Monday, 19 September 2011

Life after death and “unbelievers”

How is faith and non faith related to passing away? Orthodox believers, Christians as well as Muslims, they are too often mentioning hell and such matters?

We are distinguishing surrender of the heart and surrender of the mind. Dying in grace is when the personality has surrendered his heart. Dying in belief is when the personality has surrendered his mind. We can therefore make a distinction between four types of personalities passing on. I do want to add this is an idealtypical situation, in practice there is 100% variation and nuance. But let's stick to the main types.
  • We tend to welcome those personalities, dying with surrender of the heart. That counts. Therefore quite nonbelieving personalities too are welcomed with joy, when they already have opted for love coming from the heart. Love for their fellowman, for life itself. They do have to adjust, for they weren 't expecting the richness of spiritual life at all. But because their heart is in the right place this adjustment usually goes very well.
  • Then there are those personalities dying with mental surrender, they believe, but nothing else. They have not opened their heart to life, to their fellowman, so we might say they have lived without love or much feeling. They have to adjust quite a bit. It's scary, for they are expecting to be welcomed by God, by Jesus and /or Mary, by Mohammed and soforth. And that's not happening at all, in stead they are received in chilling, cold, heartless, colourless and estranged realms, for this is the way they have lived their lives. But justice prevails "up here" ! This particular group of personalities is usually quite fettered, is needing a lot of time and help before being able and willing to warm their hearts. I stress willing, as this particular group is often blocked in their minds, rapped in delusions, and harboring biased and unloving opinions concerning those with other faiths, unbelievers and socalled sinners. And the willpower with which this attitude in life has been embraced and cherished against the flow of life, is usually quite significant. Islamic terrorists are an extreme case in point.
  • Rather dramatic, but at all times guided by Us with Our unconditional love and interest is the group of personalities having lived without faith or love. Having lived without surrender of the mind and of the heart. Not very pleasant for their fellowman, not nice for Us and unpleasant for themselves ofcourse. It can hardly be worse. Coldhearted materialists, egocentric criminals, shortsighted and unloving dictators, it takes all kinds. They made ill use of life, squandering opportunities, neglecting the richness of life, having disregard for the feelings of fellowman, exploiting nature, and being totally indifferent for the consequences of their own actions. These personalities don't end up in hell, for there is no such thing, but it often feels like hell to them. The rich find themselves in drafty ruins. murderers scuffle over the ground like insects without limbs or find themselves entrapped in glass. Everything is possible in order to create exactly the proper (emprisoned) environment for these personalities. They receive precisely what is needed for them to come to their senses. And they are offered a situation in which they can be corrected and prevented from ever harming again any living creature, be it man, animal, plant or object. I want to emphasize these conditions are on a temporary basis and last for as long as necessary. Eternal realms of damnation and hell, being lost forever, suffering for eternity, for just having followed the wrong track on Earth, are indeed a senseless, unloving delusion, concocted by man. Whenever these personalities are ready for understanding and change, they'll get every opportunity in the spiritual world to make up for it and become happy in the end.
  • The personalities dying with surrender of heart and mind, they have lived as such in love and faith. Their passing over is for Us a time of rejoycing. Words fail to describe the radiant light of the realm where they have been welcomed. The joy of angels and their loved ones, of their soul and their guardian angel, the colours of their surroundings, the heavenly(spiritual) music, the tokens of honour heaped upon these personalities and the joy within themselves are a true delight for those attending. In all respects they proved succesful, looking back upon a rich, not necessarily easy life. They have actually sampled life's truths. Their passing on is joyful, loving, magnificant and always accompanied by festive highlights in spirit.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 10