Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Young people and their smartphone friends (Tweet from God, 6)
“They say young people are too busy with their iPhones and twitter, but they opt for full-time link with their loved ones, the large family revisited!”
Would you like to explain Your tweet about young people and their smartphones?
Of course.
Young people, especially in the West, have a name for being individualistic and only concerned with their own pleasures. I see it differently.
Young people today are growing up in an exciting and changing environment. Everything is open, there are endless possibilities, they are free to choose for all kind of education and work and some even have money to travel a while. This is all nice and fun and better than the possibilities of their parents and grandparents. That is a fact. From this point of view they have more opportunities, more wealth, more choices.
At the same time the world has never been so pessimistic about the future, the environment, and the opportunities for mankind to overcome this all. Environmental disasters, earthquakes, forest fires, wars, potential conflicts and all the bad news worldwide, waving into any "living room", suggest young people have no future.
And of course young people do respond on this humanely: gloomy, perhaps resigned, despondent, boisterous, sometimes aggressive.
They respond as well in a individualistic way, sometimes selfishly and indifferently.
But they are extremely concerned, in every case deep down inside. That's what I observe.
"The youth of today" with their selfishness and their aggression and materialism, that picture is a one-sided and unjust image of the youth, especially cherished by older people.
"They say young people are too busy with their iPhones and twitter, but they opt for full-time link with their loved ones, large family revisited!"
But people who have regular contact with young people know better.
And God knows better, because God sees them in their hearts.
And even though I also see their attachments and modern addictions and their shortcomings, this all I let to pass. Her and know We do the positive perspective.
And one aspect of the heart feelings I want to discuss here.
With their smartphones young people have created a new social world, with their friends: the new large family, a youth village, where one is available for each other day and night, where one communicates with each other, joining each other, having fun, celebrating life and supporting and helping each other out of problems.
A wonderful new world of group power, group dynamics, new norms and values, a social control, which consists of respect, freedom, communication, openness and permanently available friendship.
Who wouldn’t like this?
My blessings to you all
Nr. 43