Can You tell us something about our soul?
I'll start
off with some principles away:
- The
soul has a spiritual origin
- The
personality is an earthy creation
- The
soul is able to get connected with different
personalities on earth in different periods
- Reincarnation
doesn't really exist. The soul attaches itself to different personalities in
different periods, but remains spiritually above
- The
earthy personality lives on after the death of the physical body and is able
to choose out of an endless number of possiblities in which to develope
spiritually to great heights
- Evolution(science)
and creation by God (religion) are both elements of life and are not mutually
explanation follows:
The soul is
absolutely pure when it is created by God. A soul is of spiritual substance.
When a soul
commences a project on Earth and
attaches itself to an embryo and thereby using his own skills with this personality, the soul becomes automatically tied up with the activities
and developments of this personality.
The earthy
personality is new, unique and didn't exist prior to conception. The earthy
personality consists totally as an element of earthy evolution. The
personalities living on Earth are thus made up of earthy substance. For
starting with the embryonic development, a spiritual body is also automatically
being developed (with lots of help from the soul and naturally from God). And
the opportunities for development in the spiritual world are henceforth
When for
example lots of situations go wrong and the personality even commits crimes
(free will is sacred to Us), the personality will then encounter the results of
his actions in the spiritual world according to the laws of cause and effect.
personality is always given the opportunity in a very justified sense to
"put matters right". But this will be quite confronting and
painful. Everything is presented to him/her in love, however the personality doesn't experience it in a beneficial sense, more as punishment.
Unfortunately so, but necessary. This is just a spiritual law.
The soul
suffers in the case of a derailed earthy life.
Though the
soul is not contaminated by it, but still very much tied up with it.
When the
earthy personality after the physical death has adjusted all earthy inbalance
in the spiritual world, the personality progresses with his or her spiritual
personality never reincarnates.
The soul
however is than released of its ties with this personality and attaches itself
in other earthy periods with another personality in order to develop or
dissolve the experiences and attachments related to Earth.
So in fact
reincarnation doesn't really exist; a leaf on a tree in 2011 is not the
reincarnation of a leaf on the same tree in 2010.
Some people
do discuss it in such a way: I was a carpenter in my past life. In fact one ought to
say: My soul at one time attached itself to another personality, who used to be
a carpenter.
It can be
said of all personalities of a certain soul they are connected
to one another throughout the ages. As the soul gains more earthy experience,
the soul chooses in time more refined and developed beings.
So one
ought to say, instead of: "I have a soul", "I belong to a
have not yet discovered Earthy evolution is for one 100 % being navigated
and guided by the spiritual world.
religions have not yet discovered life on Earth is modified through the
method of earthy evolution and this method is considered by the spiritual world to be perfect
evolution and creation both exist simultaneously.
And I want
to finish by mentioning a truly crucial common theme in human life, a
perspective, a statement, man's main purpose in life, his destiny:
should only identify himself with God, this is his destiny"
For the
essence within man is not his body, nor his emotions, nor his mental faculty,
but his focus on his
spiritual body. For this has been created by God and by his soul, from his birth
onwards and this is what he truly is, this is his destiny, this is his true
perspective, this is what he truly is in essence.
That's why
I mentioned earlier on in essence once you start peeling away your being
to the core, you have to acknowledge God is your Purpose, you are
essentially God, God is your Beingness.
What is
your perception starting with conception: is it focused on Earth or on
Heaven, focused on the ground or upwards, on the outer or inner world, on the
strangeness or on the intimacy, on your damnation or on your solace, on your demise
or on your eternity ?"
That's up to you.
My blessings to you all
Nr. 6