My God, would you like to comment on this tweet ?
I have made you retweet it, because this can be an Easter Message, but wíth My necessary explanation.
It seems to be a wonderful message.
But it is a typical human sentence, partly true and partly false. And the mixture of truth and untruth always lead to indescribable confusion.
The part that is oh so true is no one should judge someone else, nobody, never. You people have no right to do so. It is unloving, easy, and you have absolutely no time for it, if you go to work at yourself. You will be short of hands and feet considering your mistakes and shortcomings, analyzing them and especially unlearn them.
The part that is oh so false, is this: even God does not judge.
God is love. Is a mother judging her child, is a father judging his son? No.
God treats all people with love, wisdom, understanding, compassion, patience, compassion, with gentle hints, sometimes with hard but always oh so necessary corrections, but there is never to be judged.
Let this be My Easter message:
Christ did not die for your sins, but has lived for your chances
He showed you the unlimited possibilities of what a spiritualized man may achieve on earth. Christ did not judge, but showed potentials.
And if the grief of Christ has been sung and explained from out the spiritual world One knows the grief of Christ wasn’t because of your sins and your mistakes, but because of your surly will and your judgments. And so the offered possibilities weren’t exploited.
"Only God can judge me"
What a beauty nonetheless radiates from this simple tweet. It says: why don’t we people stop our opinions and judgments and comments on everything and everyone throughout the day. Let's leave that to a higher power. Let us realize that we do not know anything. Let us cherish and love each other and create together on earth a peace without hatred, judgment, without noise of opinions, without unkindness, let us realize that God knows better than us.
May the writer be blessed with her tweet.
My blessings to you all
Nr. 59