Monday, 28 May 2012

God's timing is perfect


MooieZinnetjes™@MooieZinnetjes (Beautiful Phrases)
"God's timing is perfect, just wait and When The time is right your prayer will be answered, he knows the plans he has for us!"
#MZ Retweet by F.Andries Oosterveen

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True words.
God knows the world, the complications, what’s going wrong, the consequences, the intrinsical adjustments in order to rectify as much as possible, and the eternal promise to everybody, to experience unprecedented possibilities
after death .

I have said before, this world of evolution, once empty and one day a spiritual planet of light, is not perfect. It is in development, with all its shortcomings.
The spiritual world gives you some basic principles you can blindly trust.
  • You are evolutionary creatures, rudely said still upgrading apes
  • You are evolving on earth to spiritual human beings, but you aren’t yet, with rare exceptions
  • All things “going wrong” are received, corrected, assisted, adjusted, sootheds and guided by the spiritual world
  • But there are horrific events, disastrous adventures, miserable lives. We from the spiritual world can not make everything perfect yet. We do have an evolving world, where once was void
  • These lives and adventures are monitored and supervised and supported in love  (See ) 
  • With the guidance of the soul, who helped you to grow a spiritual body from birth on, you will survive after physical death. This is the grace of God bestowed on you.
  • After the physical death is awaiting a perfect world of opportunities and chances for you all
  • When someone is seriously derailed on earth, absolute justice is awaiting him after death, a temporary agony, merely to rectify his life. It is no penalty and punishment, but a correction and causal consequence of action. The person is entitled to the consequences. Eventually he will be happy, after a tough lesson for many years. The eternal hell does not exist
  • To all your prayers is listened, not all your prayers are heard
  • All your prayers will be answered but not always in your way
  • All your prayers are carefully reviewed and distributed in to be heard en to be parked. Because you are not always questioning the right things, because you often do not see what the possibilities are. Perhaps you could compare it to a mother and her child. The child wants something, the mother knows it is not the right thing to give, the child cries, and is lulled and gets something else. This is literally your situation. Therefore We from the spiritual world call you most of the time "children of God." (See )
"God's timing is perfect, just wait and When The time is right your prayer will be answered, he knows the plans he has for us!"

We from the spiritual world have the overview. Trust Us, ask Us.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 78

Saturday, 26 May 2012

God does not ignore the calls of the weak

Bible: Psalms@BIBLE_Psalms "[God] does not ignore the calls of the weak" - Psalm 9:12 (please retweet) Retweet by F.Andries Oosterveen

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It is not in the destiny of you all to already get all the evidence We are really doing this. Once the time will come every man and woman on earth will know this is so. Meanwhile this is demonstrated again and again by thousands of books, spiritual experiences, “psychic” observations, special dreams and stories of saints and mystics. We do not ignore the calls of the weak. We hear the weak and always get going with their desperate pleas for help. Do you have eyes to see and ears to hear? See and hear then.

The spiritual world gives this example, but it is illustrative for all suffering and weak people.

Consider a woman born in the patriarchal Somalia. As a young woman she is married off to an older, ugly and unjust man just because he has more cows than the other men. In her wedding night, ignorant as she is, she is raped, gets pregnant, gets child after child. She cares for her family (five children, two of which died too early) with too little support and freedom. She dies illiterate and beaten by her husband, too early, exhausted as mother and exploited as woman. Earthy and evolutionary seen "she did it well", she was successful with her three children, two boys and a girl. She has proved to be of great value to her husband, provided him two male children, and a healthy daughter.

"God does not ignore the calls of the weak"

Her whole life long she is helped by Us, in thousands of ways. Speaking humanly it was an unjust and unhappy life, as a woman and as wife. But the spiritual world has ensured that she first of all got the strength to accomplish her life and secondly would and could survive spiritually after her physical death.

Two examples of the endless ways of assistance from the spiritual world are presented here. One example is concerning the most difficult moment in her life, the other one shows what happened soon after her physical death.
  • In the evening she is sitting at the bedside of her dead daughter. A mother does not distinguish between her children, but this seven-year-old girl was the apple of her eye and showed many traits of her deceased grandmother (the mother of the woman). This little girl had already shown a worldly wisdom and understanding which touched and supported her mother. The girl died of meningitis, and has in two weeks changed from a healthy and happy girl in a corpse. The mother is deadly tired and beaten by her grief for her eldest daughter. Her deceased mother “is standing behind her”, who has remained with her throughout this period and prays for strength and support. Her guardian angel is bent over her and both hands of the angel are resting on the head of the woman. Through this hands flows into the woman the energy of courage, perseverance and hope. Her soul and her "My God" are deliberating in the background what steps will be taken to carry her through the coming days. This is always “personalized service”. The spirit of the night is summoned to give her a deep sleep, then she will have a conversation with her deceased mother and her guardian angel. They will show her a picture of the spiritual atmosphere in which her deceased daughter “landed”. In this atmosphere, the purest personalities, with a big heart and with much love, will guide her daughter in the years to come on behalf of her further spiritual development. She will grow up there. The mother will be told her daughter will get permission to visit and assist her on for the mother important and difficult moments. The woman will wake up and remember nothing (that is on earth not yet meant to be), but in her heart she will feel the impact of this nocturnal visit. She will be amazed how quiet and resigned her emotional life appears to be, given the desperation she felt the night before.
  • The woman died early, but was able to accompany her children to adulthood. She was 45 years old. She died alone in the night, while her husband was lying with one of his other women, even though he was already 77 years. (In another blog, we will further describe the spiritual life of her husband after his death). The woman is worn out, exhausted and has led a life of dependency, lack of freedom and lack of opportunities, at the same time being much smarter than her husband. Just before she dies she is seeing in the corner of the hut her deceased mother and an unknown creature (her guardian angel). She rises from her dead body. Because she lived purely and had no addictions to possessions, drugs, or cares for too young children she finds herself in a soft, radiant and healing white light. She bursts into tears when her mother embraces her. Her mother has developed spiritually and has the appearance of a mature woman with a touch of an angel. The woman has always believed in Allah and the spiritual world and is amazed how natural everything appears to be. She is touched and comforted, and is feeling unreal free. Her energy is rapidly growing and her mother and her guardian angel have brought her to her own private residence (important for her.) It's looking like the nicest hut of her village, with windows overlooking nature familiar to her, she is seeing flowers, is smelling soft fragrances and is hearing birds singing. This setting has been chosen deliberately because the woman never came somewhere else. She only knew her hut and her village. Actually she lived like a slave. The coming period both spiritual beings will cherish her until she will be completely "recovered" and will have put aside all her old physical experiences, and will have processed them and released. By certain energetic forces she will be totally cleansed, treated and cured of all her painful earthly experiences. Pretty soon she got a brief visit from her two deceased children, now grown up in the spirit to young adults. Especially the visit of her deceased daughter, now a mature strong spiritual personality has deeply touched her and helped her in her recovery. She is perfectly happy. She gets support to start thinking freely about her future and expresses her wish to learn. She never received any education, has never learned to read and write and she has died with this intense wish. And this is what she is going to do, the coming period, with like-minded people, with respect for her femininity. And with her intelligence she will in spiritual schools of education pursue a long course of education and after all she will be a teacher herself. What is quite regular in the Western world, is for this Somali woman heaven. Eventually everything has really worked out.
This is a true story and all weak will be supported in this way.

"God does not ignore the calls of the weak"

My blessings to you all

Nr. 77

Thursday, 24 May 2012

I like to listen (Ernest Hemingway)

Ayurveda Schools@Ayurvedic_Acad_ “I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen”. Ernest Hemingway Retweet by F.Andries Oosterveen

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Maybe you would like to make a start, after all you have learned to listen, otherwise you wouldn’t hear My voice.

Yes, indeed. It’s funny because I am still afraid I don’t listen to You enough and not good enough.
You probably will comment on this as well later on.

In my personal life I am quite astonished at the moderate way people are listening. They are so impatient at people telling a story. And even listening they are waiting to continue their monologue, their opinions, associations, experiences. As if their story must be the most interesting thing in the world.
I still like to listen to others. I love their stories, I really feel something then. Beside this I find listening a beautiful way of experiencing life through the stories of others.
And hear me, I am listening to Your voice. How can it be?

I have searched for You whole my life. I have felt You regularly while hearing beautiful music, just in a still moment or being in a beautiful natural scene. But these experiences made me ask : “My God, where have I lost You, where are You, how can I come nearby You?”

So, what else is there to say many people are listening moderately, I am trying for myself to listen. And at last You are probably listening much better to us then we are listening to You. Anything like?

That’s all right.
People like listening after they have dethroned their ego or after they have by difficulties connected their inner self. Merely because of this they find the ego of oneself not that interesting anymore.

This is My proposition: good listeners have out of nature, character or experiences blown up their identification with their ego. They have observed their ego to be uninteresting and therefore made a connection with heart and soul. And now they are listening in a different way. They do not hear egostories but a fellow man, and in a loving and attentive way. They are anxious hearing more than egostories: a dream, a strong emotion, a beautiful association, an inner experience. In a way searching for fine shells and stones on a beach.

“I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen

Hemingway says: carefully. This is real listening. Then you’ll read between the lines, then you’ll hear the story behind the story, then you’ll hear the hidden woes and desires, it is then you’re connecting with the heart of your fellow man, you’re in his shoes, it is then you’ll understand.
And the spirit of love has arrived then.

The spiritual World is always listening in this way. Your guardian angel is listening in this way, your soul is listening in this way, your “My God” is listening in this way and you all should and could listen in this way.
And do know We hear everything from you, but you are still hearing little from Us.
And you’ll be capable of listening if your inner self has become silent.

And you, My son, you don’t hear much from what your “My God” is saying but know it’s much more then others do. So be reassured. And be blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 76

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Only you can change your thoughts (Paramahansa Yogananda)

Tiny Buddha@tinybuddha "Since you alone are responsible for your thoughts, only you can change them." ~Paramahansa Yogananda Retweet by F.Andries Oosterveen

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In honour of Ascension Day (symbol of the victory of the spiritual over the material, of God over the devil, of the eternal over the earthly evolution) I will comment on this.
Paramahanse Yogananda is a loving and great saint of the East.
His saying is a key to change.

The Catholics have an old saying: your first thought is from the devil, your second is yours.

So to say everything can come into your mind, and everything can give rise to it, a beautiful woman, a bad experience, a remark of a colleague, you name it, really everything. In fact your mind is just an antenna and you do not realize enough everything can come in. You are in touch with the whole world, an earthquake so the speak can lead to cold sweat on a sensitive person in Basingstoke-West.

But the point of this saying is. Are you going into this thought yes or no, are you grasping this thought, yes or no, are you getting attached to this thought, yes or no. And then the real issue will occur : then it is your thinking, then it will be part of your ego, then your will shall strengthen the process. And then the saying is in force. Your first thought is from the devil, your second is yours.
So the second and next thought is yours. That’s your responsibility, and there the whole process of own choices, willpower, self-will, free will, self-conceit and attachment gets its value. And in the spiritual world the free will of mankind is utterly cherished so this brings Us to:

"Since you alone are responsible for your thoughts, only you can change them"

So you for yourselves have to change your world of thoughts. No one else has the power to do it. One can try to influence you, manipulate you, inform you improperly, this all will be food for your thought, but at the end no one can call the shots of your thinking, and no one can really change your thinking, that’s up to you.

 Your choice for purity, for God, for your inner self, for your spiritual freedom, for your spiritual liberation, for your surrender to the eternal life, for your essential loving future in the spirit is all up to you.

And when I as “My God” of Frenkie are doing one thing to Frenkie it is this.
Showing him how he out of free will can choose for the Kingdom of God on earth. Showing him, that he for himself is asking for all the confrontations, corrections, suggestions, painful messages on his thinking, so that’s what I am giving him.

So now you all know for yourself you can choose for the Kingdom of God. Wonder then if this is what you want, really want, and then wonder what you are going to do about it? No one else can do it for you.
My blogs indeed have only one message. And here it is. To impress you on the promise of limitless happiness, endless possibilities and a pure and powerful inner life, but that’s only the case if you are wanting this. Otherwise We will wait a little bit more.

My blessing to you all

Nr. 75

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Look for loneliness to meet God

House of Vocation@houseofvocation "But for this to happen, the soul must be pure and totally ready to accept loneliness."05 - C.Doherty - Retweet by F.Andries Oosterveen

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How do you get a conversation with your "My God" , when you are watching TV, when you are eating, when you are worrying about your problems, when you are longing for something to have."My God" withdraws Oneself and waits. We are patient. "My God" knows that you can only perform one thing at the time. Your consciousness is filled with a thousand things, just look at your train of thought.

But do know God is there, God is patient, you have to go to your inner world, you have to look after the silence, you have to stay quietly and without impressions of the outer world, then"My God" will come naturally, at least if you are asking for it.

Because “My God” is unobtrusive. 

"But for this to happen, the soul must be totally pure and ready to accept loneliness"

Loneliness is relative, don’t you all know then "My God" is always with you? Always, as if you are living on a stage and the stage manager is sitting on a chair watching you, and know that the stage manager has the script.
And the pure soul, I would like to comment on this in another blog.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 74

Friday, 11 May 2012

The Mormons are crooked with their posthumous baptism

Would You like to comment on the Mormons, who posthumously baptize deceased personalities? In the Netherlands has recently got around our former queen was baptized by them.

The Mormons are doing something what is not done in the spiritual world, namely violating the free will.
The Mormons believe that deceased personalities can be baptized out of love, on the basis of data from the registrar. They do say a deceased person in the spiritual can reject the baptism.
It still remains a violation of free will, it is haughty, arrogant, smug. One is quite convinced one has the righteous belief, otherwise one wouldn’t do this at all. It is spiritually inappropriate.

Beforehand I want to state every action on Earth, each flower before a picture, every prayer, every thought of someone in one way or another is ending up with the personality that is concerned. One hears it, one feels it, one is informed of it. So all of these deceased personalities are immediately informed of this Mormon baptism.
But how does one experience it?

The situation early 2012 is thus, and this only concerning the baptised personalities:

  • 90% of the deceased personalities is spiritually already more developed than the Mormons can imagine. These personalities learn from this baptism and are watching it as if they are observing on street a sparrow in the bushes, with some interest. But the consciousness, the religious consciousness of these personalities has been evolved so to speak as if a cubic decimeter faith can not concentrate on the cubic centimeter faith of the Mormon religion. It's basically a useless ripple in the ocean. Another time I would like to give a blog on the Mormon faith, but this blog is only on their baptism behavior.
  • 8% of the deceased personalities is spiritually not this far in development one could handle this. They experience this baptism as an attack, one is offended or angry, and it literally feels like a rape. Here in this group this unsolicited baptism is experienced negatively and it isn’t helping the people at all.
  • 2% of these deceased personalities is still so stuck in the spiritual world, partly because they seriously derailed as human on earth and because no one on Earth was praying for them after their death. They experience this baptism as a real blessing, have benefit of it and are somewhat and somehow spiritually stimulated to open up a little bit and feel some development. Someone else is thinking of them en is helping energetically to liberate them! That is positive.

Conclusion over all the balance of this posthumously Mormon baptism is negative. And undesirable.

This unsolicited Baptism is something quite different from an unsolicited praying for someone, for someone on earth or for someone in the spiritual world, for example, a deceased family member or a victim of a natural disaster. In this process there is no violation, but a strengthening of the positive forces available for the own soul and its own guardian spirit / angel and devoted to their personality. Because of the earthly prayers one can help better, and do exactly what is the best for the development of that personality.
Where ever for on is praying on earth, it will be used in the best positive way.

The Mormon baptism however is fanatic.

In all cases  the Mormons are blessed naturally.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 73

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Allow God to catch your hand (Susan Shumsky)

Susan Shumsky@AwakenToGod Stretch out your hand to God and allow God to catch it.

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What can I add to this ? This is what We from the spiritual world say to mankind for thousands of years.
This tweet mentions two of the three steps, I recall the third as well.

  • Reach your hand, openly, take a vulnerable line, consider it to be possible God is waiting for this, and wanting this and reaching out.
  • Allow God to catch your hand. Many people are stabbing their hand but let it go at that. Actually open up and imagining God is really catching your hand is step two. This is a necessary part of spiritual help. Many believers actually don’t believe deep down God is catching their hand. They have God kicked upstairs to the furthest cosmos. The purpose of these blogs is to show you people God is closer by than your beloved, than your heart, than your body.
  • God always holds you solidly, is always doing this, is holding you, cherishing you, loving you, and God is lifting you up in your sorrow and is carrying you. Oh could it be possible to show you how We keep you in Our hands, how We are guarding you day and night, loving you, providing you everything what is needed. But this isn’t the time yet. Not yet. But you people of good will, We are modest and patient and will wait quietly when you are dealing with your little will and grabbing other things, wanting other things, longing for other things. Things not all to good for you. We cherish the free will. But we foresee already whole the path, the effects, the corrections, your return and your surrender finally to Our will.
And with Our I mean every your "My God" and God Itself. This is really the purpose of these blogs: to have you especially Western men experience what the Hindu faith for centuries proclaims: your "My God", your Atman, your God Spark is so so so close.
And WE the God Sparks and God are ONE.

“Stretch out your hand to God and allow God to catch it”

    You would be touched if you could see and feel this . And when the time comes, you will be capable of great deeds, the world will flourish then in freedom, democracy, peace and prosperity for all men and all peoples. Today is Liberation Day in Holland. The world will then have her Liberation Day. A Spiritual Liberation Day.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 72

Friday, 4 May 2012

Memorial Day for victims AND perpetrators

Would you like to comment on the debate in Holland related to the Commemoration in the Netherlands ?  A boy was not allowed to recite his poem in which he commemorates his great-uncle, who was “wrong” in World War II, and the mayor of Voorden town was not allowed to pass the graves of German soldiers killed in the same war.

The relatives of victims killed in wars arehurt when perpetrators are commemorated as well. This feelings are understandable.But feelings do not always have to be a guidefor action.
The moral of the story is perpetratorsare victims as well. Victim of their own ignorance and prejudice and weakness by which they have committed their crimes. They should be commemorated even more than the victims and treated with compassion and regret. Because a long period of sufferingis waiting for them to come after they have committed their crimes. For theprice is to be paid, always, before and especially after their death.I'm not talking about a real hell, but a long path of blockades,being stuck, fears, misery, guilt, remorse, regret, thus so to speak a lot of sufferingbefore they can start a better life.

So it is petty and shortsighted that the Memorial Day in the Netherlands can’t be more loving. Especially when you consider thatthe alleged perpetrators were mostly young boys, misled by fascist youth groups, in a straitjacket of brutal generals and an insane dictator. And for that reason these poor boys should be commemorated.

And even when it concerns real vicious criminals who murdered ruthlessly. I'll outline in another blog how long and harassing the agony is these criminals are undergoing before they move up to a better life. And shouldn't these completely deranged personalities indeed be treated with deep, deep pity?

A society has progressed spiritually when she prays for her criminals.

Will you commemorate them now?
Be blessed for it

My blessings to you all

Nr. 71