Monday, 26 December 2011

On sexual addictions (Tweet from God, 5)

“Sex is beautiful, between people of the same sex as well, masturbation is beautiful, but your attachment and sometimes your addiction!”

I still find it intriguing that You are saying something about sex and masturbation. Could you elaborate a bit on this tweet from September 9?

Of course.
Sexuality, between people of the same sex as well or masturbation, are still surrounded with a bit of a taboo, even in the west. Let alone that God is talking about it. This is the time.

First of all, this is straight “out of My heart": sexuality is a beautiful and natural fact of life, which you people may enjoy. That’s the start of departure.

And with natural I am not referring to sexuality between two people of different sex, because it is natural as well if two people of the same sex have sex with each other, or if someone "is playing sexually with oneself" as you call it so nicely. Both activities are normal in nature as well . And although sexual behavior in nature is mostly aimed at procreation, it is not always the case. Variations on sexual behavior are in animal life hot as well: playing with each other, checking each other sexual organs, playing stuff, exploring things, it’s all in the game.

Among humans, is has been all further on developed, man may play, explore, check it all out, in many different manners.
Sexuality is thus a beautiful, relaxing and natural thing, even if it is of a different quality than breathing or eating. God says: it’s natural. It's good. It’s allowed. It’s all right. It's okay.

It happens regularly that some peoples develop a taboo. There are peoples, where eating with others is a taboo and one eats on oneself. As one defecates alone in the west.
Other peoples consider property to be a taboo.

So peoples can have taboos for a good deal fitting in their development.
Since the 19th century the Western world has addressed the taboo of sexuality nicely and even sex between two people of the same sex is mostly legalized. Masturbation didn’t need to be legalized because it never has been prohibited. Legally. Morally though. There are brave men and women who speak openly about masturbation, though still followed by sniggering response.

I say it openly : sexuality is natural. Sex between two people of the same sex is natural, playing with oneself sexually is natural.
For Me and for Us in the spiritual world, there is no taboo, no judgment, no prohibition, no punishment.
That is why I now repeat My tweet:

“sex is beautiful, between people of the same sex as well, masturbation is beautiful, but your attachment and sometimes your addiction!”

But you exaggerate somewhat. Call it turn from on extreme to the other, so there'll be a reaction, that’s what We know, yet I tell you crystal clear: the taboo is not to resolved yet or you people turn to the other extreme and create yourselves a new god, the god of sex.

Now it is a free-for-all. It has become a fascination, an attachment, an identification, an addiction. So my tweet isn’t about sexuality but about exaggerating, about being too attached to something, about being addicted to something.

Especially young people, sometimes even when they’re just twelve years old, think they have to have had sex, think they are behind the times, think they are "a little bit late", that they have to have sexual experience, and this because of group pressure, otherwise they’ll miss the boat, and that they have to caught op with the rest. And the media of advertising and TV and music join in with this. Your society is sexualized and now I ask you: "Where do you think the end of this development will be?".

I will tell you: in a decadent and immoral society where:
  • young people are withered prematurely
  • boys do not know the difference between respectful treatment and a rudely forcing their sexuality on others
  • people become addicted to internet pornography
  • the conscience of people is being infected through exceeding films and clips and blogs and pics about rape and violence and sex of bizarre forms
  • one has lost the thread of equilibrium, inner civilization and moral self-control
  • no one is learning anymore the value of self-control and sometimes saying no to oneself and the value of deferred satisfying of one’s needs
  • everyone has come to believe that every need must be satisfied immediately and one suffers, if one does not immediately get what one wants.
I say now: eventually everything will be all right, and sexuality is fine.
I say also:addictions are evidence of a neglected immature attitude to life and the Spirit within you is longing for simplicity and austerity. And if you live your life in indulgence, attachment, identification and addiction, this always appears to be a temporary case, by definition. And then simplicity and frugality will be regained.

But this path will be nearly always accompanied with much pain and suffering. It's like in a natural wilderness: the farther you get lost, the harder the road back.
So the message to you all is to think about your path and about the steps you’re making!

My blessings to you all

Nr. 42