Saturday, 28 April 2012

North-Korean misery, evolution and hope

Can You explain this horrible life to us ? The North Korean Shin Dong-hyuk has been damaged for life because he spent his first 23 years of life in a concentration camp, his mother was shot before his eyes, he is emotionally cut up by it. How can this happen?

There are two lines of life, Shin as earthly personality and the soul connected with his personality. But everything I tell from spiritual perspective applies to all suffering beings on earth, so this is only a generalized story, We do not interfere with the privacy of this unique life.
The personality Shin itself belongs to the category on Earth of:

  • 9 of the 11 ducklings being eaten by herons and pikes
  • a young zebra attacked and devoured by four lions
  • a tropical forest giant in the prime of his life cut down for the garden fences of the Dutch
  • a child of 6 months old, dying of leukemia
  • a boy from Calcutta probably ending his life on the garbage dumps of that city, malnourished and dying from an infection.
Dramatic, miserable, difficult but inexcusable for a higher purpose, as if God would have wanted this or chooses plants and animals and men to experiencing this.
It is a simple and necessary flipside of the evolution, of the growing pains of an imperfect world into a better one.

The North Korean Shin will be a lifetime in the know of this dramatic life. Yet he is helped up from the spirit to survive. The spirits of survival, of perseverance, of a higher ideal, communication and many others help Shin to be of significance for the ultimate revolution in North Korea. Because this country in this state has had its day. The books of Shin will contribute to this process . Because life makes lemon brush of lemons.
In addition, the plans are ready to free Shin after his death completely by an energy recovery program and to completely process his old personal life and to prepare him for a life in the spirit of freedom, love and happiness.

That is Our law.

And his life isn't over yet. The future will give him many opportunities. He really will make his own progression into a better life.

The soul connected with the personality of Shin has a special background. This soul has supported already some personalities on earth, but has consciously chosen for this challenging life. It is obvious challenging for the personality, but it is demanding for the accompanying soul as well. Shin has been chosen deliberately by this soul to
  • experience a challenging life
  • contribute to the making of a strong spiritual body that will survive after the death of the earthly personality.
So the soul is really giving something special.

These details seem very personal, but they aren’t. Thousands of stories and thousands of books have already illustrated these general principles. But in many of these stories the distinction has not made which has been made in this blog: the particular combination of miserable, accidental, evolutionary events on one side and on the other hand, the spiritual guidance of this evolution in order to make a turn for the better and to make right and heal and recover all what is wrong. That is the promise, the future perspective, the truth.

My blessing to you all

KoreaHerald, April 14, 2012 , see also www.
See also
The book: "Camp No. 14"

Nr. 70

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Love God and you are socially in big trouble

Tina van Leuven@InnerDelight  It takes courage to overcome any fears of being ridiculed,rejected, abandoned etc for honoring your Divine Self.~ Tina

My God, would you like to explain this tweet?

What do you think is of more importance?
The opinion of God or the opinion of people?
Your inner voice or the clucking around you? (Sorry people, just for the sake of argument).
The silence of God or the noise of the world?
The whispering of your soul or the ridiculous promises of the commercials?

But ...... if you choose for God, then be aware of the opinion of the world. Because nowadays you talk with God and you are ripe for a psychiatrist. You talk about angels and admission for an institution is coming. You listen to your inner voice and the diagnosis of being schizophrenic will follow.
Your Princess Irene has ventured communicating with spirits of trees and she has been ridiculed in the mass media as being a simple soul.

So do realize what you’re doing when you start to find the opinion, the voice, the power of God or more importance than the world of men.
But do know .... the world of God does fit with the world of people, only the opinion of the world seems to clash with the world of the spirit.
They suggest: opt for the world and you shall be happy.
I say: choose for God and you're in big trouble.

 So be it.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 69 

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

I want to know the thoughts of God (Albert Einstein)

"I want to know the thoughts of God, the rest are details" ~ Albert Einstein
Tina van Leuven@InnerDelight

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Why don’t you start for yourself ?

You are right. I will.
Oh, You know how much my inner self is tormented by this question, this desire, this longing. Sometimes I struggle to come closer to You, and I know I am driving away from You with my free will and in a thousand ways. Other things are then more important, more fun, more attractive than staying with You. But at times I am sincere, and there is only one wish left: to become closer to You and to experience You, and to make You number One, meanwhile all things in life just carrying out. You are probably seeing this in my heart, because actually there is always a Reward, a Response, an Answer to my question. I make contact then with the biblical "You are knowing the works of Your hands."
I love You and live for You and try to let You on the throne of my inner self, but my old little will is still there. Millimeter by millimeter I have to tear down this little will with Your help, or perhaps I should say, reorient. For haven’t I worked hard millimeter by millimeter to enhance and strengthen and cherish and adore this will and to focus it on the world and my life? I just have to focus this constructed will differently as a telescope or a microscope and I see You in all your glory. This I know and this is my experience.
Is this something?

It's an sincere answer.
And know that I am observing your striving and your desire and your efforts and your failures, but know also all is well. I have patience, I see the horizon of your road, I see where your desire will bring you.
To Me. Is not every road a way to God, even though it is a detour? I see the detours you are choosing, but your attempts as well to take a shortcut.

And sometimes the goal is to experience the way, you already are where you have to be. You already can be there. That everything is already there. That I am waiting, that I Am. That you're already in Me. Because this telescope or microscope is only needing one good gesture and Everything is there.

"I want to know the thoughts of God, the rest are details"

To you all I would like to say, fall in love with the spirit, the spiritual, with your inner self, with your "My God", and experience you will automatically fall in love with life. Automatically.
And who has fallen in love, sees nothing but the object of his love.
Then the personality has disappeared, and God has arrived.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 68 

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Teacher doesn't understand life

Modernegezegden@Modernegezegden "My teacher asked me what I wanted to be. I said happy. She said I didn’t understand the question. I said she didn’t understand life "

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This tweet is a herald of a new area, where inner spiritual values ​​will be of more importance than social and material values.

The teacher was just doing her job and wanting to speak with her students of their skills, their motivation, jobs and training and so filling a lesson with useful items.
The student responded, however, from a totally different perspective. Surprising and touching, beautiful and inspiring.
But it was for a moment too much for the teacher.
Life is for many people in these days too much. Banks are crashing, one is losing one’s job, mortgages can not be repaid. What's left?

We, in the spirit, therefore, say to you, there is much, much left, the most important, the essential, the richness of real life, the peace in your heart, the relaxation in nature.
Especially the child in you, still weighed down by the burdens and responsibilities of pressure of work and eagerness to buy, want to be liberated. And with the child your heart will blossom and with your heart, your soul will use it’s influence and with your soul your "My God" will take the throne of the inner self, in the field of vision of your consciousness.

"My teacher asked me what I wanted to be. I said happy. She said I didn’t understand the question. I said she didn’t understand life”

The power of this tweet is so great, that you can be set free like the Buddha under the tree, if you realize the truth and the impact and the power and beauty of this tweet.
This is all to be said.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 67 

Friday, 20 April 2012

Self-acceptance causes love

Mark@4positiviteitIf we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. #MWilliamson ·

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This is a great and simple truth. Spiritually, it could become one of the 10 commandments of the new era. But we want no longer any commandments. I do like to elaborate on it.

When a man has acquired so much self-respect and appreciation for own talents and consequently his own light is shining, and this man is letting it go, then a inner healing is happening . And this healing will absolutely lead to a new color in the energy of that man, the color of acceptance, of happiness, of love, of space, of pleasure.
Other people observe this all for sure, immediately or afterwards. One feels nourished, one feels better, one feels inspired or one is more optimistic about life, one has literally refreshed oneself at a source. This will have his influence on one’s own life.

We in the spiritual world are very happy with such a man, and with him encountering others on and on. We are ready then to stimulate and use in the other person the opportunities arisen  in this meeting.
Such a meeting is literally comparable to basking in the sun, bathing in clean water, enjoying a field of flowers, resting in a forest: the opening created in the other will immediately filled up with the correct energies. In the human world of joy, inspiration and hope it can spread unchecked.

“If we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same”

When a man in such a situation would do it consciously and would award this same light in the other person, the process would be highly strengthened, actually with factor two.
And if this man would ask the spiritual world for support on this, in awarding a similar light in the other, then an amplification factor of four is the case. Because of this the other person will shine a similar light, sooner or later.

This all seems theoretically but Gandhi with his desire for peace, Mandela with his tolerance and Aung San Suu Kyi with her desire for democratization for example have all worked exactly according to these laws.
But We don’t have to focus on big stuff. Each step of a man who sheds light, and is meeting another, causes this simple and modest effect, by which the other person subconsciously will think, "Gosh, is this possible in life, I am impressed. "

Please, do not underestimate the influence in a meeting you are imposing on the other, because everything is food for the mind, even an encounter, and the more you act consciously, the stronger will be the effect.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 66 

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Frenkie is lifted out of the misery

I am quite ignoring a few days long my rest and peace both on my work as privately. So busy, so much to do and I am getting more and more tired. I sleep badly, caused by the great pressure of work at the moment. And My God is my witness I’ve really tried to let go, to put everything in perspective, you name it. But I am not managing it.

I take a sit on a seat, on my way from work to home and sigh how tired I am and down. Even my contact with “My God” is subject of my doubts. I have people around me thinking I am making everything up, or thinking I am dealing with the devil. And just for this moment I consider it possible that they are right.

I remember the place in my being where I am used to go to and where it is quiet, where God is, where I get to “just Being there”. But I am hardly or in fact not managing it. I'm so stuck in those feelings of squelchyness and tiredness. I say:

“My God, I am really feeling bad, I'm tired and I am afraid I am making up everything concerning You and the blogs, that I'm throwing dust in my own eyes. I am desperate. If this continues, I'll topple over, everything is too much and too intense at this moment and I can’t relax anymore. Will You please help me? Can’t You make up a miracle? Can’t You please show some intervention in my life? I am freaking out.”

Be reassured. I have seen all your wrestling. And I have seen all your attempts to relativize it and to overcome it. I lift you up to My Existence. Be welcome in the Kingdom of God.

Of course I keep trying to relax and think, oh a promise, not coming true. Then I will be even more left holding the baby and then I'll be absolutely sure I am fantasizing everything. Sorry, I was really thinking this!

Gradually, something shifts in my consciousness. As if I am slowly leaving the rotating soggy heavy wheel and reaching the stillness of the axle. The rotating fades away, I'm getting more peaceful, more quiet, calmer, more relaxed, less tired. I feel everything slipping away from me and I am feeling absorbed in a state of delight.

Silence, total silence, peace, clarity, a Milky white being of nothingness, a bliss of surrender and trust, of being cherished and of emptiness.
Joy as well because of the hearing of my prayer.
Appreciation for what I am feeling.
Delight about the blistering, energetic radiation of power and Whiteness and about the energy and concentrated being I am experiencing now.

I think I have been seated a 20 minutes with my eyes closed, the sounds around me faded away into an outside world, a world not my cup of tea anymore. I slowly open my eyes and feel refreshed, bright and full trust in God. I cry, because God has heard my prayer, helped me in my need. Because I knocked and got the door opened. Because I asked and it was given to me. I am full of confidence and passion again about my contact with “My God”.

I thank God, thank God, thank God.

Be blessed for your words. And know this promise is waiting for you every time you diligently with all your heart are asking Me for help.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 65


Monday, 16 April 2012

Who is closer to God: a sex addict or someone condemning it?

Bible Verses@TopBibleVerses All who are sexually immoral, unclean or greedy (which is idolatory) have no inheritance in the kingdom - Ephesians 5:5 (please retweet).
Retweet by All About Jesus 16 april 12 om 5:58via web · Details
@DeborahASolomon @TopBibleVerses Scripture clearly states that fact.

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This tweet is an example of how it should be the other way around in life. But to do justice I’ll discuss first of all the innocent part of this tweet.

There is indeed something useful to say about anyone who is sexually identified, making a fetish of sex or who is addicted. For example a nice summary about how it has come so far, what's the hidden part of their addictions, how they can get rid of the addiction or how they can try to give the addiction a modest place in their life. And We could say something about the price they are paying if they continue to endulge their passions so firmly.
And to be clear: among this group I do not count a woman alone who masturbates or a homosexual couple who is loving each other and is expressing their love physically. That's all okay.

I think of traffic in women, pimps, sex addictions, and so on. As with all aspects of life in which one exaggerates extremely and loses oneself, and possibly lets down own health and that of others: life brings the account one time (before or after death).
That's the “nice” aspect of this tweet. One has a point.

But all these addicted people who couldn’t inherit the kingdom of God.
What a unloving and judgmental atmosphere is emanating from this second part of the tweet.Who are they, how dare they, what a silly people, filled with hatred and judgment, are the ones writing this tweet and retweeting it into the world. Words are failing Us. And they will certainly inherit the kingdom of God, but seen from Our perspective much later than the sex addicts. For a heart full of lust will come after a period of despair and suffering and regret often faster “to the light” than a heart full of hatred and selfishness and judgment.

“All who are sexually Immoral, unclean or greedy (which is idolatory) have no inheritance in the kingdom”

And although it is mentioned in the Bible, in an earlier blog I have said that even this revelation is not containing 100% truth and like all other revelations is especially intended as a guide, not as a code, (see:

These tweeters are showing greater idolatry than the sex addicts. The attachment to the spirits and devils of sex addiction is a less great idolatry than the attachment to the spirits and devils of selfishness and hatred.
For in the first case only one aspect of the ego is inflated and enlarged and has got a life of its own. So many times We have often found big hearts in deceased whores.
But in the case of this loveless judges the whole ego is enlarged. The implication will be a longer and more difficult way back to God.
But God is blessing them with more love than the sex addicts. I foresee already their way back to God, but it is, unless miracles will happen in their lives, a longer way back to the kingdom of God. They will certainly inherit it, but later than the sex addicts. This has to be said.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 64

Sunday, 15 April 2012

A Byzantine Easter mass and an blessing of Icons

Would You like to explain what is happening in this service?

You've been feeling for yourself it was indeed a special service. A multitude of spiritual beings were present and the whole service has functioned as a transformer kiosk for the distribution of energy. It was a spiritual blessing for all churchgoers and further on for the whole area. A grace for you all present and for many present deceased personalities who are still “searching”. Why was the grace so great?

  • The Byzantine rituals, especially at Easter. This Byzantine form has been strongly influenced by the founder: Chrysostemus, who has spent his life in exile (filled with sadness and nostalgia) and in asceticism. He has put his rigor and simplicity into the ritual, therefore radiating sobriety, strength, simplicity and love for God. Especially the Byzantine Easter puts more emphasis on the living, resurrected Christ instead of the Christian Easter with its died Christ. Therefore the mass energy is in a lighter state. The devotional influence is thus great. One feels quite inspired and touched. The many additional ritual actions contribute to the building of a strong spiritual chapel. Thus the transformation kiosk is quite big and strong.
  • The Byzantine choir. This choir has an energetic effect on all church members. Is is a real cleaning, much more primitive and lower in the body than at the concert of the Wishful Singing a capella ladies commented on in a previous blog ( see The energy generated by the Ukrainian choir is a bit gloomy, caused by their history. Ukraine has suffered in her past. The national character expressed in the Church Slavonic, does play along. So in short the cleaning was strong, but it's like you have been helped by a somewhat somber doctor, but still!
  • The consecration of icons. In this Mass dozens of icons were displayed painted by laymen. After the Mass these icons were in a special ceremony by the priest of this church blessed and consecrated. The energy of these icons, including the ones from beginning students is the energy of patience, devotion and love for the handwork. These icons have contributed to the beautiful, peaceful and warm atmosphere in the packed church. People felt this energy and enclosed it in their hearts.
  • The radiation of this (full) church. For 800 years there was worship of God on the site of this church. It is a powerful energetic connection between the spiritual and the physical world. This church is dedicated to Anthony the Abbot, saint and symbol of poverty and the willingness to forsake for God earthly wealth . This also affects the atmosphere. It is one of the few churches in the world where the hand of God, not the eye of God has been painted. Like in the Sistine Chapel painted by Michelangelo the hand symbolizes devotion, respect and love for the works of God.
In short, this service on the Eastern-Orthodox Easter, was a blessing for all of you on earth and in the spirit, and the energetic effect of it all is great. More of these services would make a better world.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 63

Friday, 13 April 2012

What we like to avoid brings us the most (Jean de la Fontaine, Lao Tze)

Baca Notes@TheBacaJourney “Often a person meets his destiny on the road he tried to avoid”.~ Jean de la Fontaine

My God, would You like to comment on this tweet?

Because of your situation you people don’t have the outline, the insight and understanding We are having. And this is part of the plan, because therefore your life experience is intense and profound, and is requiring much improvisation. It is a creative and exciting process your are all following, even if you grumble here and then. It is demanding a lot and is giving a lot.

On this tweet My comment can be brief. It illustrates in fact you indeed should have confidence in life, in your destination and in the laws of life.

In a special way it is always all right.

If you really could absorb the essence of this tweet, you would realize as I indicated in earlier blogs, the difficulties, the confrontations and crises of your life are the biggest moments of (un)learning. It’s there where you are going bare, are going flat, are undergoing rigorous change, are developing new values​​, are getting new insights, are making really spiritual steps.

And of course you do want to avoid these situations at all costs, because the ego prefers pleasure and convenience. But life forces you to do so.

“Often a person meets his destiny on the road he tried to avoid”
So the moral of this tweet is: live, let go, take it here and now as a guide, and live without fear and worry and despair. For what you anxious love to have is not always the best and what you love to avoid is a real shaking experience, necessarily and functional.
And your “My God” is helping with everything.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 62

Monday, 9 April 2012

Stop worrying

MooieZinnetjes™@MooieZinnetjes "Worrying is stupid. It's like walking around with an umbrella,waiting for it to rain".

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You people actually live on the edge of the abyss, not practically, but in your head between your ears, in your heart and belly, where fear is as well. Why don’t you stop with having fear by saying yes to life, or to God. Why don’t you accept that your possibilities are numerous and your risks little? And in the here and now are the risks zero.

If you would live in the here and now, fear will disappear, because in the here and now everything is as it is. Fear is focused on the future. Then you will spend the releasing energy to your happiness, to enjoy the environment, to being, to all the graces, to all the blessings, to all the fun available out there.
Openness and freedom and relaxation will take the place of fear and worries and bothering.

Especially the Dutch are the best in worrying, but know your dikes are strong enough, and war is far away and you are the richest people on earth with the best health, education and social services.

Oh this Dutch conditioning, look at the exhausted, melancholy, sad faces of passers by.

“Worrying is stupid. It's like walking around with an umbrella, waiting for it to rain”

Get rid of this fear, stop worrying. Life is waiting for you, with or without God, the full rich wealthy beautiful free life full of chances and opportunities.
Stop having fear. Stop it.

The writer of this tweet be blessed

My blessings to you all

For fun joke check : clip of Bob Newhart "Stop it".

Nr. 61

Sunday, 8 April 2012

A “a capella” concert is pure healing

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In a nutshell: this concert was from spiritual perspective a valuable healing of many people and cause of a renewed contact with their soul.

And this healing is not about the disappearance of a disease, but more an overall spiritual and physical healing as a good holiday can work out. One feels better, one can stand it all again, one is fitter and has a more positive attitude.
Wishful Singing seems to be a simple chorus of five singers, doing a capella their number of songs. What actually during the singing in the ward is happening: 
  • They are accompanied by a number of spiritual forces, beings, angels to support the spiritual side of their action.
  • The people who are listening are for the greater part of their being energetically cleansed. This is similar to the influence of an effective healer or a (religious) prayer meeting. As a result, all attendees, some more than others, make better contact with their soul and they will have benefit of it for weeks.
These five female singers are actually unintentionally a little bit of priests-healers. And so the visitors have paid a modest amount for a physical and mental makeover. The insurer should really appreciate this.
Moreover, any concert or sporting event can have this effect, with more or less energy and power, but We restrict Ourselves to the energetic effect of this concert of Wishful Singing.

The effect is quite large, because the female singers must "operate" with their a cappella singing profoundly and more intensively. In addition the influence of music, especially of singing, especially of high tones is more profound than anything else.

This is the explanation:
  • The number of spiritual beings in the ward was larger than the number of visitors. I'm referring to other spiritual beings than the guardian angels and souls. From musical perspective were present, and I mention only a selection: the spirits of purity, of harmony, of concentration, of unity, of unanimity, enthusiasm and of professionalism. From religious perspective were present, and I mention only a selection: the spirits of inspiration, of surrender, of soul contact, of stillness, of openness and of trust. From medical perspective were present, and I mention only a selection: the spirits of relaxation, energy, health, healing, strength, recovery and perfection.
  • In the first phase of recovery attendees got relaxed, open and peaceful. In the second phase all blocks, tensions and frustrations, worries and mental blockages flowed down into the earth. In the third phase spiritual energies like strength, confidence, peace of mind, perspective and joy poor in from above and filled the energetically cleansed empty spaces. Finally in the fourth phase the attendees got internalized and was the inner spiritual body / soul / the indwelling Divine Spark renewing her contact with the earthly personality. This personality in general has a physical, emotional and mental part.
One is totally on the mend.

In the future, for example, cancer patients will recover within a number of weeks 'exposed' to this kind of song, three times a day, relaxing in a lilies scented room. The same result as three chemotherapies or radiation treatments have. But that is “future music”.

In the here and now and for the foreseeable future you’ll have these possibilities of concerts, choirs, sports meetings. In another blog will be commented on the special result of a sporting event.

Especially this concert had remarkable results because of the high quality, because of the pure intention of the group and because of the warm and motivated teamwork.
The ladies are blessed in their work.

My blessings to you all


Nr. 60

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Even God doesn't judge

MooieZinnetjes™@MooieZinnetjes "Only God can judge me"

My God, would you like to comment on this tweet ?

I have made you retweet it, because this can be an Easter Message, but wíth My necessary explanation.
It seems to be a wonderful message.

But it is a typical human sentence, partly true and partly false. And the mixture of truth and untruth always lead to indescribable confusion.

The part that is oh so true is no one should judge someone else, nobody, never. You people have no right to do so. It is unloving, easy, and you have absolutely no time for it, if you go to work at yourself. You will be short of hands and feet considering your mistakes and shortcomings, analyzing them and especially unlearn them.

The part that is oh so false, is this: even God does not judge.
God is love. Is a mother judging her child, is a father judging his son? No.
God treats all people with love, wisdom, understanding, compassion, patience, compassion, with gentle hints, sometimes with hard but always oh so necessary corrections, but there is never to be judged.

Let this be My Easter message:

Christ did not die for your sins, but has lived for your chances

He showed you the unlimited possibilities of what a spiritualized man may achieve on earth. Christ did not judge, but showed potentials.

And if the grief of Christ has been sung and explained from out the spiritual world One knows the grief of Christ wasn’t because of your sins and your mistakes, but because of your surly will and your judgments. And so the offered possibilities weren’t exploited.

"Only God can judge me"

What a beauty nonetheless radiates from this simple tweet. It says: why don’t we people stop our opinions and judgments and comments on everything and everyone throughout the day. Let's leave that to a higher power. Let us realize that we do not know anything. Let us cherish and love each other and create together on earth a peace without hatred, judgment, without noise of opinions, without unkindness, let us realize that God knows better than us.

May the writer be blessed with her tweet.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 59

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Swap your step for a Bike

Would You at Easter like to say something?

In the Christian world is at Easter commemorated the dead of Christ and subsequently his reappearance in another form.
I would like to spread out for your heart, not for your mind one aspect of this whole event.
Christ has chosen his path of surrender especially out of humility, no matter the consequences.
And the human personality can choose this path of surrender out of humility as well, no matter the consequences.

This is My message at Easter to you all .

Man, miraculous being, freedom-loving, inquisitive, enjoying, creative and playing. Know this all is well, and appreciated by the Spirit. And there is no but, this is good, this is sought after, this is the intention.

Besides this: more is possible, much more, you are capable of greater things. You are suitable for greater opportunities, by realizing only one thing: it indeed is a fact, it is the truth, it can be your truth. With all your talents and hard working you are still tied to oneselves apron strings of restriction and smallness and fear.
In short, with the ego on your inner throne there will be always a "but" after your personal happiness. There will be always a reaction on your freedom, always a frustration after your success. There will be always the restriction after your freedom, the restlessness after your relaxation. There will be always an unhappiness after your happiness.
And it is not necessary.

You are capable of more if you are willing to let your "My God" on your inner throne and if you are willing to cooperate with the flow of opportunities and graces and talents.
Forces that can and will be given to you, provided you do this one thing what Christ has done: humility and surrender. And humility to something in your inner self, which must be recognized as the “My God”, God, the ONE.

And this doesn’t need to lead to death of you all and to destruction, suffering and blood. You do not have to go the way of Christ. It would be too much for many of you.
We are only asking you just readiness to renounce your own little will and to exchange it for something bigger, something more powerful, something more valuable, something of more durability than your little will, namely, the Will of God.

Christ knew this from his early years, and has accepted his suffering into the bargain, because the promise afterwards was to be infinitely greater. Incomparably more valuable.

Doesn’t a boy leave easily behind his step when it's time for a bike? Even though he does not know yet how to cycle, and even though he will take a road of hazards and risks and ignorance, but still it will not stop him going his own way.
Take My cheap, but oh so pure comparison to heart, My children. You only need to see that you get a bike if you leave behind the step. Who wouldn’t want this exchange? “My God, the "I Am" is that bike.
You only have to see it, and it is already done.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 58

Sunday, 1 April 2012

The Buddha says: be conscious and look at the kindness, not at the faults of others

My Boeddha@MyBoeddhaAlways be mindful of the kindness and not the faults of others” #boeddha

My God, would you like to comment on this tweet?

The ego is a wonderful phenomenon. It is a necessary tool for evolution and a autonomous
“energetic” field of experience and memory and intention and will. But as previously stated, it has rapidly started a life of his own with conceit, pretensions and especially a lot of delusions and illusions.
An important aspect of this whole is touched on in this tweet.
An omnipresent tendency of the ego is to compare the errors of others with the nice qualities of oneself, next to each other. So much self-conceit and much prejudice.

It would be a nice task for some of you to do it the other way around: comparing the nice qualities of others with the mistakes of oneself. You would unlearn much judgment, prejudice, egotism, selfishness and egocentrism. It would be a renunciation of the ego. And where the ego is forsaken “My God” and the soul get space. A tour of limitation and complacency towards listening and loving experience. A liberation from old patterns and much insight into something elementary, something all people should realize: that you are all the same, that you all have more in common that unites us in stead of dividing you, that you experience a loving treatment of others automatically to be transformed into better relationships, better contact, more space and more humor. Those who really look at themselves will after all laugh a lot.

"Always be mindful of the kindness and not the faults of others"

You will see how many fellowmen are actually nice and walking around with sincere intentions. And they are dependent and vulnerable. And deeply hidden they are like many others longing for happiness, and they don’t find this happiness often.
Gentleness and a smile will be common in stead of formerly grim judgment and rejection.
Thus, you will become truly children of ONE God, or in the eyes of atheists: children of ONE earth.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 57


The rotating wheel or the silence of the axle?

“You are all children of the light and the day” Jozefkerk Assen (The Netherlands)

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How true are the words, and how often are they misunderstood, not heard, not understood in your heart and mind.

These words speak of the Kingdom of God on earth, directly and immediately available and accessible and realizable when you could be aware of only this: you are with your consciousness focused on the rotating wheel of life, an completely identifying with it and thinking "this is it".
And all you have to do is focusing on the axle, where your “My God” is, where God is, where silence is, where your spiritual essence is waiting.

Just ONE step, just ONE insight, just ONE realization.

And related to your nature you become silent, or smile like the Buddha, when he got realization, or burst into laughter out of joy on the simplicity of this insight and the easiness of the step.
And you’ll taste The Milky White Stillness of your deepest being, where the All is, where your true life is, where your birthright is.
You don’t need a church, a book, yoga, struggling with the devil, philosophy, longevity, training, or an illness and misery to realize this.
Will you please consider this?

When Frenkie, the instrument of “His God”, of Me, was lifted up by Me out of his old life through a touch of Christ on Easter 7 years ago, the following happened: Frenkie was touched into the depth of his being by surprise, gratitude and happiness.
But it was not by a Christ who mourned about the mistakes or sins of mankind, not a punitive and normative Christ.

It was a sad Christ who regretted the opportunities men are denying. And regretted the wonderful promise within their reach, and their inability to see this, and their suffering as result of this.
It is about the sunny garden of their "My God" waiting for them, while they linger in the dark and damp basement of their ego. Their focusing on the rotating wheel, while the Axle is just one step away.

"You are all children of the Light and Day"

What a true words, and what a simplicity. It could be your mantra, your tool in life, your key to your “My God”, your step into your own Kingdom of God on earth. Your liberation, your enlightenment. Your right.
Please consider this and please do not respond with "yes, but" because that’s meaning “no”.
React with "okay, Frenkies “My God”, I’ll consider it as a hypothesis, I'll think about it, I'll “feel about it”, I'll give it a try, I'm doing it perhaps.

Your “My God” is waiting with joy for this step . Because it is your destiny, sooner or later. And all religions and all philosophies, all ideals must act only on this one thing, namely whether it can happen earlier, because it will certainly happen later. But realizing it earlier, will spare you much trouble and suffering. And that was and is the grief of Christ, the promise of Muhammad, the realization of Buddha, the message of Yahweh, the essence of Zen, the ideal of Krishna.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 56