I would tell you the truth, your brain would explode. To you My answer is too big, too much, too immense.

I think I understand.
Would You give it a try anyway?

In earlier days man saw God in a tree, a glittering crystal, a rock or a mountain, and then in the moon, the sun and virtues like strength and courage. He invented Gods, like Mother Earth. And later he made one God progressing to a Personal God. Initially an old man with a beard, but then enlightened souls said: God is not to be grasped, God is Inconceivable, it is An Impersonal Person.

However, as long as you live with the personality and the ego, you will always personalize God in a certain way. The personality needs to personalize all things and no matters Whom one is dealing with.
But you will have to learn that everything is impersonal. You are heading in the right direction, that is what God wants, it has to be.
You can only grow towards the truth, never away from it, that is a law of God.

Still I would like to mention the last millennia various religions have attempted to comprehend God. The Jews are quite close with their Inconceivable God. The Muslims too, who are ascribing God thousands of names and qualities but emphasizing Allah is only One.
Very true and very beautiful.

So My son let it go, do not want to know, let God Be and be content with the mystery.

But You do say very personal things to me and You talk to me as a person?

No, My son, I have no form and you hearing My words doesn't make them personal. Everything I am telling you is utterly impersonal; it is for everybody and everything. Isn't whom you call a great personality, someone with a great deal of impersonality? Someone with a big heart, open and loving, accepting everyone without discrimination or judgement?

That is how you should see God. But if I would make myself visible to you, I would make the appearance somewhat personal, such as a magnificent androgyn angel, without wings, how about that?

Well, that would be great, but I have the feeling that such an appearance is not going to happen, is it?

I didn't intend to let it happen.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 13

Friday, 23 September 2011

Am I not just hallucinating?

My God, could it be possible I am just hallucinating? Talking to God, hearing a voice?

You are not hallucinating. You are doing better than ever. You are mentally healthy, relaxed, focussed, and over all a pleasant human being for your environment, you are working hard, you are caring for nature and you are showing a lot of self-restraint on many levels. Does that sound hallucinating? Not to Me.

However We could improve our conversations and expand your ability to understand God, when you would do the next: every time you are having a task accomplished, turn it over to God, so in a way give it back to God. Then your ego wrapping itself around your actions can be detached, and you can walk to your next assignment with empty hands. Of course God can fill empty hands easier than when they are full or clasped. God will fill them with exactly what is needed. By turning things over to God, and letting go of everything, God can strengthen your connection with all there is. In this way you may detach yourself slowly but steadily from the ties of the ego, created automatically by the ego thinking he is the center of everything. Everything the ego is touching is becoming isolated from the whole picture, and becoming insignificant, false and child-like.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 12

Thursday, 22 September 2011

A little bit of care for a beggar doesn't cost you

I'm biking to my work and recall my behaviour of last Sunday, when I was very short with a handicapped beggar on a tricycle and even without giving him some money. I said somethong like ´not now please´ and walked by. Apparenty I was absorbed by more important things.
I ´m asking God: I´m afraid I was not very kind towards the handicapped man I met last Sunday, could You give me some feedback?

I´d love to. Some more attention and care would have been good. You had a great day with your son and partner. God sent you many angels that day, all to make sure everything went fine that day.
It was nice weather, you delivered your son safely home, you were about to go for a walk in a beautiful forest, you are healthy, your loving partner was waiting for you, the car available.
And then you are encountering a shabby, not too clean handicapped man in his fifties telling you an incoherent story and longing for some attention and one euro. And the next moment you are snapping at him.

You are so right, I feel terrible, what could I have done?
Even when your mind is occupied with other issues just show respect for everything and everybody.
You could have shown respect towards this man, looking him in the eye, saying: 'I am sorry, I am in a hurry, but have a nice day anyway'. That is costless, isn´t it?
But you had time. You could have been openminded and listened to his story. What is so hard on giving away 2 minutes and a little chat........after all you lived a day of many blessings, wealth, happiness, litterally and figuratively. And you got it all from God.

Whatever the destiny of this man is, and even taken in consideration you normally do give the poor something and your normal attitude towards beggars is better, at this very moment your old self was present in full glory.
Of course you are right again. I am deeply ashamed. Can I make it right?
Don´t you all always get the opportunity to make it right? Pray for him and remember your mistake next time over. Thanks for bringing this up.
I will pray for him, right now. I am impressed you didn´t confront me immediately but waited untill I brought it up myself.
Please know We are always patient and man is the cause of his own fate. Always. Fate is also patient and blesses always, and is working with a loving and just planning. Even when man is experiencing being a victim instead of the cause of his own actions.
We never forget, we are just calculating out of justice, which is one of God's Laws, and also because  mankind needs constant correction, care and guiding. We always help, with insight and understanding.
The spirit of insight should be invoked more often, she is one of God's most important but most ignored help. Invoke her frequently.

I am your conscience too, so it was Me who made you remember this happening. I did not wait for you to discuss it but awaited a quiet and reflective moment for you and Me to talk about it.
We see and care and guide. You all exist as if you were alone and invisible but in fact you are on stage , We, on the other side, We see and let you and wait and have patience, but only intervene when it is inevitable.

Please pray for this handicapped man. Ask the Angel of Hope to help him, he needs it. With this you can rectify your inconsideration. And so everything is in its place again, and know this man as well needs to find his own way.
I'll do it right now.

My blessings to you.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 11 

Monday, 19 September 2011

Life after death and “unbelievers”

How is faith and non faith related to passing away? Orthodox believers, Christians as well as Muslims, they are too often mentioning hell and such matters?

We are distinguishing surrender of the heart and surrender of the mind. Dying in grace is when the personality has surrendered his heart. Dying in belief is when the personality has surrendered his mind. We can therefore make a distinction between four types of personalities passing on. I do want to add this is an idealtypical situation, in practice there is 100% variation and nuance. But let's stick to the main types.
  • We tend to welcome those personalities, dying with surrender of the heart. That counts. Therefore quite nonbelieving personalities too are welcomed with joy, when they already have opted for love coming from the heart. Love for their fellowman, for life itself. They do have to adjust, for they weren 't expecting the richness of spiritual life at all. But because their heart is in the right place this adjustment usually goes very well.
  • Then there are those personalities dying with mental surrender, they believe, but nothing else. They have not opened their heart to life, to their fellowman, so we might say they have lived without love or much feeling. They have to adjust quite a bit. It's scary, for they are expecting to be welcomed by God, by Jesus and /or Mary, by Mohammed and soforth. And that's not happening at all, in stead they are received in chilling, cold, heartless, colourless and estranged realms, for this is the way they have lived their lives. But justice prevails "up here" ! This particular group of personalities is usually quite fettered, is needing a lot of time and help before being able and willing to warm their hearts. I stress willing, as this particular group is often blocked in their minds, rapped in delusions, and harboring biased and unloving opinions concerning those with other faiths, unbelievers and socalled sinners. And the willpower with which this attitude in life has been embraced and cherished against the flow of life, is usually quite significant. Islamic terrorists are an extreme case in point.
  • Rather dramatic, but at all times guided by Us with Our unconditional love and interest is the group of personalities having lived without faith or love. Having lived without surrender of the mind and of the heart. Not very pleasant for their fellowman, not nice for Us and unpleasant for themselves ofcourse. It can hardly be worse. Coldhearted materialists, egocentric criminals, shortsighted and unloving dictators, it takes all kinds. They made ill use of life, squandering opportunities, neglecting the richness of life, having disregard for the feelings of fellowman, exploiting nature, and being totally indifferent for the consequences of their own actions. These personalities don't end up in hell, for there is no such thing, but it often feels like hell to them. The rich find themselves in drafty ruins. murderers scuffle over the ground like insects without limbs or find themselves entrapped in glass. Everything is possible in order to create exactly the proper (emprisoned) environment for these personalities. They receive precisely what is needed for them to come to their senses. And they are offered a situation in which they can be corrected and prevented from ever harming again any living creature, be it man, animal, plant or object. I want to emphasize these conditions are on a temporary basis and last for as long as necessary. Eternal realms of damnation and hell, being lost forever, suffering for eternity, for just having followed the wrong track on Earth, are indeed a senseless, unloving delusion, concocted by man. Whenever these personalities are ready for understanding and change, they'll get every opportunity in the spiritual world to make up for it and become happy in the end.
  • The personalities dying with surrender of heart and mind, they have lived as such in love and faith. Their passing over is for Us a time of rejoycing. Words fail to describe the radiant light of the realm where they have been welcomed. The joy of angels and their loved ones, of their soul and their guardian angel, the colours of their surroundings, the heavenly(spiritual) music, the tokens of honour heaped upon these personalities and the joy within themselves are a true delight for those attending. In all respects they proved succesful, looking back upon a rich, not necessarily easy life. They have actually sampled life's truths. Their passing on is joyful, loving, magnificant and always accompanied by festive highlights in spirit.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 10

Thursday, 15 September 2011

On surrender and letting go

 I thank you for my walk, it was so special. It's all so impressive, nature, the weather, the atmosphere, the beauty, everthing belongs to You, I surrender everything to You and I thank You for it and again !

Thank you for saying this, I am pleased with it.

Why are you pleased ? Am I not making you happy with a mare's nest, as in fact everything belongs to You anyway ?

I would like to comment on this . It certainly isn't a mare's nest. I am your cCeator and  you are My creation, My human being. And My wonderful project on Earth is gradually surrendering more and more to My will, has started to live life in truth, is recognizing and acknowledging and experiencing all is within God, belonging to God and favouring God.

We are cooperating. Providence has deemed it a lofty purpose, has granted free will to the Image of God on Earth, to man, the intended Crown of Creation. And this human being is in the process of learning by actually surrendering everything belonging to God, in stead of claiming, falsifying and warping all that is. Therefore everything starts to flow, including flowing thróúgh and everything is becoming more and more pure.

Is this a mare's nest ?
Be blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 9

A prayer for criminals

I am in the French town B. and ask God: "Will you bless all the organisations in this town, including the mafia and criminals ?"

Thank you, they are blessed.
We are very grateful for this.

Why do You say this ?

There are not many lay people praying for criminal organisations. Monks do and the family of mafia members, but concerning the latters: that's in their interest. You elevate them to a higher level through your prayer asking God to bless them. And how much they do need this prayer or rather how much they do need the blessing? For who on Earth is needing the blessing in Heaven's name more and is needing to be elevated more than organisations who murder and exhibit cruelty on a professional level ? Your prayer and because of this God's blessing will be very powerful, for the request is coming from the Earth realm, and is therefore more effective.

Asassins may possibly murder fewer people, cruel persons may be less cruel, women may be treated less badly and members of these organisations may will sooner ask themselves what they are involved with and may listen sooner to their conscience and their soul. We up here are grateful for your prayer and We eagerly accept your proposal to do this on a daily basis.

Be therefore blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 8

Monday, 12 September 2011

God doesn't like the concepts of guilt, sin and penance

Can You comment on guilt and sin and penance, familiar concepts in christian churches?

God doesn't like the concepts of guilt, sin and penance. The orthodox cCtholic church and the orthodox protestants really have blown this theme out of proportion. Jesus has accepted His path of suffering as a fact of reality. And as a consequence of the cruel conditions in those times. The most important issue is He has fulfilled His mission: He has created a new, large and strong energetic portal to heaven through His Presence on Earth.
This portal between heavenly and earthy affairs allows personalities to open up more and gain easier access to the spiritual world. This has been confirmed by The Holy Spirit at Whitsuntide.
Therefore Jesus Christ is the Lord of Love and Lord of the Earth, for by living His Life He has gained the upper hand against the earthbound, sometimes negative forces. The personal aspect of all these defiled forces are called the apes of God.

But this is subject for another blog.
Nevertheless the Christian churches do have a good point: it is a great accomplishment from Our perspective to identify your life on Earth with the suffering of Christ and the deep sorrow of the Mother. For their mission was a glorious one, however not an easy one. And in the heavenly realms the role, the courage and the suffering of the woman, the mother as the strong element behind the screens is certainly very estimated.

God is happy the Female Element is regaining her well deserved position back in many societies in this time. Again a subject for another blog.

Related to the concepts of sin, guilt, penance and suffering God prefers to call it repenters rather than sinners, mistakes rather than guilt, readressing rather than penance and hard work rather than selfdenial, and sacrifice rather than suffering.
Nevertheless one needs to "look one another fair and square in the eye" for when the earthly personality is prepared to travel all the way back, towards God than all fascination, addictions and attachments need to disappear. They must at least become secondary in importance and God has to become of primary importance. Not because God wants to, but because realizing this is essental for living in Truth. For God is your One and Only, the Only One, the Cause, your Destination, your Source, your Future, your Tranquillity, your Happiness, there is no other way.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 7

Friday, 9 September 2011

Evolution and creation: two sides of life

Can You tell us something about our soul?

I'll start off with some principles away:
  • The soul has a spiritual origin
  • The personality is an earthy creation
  • The soul is able to get connected with different personalities on earth in different periods 
  • Reincarnation doesn't really exist. The soul attaches itself to different personalities in different periods, but remains spiritually above
  • The earthy personality lives on after the death of the physical body and is able to choose out of an endless number of possiblities in which to develope spiritually to great heights
  • Evolution(science) and creation by God (religion) are both elements of life and are not mutually exclusive.
The explanation follows:
The soul is absolutely pure when it is created by God. A soul is of spiritual substance.
When a soul commences a project on Earth and attaches itself to an embryo and thereby using his own skills with this personality, the soul becomes automatically tied up with the activities and developments of this personality.

The earthy personality is new, unique and didn't exist prior to conception. The earthy personality consists totally as an element of earthy evolution. The personalities living on Earth are thus made up of earthy substance. For starting with the embryonic development, a spiritual body is also automatically being developed (with lots of help from the soul and naturally from God). And the opportunities for development in the spiritual world are henceforth endless.
When for example lots of situations go wrong and the personality even commits crimes (free will is sacred to Us), the personality will then encounter the results of his actions in the spiritual world according to the laws of cause and effect.

The personality is always given the opportunity in a very justified sense to "put matters right". But this will be quite confronting and painful. Everything is presented to him/her in love, however the personality doesn't experience it in a beneficial sense, more as punishment. Unfortunately so, but necessary. This is just a spiritual law.
The soul suffers in the case of a derailed earthy life.

Though the soul is not contaminated by it, but still very much tied up with it.
When the earthy personality after the physical death has adjusted all earthy inbalance in the spiritual world, the personality progresses with his or her spiritual development.
The personality never reincarnates.
The soul however is than released of its ties with this personality and attaches itself in other earthy periods with another personality in order to develop or dissolve the experiences and attachments related to Earth.
So in fact reincarnation doesn't really exist; a leaf on a tree in 2011 is not the reincarnation of a leaf on the same tree in 2010.
Some people do discuss it in such a way: I was a carpenter in my past life. In fact one ought to say: My soul at one time attached itself to another personality, who used to be a carpenter.
It can be said of all personalities of a certain soul they are connected to one another throughout the ages. As the soul gains more earthy experience, the soul chooses in time more refined and developed beings.
So one ought to say, instead of: "I have a soul", "I belong to a soul".

Scientists have not yet discovered Earthy evolution is for one 100 % being navigated and guided by the spiritual world.
Many religions have not yet discovered life on Earth is modified through the method of earthy evolution and this method is considered by the spiritual world to be perfect .
Thus evolution and creation both exist simultaneously.

And I want to finish by mentioning a truly crucial common theme in human life, a perspective, a statement, man's main purpose in life, his destiny:
"Man should only identify himself with God, this is his destiny"
For the essence within man is not his body, nor his emotions, nor his mental faculty, but his focus on his spiritual body. For this has been created by God and by his soul, from his birth onwards and this is what he truly is, this is his destiny, this is his true perspective, this is what he truly is in essence.

That's why I mentioned earlier on in essence once you start peeling away your being to the core, you have to acknowledge God is your Purpose, you are essentially God, God is your Beingness.

What is your perception starting with conception: is it focused on Earth or on Heaven, focused on the ground or upwards, on the outer or inner world, on the strangeness or on the intimacy, on your damnation or on your solace, on your demise or on your eternity ?"
That's up to you.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 6

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

The opinion of fellowmen versus the opinion of God.

I have to do this afternoon a presentation on finance before a large group of directors. I'm sitting in the train and I'm really nervous. I ask God to help me to be calm and relaxed at this meeting.
I ask God: "Can you help me to relax. I don't understand why I believe their opinion to be of more importance than Yours, if this was the case I would no longer be nervous".

You're right not to be nervous with Me, for what would I do unto you? I am the God of Love, I cherish, I nurture, I am like a parent unto you, with endless patience. I never force Myself upon you and do not judge. But it seems right that you feel nervous with people, especially with managers. For they are the ones, who are jointly responsible for all the illness in the world. They serve their own interests too much, they are the ones, who enrich themselves at the expense of the poor. And in some organisations and countries, they are the ones who commit crimes against humanity, against civilisation, they go against the sentiments of their collegues and subordinates. They are sometimes the ones, who murder or more frequently give the orders for murder.

Focussing on your nervous condition., pronounce the following mantra, before you present yourself:

"The opinion of God is far more important to me than the opinion of men".

Then your nervousness will disappear into thin air. For you make their opinion more important than warranted. Are you not at all times striving to allow My opinion to prevail?

My blessings for you all

Nr. 5 

Friday, 2 September 2011

Zen and the art of essence

A Zenbuddhist, philosphical question arises within me, put to students in order to seduce them to go within deeper still. I pose the question to My God.
Can You help me with this question: "What was my face like before my parents were born?"

It was Mine.

I am moved by the answer.
Thank You, My God.

Be blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 4

Googling or God?

I cannot recall the name of an author and ask My God: " Do You know the name of the author?"  I don't get a reply, ask again, once more no reply. And I say to God: "You don't know, but if You don't know, being allknowing etcetera, then I am at a loss, then I'm fooling myself." 
I'm upset, draw conclusions from an answer not forthcoming and have my doubts concerning the hesitation of God and not getting an answer. I am so used always to get an answer immediately. I am really doubting for almost half an hour, then regain my equilibrium and ask: "Can You help me understand what has happened here, not my question, but the whole situation?"

Yes, I can. The point is not whether I can answer all your questions, but whether I want to answer them.

Is it not better to google? Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

Sorry God, I do understand. I still have to find my way. I do not wish to use You as an Oracle, but I have to try to distinguish between serious issues and my own daily queries. Thank You, God.

It´s allright. We are investigating everything together and this means, for both of us, each from our own perspective, a journey of discovery. But never hesitate. I am patient and tolerant and understand everything, but I will let you know if you trespass the boundary of respect or take our communication too lightheartedly. I can see you are really trying hard, so rest assured. Together we keep all matters open and transparant. This time I choose to remain silent for a while. Blessings.

Thank you God.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 3