Friday, 23 September 2011

Am I not just hallucinating?

My God, could it be possible I am just hallucinating? Talking to God, hearing a voice?

You are not hallucinating. You are doing better than ever. You are mentally healthy, relaxed, focussed, and over all a pleasant human being for your environment, you are working hard, you are caring for nature and you are showing a lot of self-restraint on many levels. Does that sound hallucinating? Not to Me.

However We could improve our conversations and expand your ability to understand God, when you would do the next: every time you are having a task accomplished, turn it over to God, so in a way give it back to God. Then your ego wrapping itself around your actions can be detached, and you can walk to your next assignment with empty hands. Of course God can fill empty hands easier than when they are full or clasped. God will fill them with exactly what is needed. By turning things over to God, and letting go of everything, God can strengthen your connection with all there is. In this way you may detach yourself slowly but steadily from the ties of the ego, created automatically by the ego thinking he is the center of everything. Everything the ego is touching is becoming isolated from the whole picture, and becoming insignificant, false and child-like.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 12